Well, it was similar to the feeling that Red A felt very unhappy when she saw him.

This is probably the legendary love rival! !


Lancelot held the Indestructible Lake Light in his hand. After roaring, he rushed towards a man in red clothes and white hair who made him very unhappy——

My king belongs to our Knights of the Round Table!

Go to hell, you red-haired man! !

Red A: "···"

To be honest, the momentum of the other party's charge really made Red A a little panicked. The other party obviously couldn't survive and was trying to make a last ditch effort.

But if you don’t continue to look for your king, why are you looking for me, the nuclear bomb sword fairy?

The stupid king: "..."

Isn’t it me who is Lancelot’s obsession? Why did you go to Archer?

I remember he wasn't supposed to be a vindictive person.

At this moment, Artoria was confused.

"sucker Punch--"

Red A said coldly and venomously, and then hid behind her heart.

However, Lancelot seemed to have identified Red A. No matter how Red A moved, he dragged his body and pursued him with a big knife.

Red A: "···"

Didn't I just give you two Sun Knights' righteous thrusts, plus a taunt?

Do you want to pursue yourself desperately?

Look at yourself, your blood is bleeding all over the floor. How about, brother, you stop the bleeding first and then fight Saber for three hundred rounds?

I'm just a passing archer.

Red A, who was chased to a certain place, had no choice but to use his ultimate move, moving around while reciting a spell——

"Me, I have sword bones. I am covered with steel but no flesh. I have made many swords for nothing. I don't know whether to live or die. I am hopeless. I have rough skin and thick bones and am not afraid of pain. When I see that there is nothing in my hand, when my wish comes true, I will make the Infinity Sword. Here you go!"

Then the whole world changed completely, and everyone came to a desert world full of swords.

No matter who you are, the first time you see the legendary magic "Inherent Barrier" that is closest to magic, you will be shocked by this ability to change the day.

King Daimao looked at the dead desert and sighed:

"This is your inner world, archer?"

As a magician, Tohsaka Rin felt even more profoundly——

At first, I thought that with my elegance, I could summon the strongest class Saber. Unexpectedly, I summoned an Archer with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Then I discovered that my Archer was different from what I imagined. She didn’t like archery, but liked archery. Dual-wielding machetes, he is a saber who was delayed by his class.

Then the discoverer himself was wrong again. It turned out that the other party was really Archer, but what he shot was not a sword, but a nuclear bomb.

But until then, she realized she was wrong again. It turned out that the other party's true identity was Caster!

How could it be practiced? He knew that the other party was Emiya Shirou, a half-time magician who was only good at strengthening and projection magic. Why was he able to use this highest-level, legendary magic after his spiritual transformation?

I, Tohsaka Rin, am not convinced!

No matter what they think, the battle between Lancelot and Red A for the woman they love begins again!

"It's time for me to fight back——"

After successfully using his ultimate move, Red A finally got rid of the dilemma of being chased by the opponent. He opened his right hand and said to Lancelot:

"This is my world 'Unlimited Sword System——'"

"The swords stored here are all the swords I forged in the past, so you have to face not only me, but also these countless swords!"

After saying that, the sword stuck in the desert began to tremble. A second later, all the swords floated under the control of Red A, and then turned towards Lancelot.

Facing the rain of swords in the sky, Lancelot did not flinch at all. He still dragged the unbroken light of the lake towards Red A who dared to offer the cabbage he had carefully raised, and launched a final reunion——

Tauren, never be a slave! !

Then, Lancelot just relied on the light of the Indestructible Lake in his hand to fight against the rain of swords in the sky.

Ten minutes later, Lancelot looked regretfully at the stupid king standing in front of her and said:

"King, I'm sorry for causing you trouble again."

After saying that, he turned into light and disappeared in front of the tearful King Da Mao.

Chapter 323: Miss Yangno in Imprisonment

"Is this the legendary Holy Grail that can grant all wishes?"

Kotomine Shirou, the man whose real name is Amakusa Tokishirō, has a smile on his face that is not a smile, but also seems to be self-deprecating, and he said to himself:

"It's surprisingly ordinary!"

Amakusa is really a heroic spirit summoned during the Third Holy Grail War. After surviving, she has been planning her unfinished business——

Save humanity!

The reason why he responded to the Holy Grail War in the first place was because he heard that it could grant all wishes, so he took the initiative to join the war.

To be honest, as a Heroic Spirit, he is just a third-rate Heroic Spirit with low combat effectiveness. He is the kind of magician who will become cannon fodder on the first night.

He also knows this deeply. It is only the desire in his heart that drives him. Even if there is only one ten thousandth chance, he will try his best to grasp it and realize it.

Then, in Gambit and. With courage and luck, he finally survived the Third Holy Grail War and gained a human body.

Of course, he is not satisfied with this ending, because what he pursues is not personal happiness, but the happiness of the group called 'humanity'.

Therefore, he survived, lurked, and planned the final victory of the next Holy Grail War, using the so-called Almighty Grail to realize his ambition to save all mankind!

Only in the process of lurking, he finally discovered the truth about the Universal Holy Grail. The so-called wishing machine is just a huge magic ritual. Through such awareness, he can obtain a huge amount of magic power and open up the control of the inner and outer worlds. For For a magician, with such a large amount of magic power, it is naturally called a so-called wishing machine!

But as a heroic spirit, what's the point of having such a huge amount of magic power?

However, despair did not defeat this man who has spent his life pursuing the cause of liberating all mankind. Since making a wish is unreliable, then he should find other ways to realize his wish.

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