
Sensing Miss Tohsaka Rin's sudden strange look, she knew that the other party was complaining about her again. She thought she had discovered her little trick, so she coughed awkwardly and changed the subject:

"Master, I plan to provide long-distance support here."

After saying that, he put down Tosaka Rin and jumped to the rooftop of the Gundam Building next to him, preparing to show off his professionalism as an archer to Miss Tosaka Rin quietly, so as not to let the other party think that he was really someone who could only interact with Wang. The sauce is 50% dregs!

Today, I, Red A, am going to rectify the name of the Nuclear Bomb Sword Fairy——

The nuclear bomb swordsman is so terrifying!

Chapter 322: Tauren, never be a slave!

"Sir Lancelot——"

She thought she had realized something during the Holy Grail War ten years ago, but she didn't expect that when she faced Lancelot again ten years ago, Artoria still couldn't suppress the annoyance and cowardice in her heart.

The disadvantage of knowing the other person's wishes but being unable to achieve them!

Of course, except for the fact that King Daimao couldn't pass the test in his inner state, and faced with his subordinates who shared life and death, he just couldn't be cruel at the critical moment——

Lancelot can't fight well. To be honest, King Da Mao is really not as strong as the Yangtze River Knight.

Especially the opponent's move 'Knights will not die with bare hands', it is like IMBA. You can turn a stone into an archer and throw it as a cannonball.

In just over ten minutes of fighting, Artoria had already dealt with more than ten weapons attacks of different styles. Fortunately, there was no folding stool, one of the legendary seven weapons, in the street, otherwise she would have been attacked by Lance. Lott had obtained such a powerful weapon, and it was terrifying that she had already been slapped in the face by the opponent.


In Lancelot's eyes, the stupid hair on the top of the stupid hair king's head was constantly blowing in the wind, and an obsession in his heart kept telling him——

He wanted to unplug her and take away the other person's most precious thing, so that the other person would really notice him.

That's right, my king, your stupid hair will be mine soon!

Of course, this was a strange thought he had after he fell into madness. Fortunately, he was so mad that he couldn't speak. Otherwise, if he shouted the slogan "Down with my king, stupid hair belongs to all the knights", maybe it would be the stupid king who went berserk by then.

For the King of Silly Hair, her stupid hair is equivalent to the dignity of Great Britain. As the saying goes, the head can be cut off, but the stupid hair cannot be thrown away. Anyone who violates her stupid hair will be punished no matter how far away she is.

Even in another distant world line, Hero Emiya has become her queen, and Daimao is the only thing in her body that cannot be touched.

It can be seen from this that the stupid hair on the head is Artoria's reverse scale!

"Wind King Hammer!"

Faced with Lancelot's repeated strong attacks, King Da Mao, who was inferior to his opponent in terms of skill and ability, had no choice but to use the magic release skill again to bounce Lancelot away.

Otherwise, it will be troublesome if you get entangled by the other party.

As the saying goes, mental patients have broad ideas. At this moment, Lancelot is undoubtedly in a state of schizophrenia. If the other party thinks that his clothes are also weapons, or King Da Mao himself is also his weapon, wouldn't he catch Da Mao? The king turned into a demon and made her his hot weapon?

But after thinking about it, it seems to make sense. Who can deny that thermal weapons are not a type of weapon?

Lancelot was suffering from snake disease, and he was not transformed into Aqua. He naturally learned how to deal with the same attack. After feeling the air flow caused by the curry stick, he knew that the other party wanted to use that trick again. One move of the air hammer bounced him away.

The clever Lancelot bent down directly, put his hands on the ground, and activated the Noble Phantasm 'A Knight Will Not Die with His Unarmed Hands', turning a small piece of cement board into a Noble Phantasm. Then he lifted it hard, and the Noble Phantasm of the cement board turned into a Noble Phantasm. An indestructible shield that can withstand King Da Mao's 'Wind King's Hammer'.

Yes, the inspiration for this move came from a former colleague. In addition to being the chief cook of the Knights of the Round Table, this colleague was also the strongest shield soldier among them. Every time they fought together, he He would pick up the dining table where they usually eat together, use it as a shield, and charge forward!

That's right, this unique skill that can withstand any attack is——

"The ideal land that is already far away!"

If Lancelot could still speak at this moment, he would definitely shout out this imitated stunt.

As a result, the Wind King's hammer was blocked by the cement board in the shape of a dining table.

Artoria: "..."

At this moment, King Da Mao was confused. How could he continue to play this game?

In close combat, he is tied with A, but he can't defeat the opponent. He also has such a non-damaging and blocking move to deal damage to the opponent from a distance. Now, the only move left is the Liberation Curry version.

However, the magnification move requires a countdown. With Lancelot's familiarity with her, as long as she enters the countdown state to release curry sticks, the other party will teach her how to behave in minutes.

When King Daimao was thinking about how to defeat the Yangtze River Knight, on the rooftop of a building in the distance——

"It seems that Saber has met a tough opponent!"

Climbing high and looking into the distance, Red A used his clairvoyance to watch his wife being hanged and beaten. He was much more nervous inside than on the outside. In addition to the fact that the stupid king was really being hanged, this kind of nervousness also came from the fact that... When I first saw the Yangtze River Knight, who was covered in pitch black, I felt that he looked very unpleasant to me. I always felt that if I didn't try hard enough, I would be defeated by him.

As the saying goes, love is a ray of light, green makes you panic. After seeing the famous N`T`R knight, how can the red A not panic?

My wife is in the middle of a fight with the other party's goblin!

"Durex on——"

Red A stretched out his right hand and used projection magic to project a spiral long sword, and then put it on the bowstring. The moment he saw Lancelot raising the cement board to resist the King of Winds' Hammer, he was He shot out the long sword in his hand, and his target was Lancelot's back.

"Pseudo Spiral Sword!"

Therefore, Tohsaka Rin, who was still rushing to the battlefield, found a red light piercing the long night and shining directly on the battlefield.

"Is this Archer's attack?"

It turns out that I like to dual-wield machetes. I just go up and do archer, and I can still output skills remotely.

"This is?"

Artoria also noticed something strange. It was hard not to notice such a bright red light. Although she didn’t know what it was, Artoria, who had the intuitive ability, chose the most correct response immediately. The other way is to turn around and run away!

Although Lancelot's back was to Red A, and his eyes could only accommodate the stupid king in front of him, he was an experienced veteran after all. When the 'Pseudo Spiral Sword' was about to hit him, he had no intention of doing anything. The moment he defended his back, he relied on his instincts developed through years of rolling around on the battlefield and avoiding countless stray arrows. He turned around and blocked the incoming pseudo-spiral sword with the cement board that was transformed into a Noble Phantasm.

"Damn it (〃>Dis<), I almost killed him directly."

Tohsaka Rin, who saw this scene from a distance, sighed with regret.

"It's not over yet—"

Also seeing the sneak attack being blocked, Red A muttered to himself:

"Fantasy collapse!"

Then, the arrow that was still stuck on the cement board suddenly emitted a burst of white light, and then——


A beautiful mushroom cloud bloomed in Fuyuki City.

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