The so-called truth and wishes are realized in the pursuit step by step!

After more than ten years of thinking, investigation, and determination, Amakusa discovered that the most feasible method had long been opened in front of him, but he had not noticed it.

The so-called Holy Grail War was originally intended to complete the Third Law and release it on all mankind.

When everyone accepts the third method of ‘soul materialization’, everyone will become an immortal existence at that moment.

At that time, people in the world will no longer have to fight due to hunger and other desires. After all worldly struggles are eliminated, won’t the salvation of all mankind be completed? !

After feeling that I was not alone in my path, Amakusa sighed and began to work hard for the next Holy Grail War. This time, his goal was no longer the victory of the Holy Grail War, but the Great Holy Grail itself.

As a heroic spirit, he does not have any powerful Noble Phantasm.

The Noble Phantasms Right Hand Evil Eater and Left Hand Xanadu Matrix are his Noble Phantasms. In battle, they can give him abilities similar to the mind's eye. See through your opponent's abilities and strengthen your own abilities.

Of course, as a heroic spirit, this level of ability is only equivalent to the passive skills possessed by ordinary heroic spirits. Compared with those great heroes who have light cannons, self-destructive bows, etc., they can be taught how to behave in minutes.

However, in addition to the above-mentioned functions, his Noble Phantasm also has the ability to connect to all magic foundations. Simply put, it means that it can use all magic rituals and items without understanding the principles.

In this case, he can directly connect to the Great Holy Grail through the Noble Phantasm, transform and use it at will, and activate the third method of 'Soul Materialization' hidden in the Holy Grail against all mankind!

After careful consideration, there was no problem with the plan, so Amakusa prepared to participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War. However, the preparations at the time were not sufficient, and he was not selected as the Master. In the end, he had to serve as an inspector of the Holy Church. Secretly watching the development of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Even if you can't participate in person, as long as the Holy Grail is fully charged and you find an opportunity to activate the Noble Phantasm on the Holy Grail and operate it secretly, your goal can still be achieved.

Of course, after the Holy Grail War started, Amakusa discovered Emiya Kiritsugu, a man who was very similar to himself, had the same aspiration, and was called a partner of justice.

Since the other party is a comrade who has the same interests as you, has the same ideological consciousness, and is free from vulgar tastes, then you don't have to personally take action and help the other party win behind the scenes. Wouldn't the goal be achieved in the same way?


Of course, in addition to recognizing Kiritsugu's ideological awareness, the more important reason is that the heroic spirits summoned by the Fourth Holy Grail War are too powerful!

Gilgamesh, the heroic king, laughed out loud at every disagreement.

After shouting "Orcs will never be slaves", his skills summoned thousands of troops to meet the conquering king.

With a 3D painting style that is different from other heroic spirits, Lancelot can dismantle Gundam with his bare hands.

He is able to summon Mr. Ke's younger brother, and because he is blinded by a village girl who likes to blindfold him on a daily basis, he turns into the cute and big-eyed Marshal Gill.

The multi-faceted Hassan, who can form an army by himself, and has the unique skill of "breath blocking" to survive.

And the brush Gedi Muludo, who seems to be as useless as himself in his Noble Phantasm, lacks burst, but has far higher abilities than himself, especially the opponent's Demon-Breaking Red Rose. In a sense, he can restrain himself. Feel free to play with your magic hands.

The last one is King Arthur, the undefeated king who possesses the most powerful holy sword in legend. Of course, Amakusa has always doubted that King Arthur cannot be a girl. Are all the people in Great Britain blind?

Sure enough, the people of Great Britain are living in dire straits and are in urgent need of rescue by righteous partners like him.

After counting in detail like this, Amakusa found that when it came to single-on-one combat, he really couldn't beat anyone.

As long as there are some flaws, any of the above-mentioned servants can teach him to be an adult.

