The unprepared Tohsaka Rin was frightened by the sudden explosion. Because the distance was relatively far away, she did not suffer any real damage. However, just the strong light and the unexpected loud noise almost turned Miss Tosaka Rin into a Deaf and blind.


Tohsaka Rin didn't know whether it was better to wipe her tears or pat her ears, so she used magic and cursed loudly:

"Can't you, Hundan, inform you in advance?"

“I feel almost blind and deaf!”

"Besides, if I get any closer, I will be blown to death!!"

Red A: "···"

Everything is calculated and women just make a fuss!

I have told you countless times before that I am a very powerful man who is known as the 'Nuclear Bomb Sword Fairy', but every time you have a look on your face that says, 'Keep bragging, I will believe you.' What can I do? ah?

Even if I tell you in advance, you will think that I am bragging. Why not just take action directly and prove that you are really a nuclear bomb swordsman? Don't let this guy like you look down on me.


The confused Arturia suddenly heard Tohsaka Rin's shout. She turned around and saw Miss Tosaka Rin waving to her. At this time, she woke up and it seemed that her teammates were coming.

It's a pity that Lancelot left the show just like this.

Seeing the nuclear explosion site in front of her, Arturia didn't know whether she should be glad that she finally didn't have to deal with the opponent in such a painful way with her own hands, or regret that she didn't solve the opponent with her own hands. Being killed by her own hands was the opponent's wish to participate in the Holy Grail War.

"Sir Lancelot——"

Artoria muttered to herself with a sigh on her face——

"Am I really a qualified king?"


King Dumao: "..."

I haven't finished sighing yet, what else happened?


A certain mound exploded, and Lancelot stood out from it holding the magic sword "Indestructible Lake Light".

Of course, he looked a bit miserable at the moment. His armor was all in tatters, and his helmet was naturally blown off, revealing his long, slightly sad hair and affectionate eyes, but the bright red blood was still dripping out. non-stop.

Lancelot was able to stand up again only because he took out the real Noble Phantasm, the Indestructible Lake Light. ’

The Indestructible Lake Light is paired with the Sword of Victory (Excalibur). They are both swords entrusted to humans by the elves in the lake.

Because they have the same origin, their toughness rivals that of the Sword of Victory.

The two have similar designs, and the swords are both engraved with elven characters. The characteristic of this sword is that it has a brilliance like the lake shining under the moon and an indestructible blade.

In addition, after drawing this sword, all of Lancelot's ability values ​​can be increased by one level, which turns the A-level endurance into A+ level endurance.

The ability value of endurance represents the blood volume in the game. If Kakashi's endurance is E, which represents 10 points of blood volume, then the red A is C, which represents 20 points of blood volume. Then Lancelot at this moment will It is A+ with 100 health points. In other words, one Lancelot's health can be converted into 10 basic units, 1 Kakashi, or five red Aces.

At this time, you can add that in a certain world, Hero Emiya, whose blood volume is equivalent to a red A unit, once faced EA without dying.

This proves how thick Lancelot's blood volume is at this moment.

In this situation, coupled with the obsession to make the stupid hairy king his wings, Lancelot just stood up from the trauma of the nuclear explosion on his face.

Uncle B thought that he also lost his life under Red A's nuclear bomb attack, but Lancelot just managed to survive. This can only show that——

Because of love, dogs will not be led easily!

Love is indeed one of the greatest forces in the world.

"Is this a monster? Isn't this still dead?!"

Miss Tosaka Rin, who was still complaining about her servant, was startled by Lancelot who stood up again, and the opponent's roar to the sky showed that the opponent could still fight for 300 rounds, which was simply inferior to him. Even more vigorous.


Artoria felt quite complicated when she saw Lancelot rushing towards her again.

Just now, I was very unhappy because I thought the other person had taken away the dog, but now I see the other person standing up again and slashing at me aggressively, I am still very unhappy.

Sure enough, taking the lead is not an easy task.

Of course, no matter how complicated your mood is, you still have to do what you need to do.

In fact, everyone is like this. We always hate this, hate that, and even hate ourselves. But when things come to an end, we will still go on as life forces us.

The vast majority of people will eventually become the people they once hated.

And Artoria probably felt like this at the moment. She hated herself so much, but she had to continue fighting with her former friends.

"Durex, on——"

Realizing that Red A couldn't be killed even with his ultimate move, he immediately rushed to the battle scene, preparing to challenge Lance Luoyang alone with Saber in a group.


How can it be!

Can the guardian's things be called despicable?

As long as you have good intentions and strive for the liberation of all mankind, the process is not the focus.

That's right, the only despicable people are outsiders, such as a certain lolita named Abigail.

After arriving at the battlefield, Red A, while Lancelot and King Da Mao were slashing at each other, quickly fired a wave of more than ten projected sword blades at Lancelot silently.


King Da Mao looked at Lancelot who was unable to dodge and had several long swords stuck behind his back, and stared at Red A with dissatisfaction.

After all, the opponent is his subordinate, and you have sneak attacks again and again. Even though you know that this is all for victory, Artoria still cannot accept this kind of sneak attacks.

At this moment, she once again thought of a certain Master who had abandoned her.


Faced with the anger of King Da Mao, Red A had no choice but to raise his hands. He was about to say something, but suddenly he saw Lancelot with the sword in his hand move again. This time, the person he was looking at was him.

Theoretically, Lancelot should only have eyes for King Da Mao, or the enemies who hurt or insult King Da Mao. But the moment he saw the red A, he felt inexplicably unhappy. He felt like he was being cheated on. The cabbage that has been cultivated for a long time feels the pain of being humped by a pig.

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