Of course, after watching the whole process, he finally discovered that apart from the servants, he seemed to be unable to defeat the master. Father Mapo, who was proficient in Bajiquan and blessed with more than 20 command spells, had The origin bullet that counteracts the magician is a shredded rake that penetrates the soul.

If you are not careful, you may actually overturn your car.

In such a dangerous Holy Grail War, Amakusa wisely chose to accept a qualified inspector sent by the Holy Church.

Of course, his plan was successful in the end. In the end, the comrades were victorious. But what he didn't expect was that the Holy Grail was actually contaminated by a heroic spirit who was worse than himself in the last Holy Grail War. In the end, Then he was ordered by Shred Rake and King Da Mao to stab him with the Curry Stick, the Noble Phantasm of the Cup.

At that time, Amakusa just wanted to shout - 'Fuck'!

Comrade Kiritsugu, you can't solve the contaminated Holy Grail, but you can with the Anti-Magic Noble Phantasm!

As long as you connect the Great Holy Grail with both hands, you can enter the Holy Grail. With your own strength alone, you can bully the only scumbag Angela Mainyu who is weak to you. What a perfect script!

However, when he wanted to jump out and have a good conversation with Comrade Kiritsugu, the Holy Grail was pierced by the curry stick, and his aunt was bleeding all over the floor.

My plan is obviously so perfect, but unfortunately there are too many variables.

After lamenting his bad luck, Amakusa had no choice but to end the Fourth Holy Grail War, which belonged to him alone, and return to the Middle East to continue his daily work of picking up garbage. No, it was to collect raw materials for the hanging gardens to prepare for the next Holy Grail War. .

After the experience of the Fourth Holy Grail War, Amakusa realized a truth, that is, no matter how like-minded comrades are, they are unreliable. Only with a gun in hand can he be 100% sure that no accidents will happen and realize his long-term plan. .

In fact, history has already proven this, such as the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in the modern history of flower growers.

The rabbit failed because it did not have its own armed strength.

"It's been seventy years."

Seventy years have passed since Amakusa was summoned to participate in the Third Holy Grail War. Seventy years of hard work and sleep. If Amakusa's left hand had the ability to make himself immortal, he would have lived like a certain Zhuge villager. Too tired to die.

"Finally the time has come for judgment!"

Looking at the Great Holy Grail in front of me, if I say I don't sigh, it must be a lie. After seventy years of hard work, success or failure can be achieved in one fell swoop.

With an air of pilgrimage, Amakusa walked step by step to the Great Holy Grail, then untied the bandages on his hands, and then his hands with strange tattoos were completely freed.

"Come on, Great Holy Grail——"

Amakusa pressed his hands on the Great Holy Grail, and then countless strange marks appeared on his hands. After more than twenty minutes, the marks were all over the Great Holy Grail. Then, the outer wall of the Great Holy Grail, which Amakusa was pressing, emitted a burst of sound. With the white light, Amakusa was sucked into the Great Holy Grail.

————The dividing line between empresses——————

"here we go--"

In the hanging garden, everything could not escape the eyes of the empress, and she was sitting on the throne, looking at her master without blinking, Amakusa Toki Teishiro walking into the Holy Grail.

"I'm waiting for you to return and fulfill your promise, Shirou."

May you be away for half your life and still a young man when you return.

This is probably how the empress feels at the moment.

As a servant summoned by Amakusa, she naturally knows Amakusa's overall plan, and also knows that the biggest variable in his plan is whether he can successfully control the Holy Grail that has been blackened and contaminated. If Amakusa fails to control the Great Holy Grail, , everything can be interviewed.

Holding her chin with her right hand and looking at the empty scene under the throne, Semiramis couldn't help but picture Amakusa extending her right hand to her, not afraid of herself, who is known as the oldest poisoner, with a look on her face. With a confident smile, he said:

"Semiramis, I need your strength and help. Are you willing to help me achieve the salvation of all mankind?"

"The reward is that you will become the queen of the new world!"


Even now when she thought of the scene at that time, Amakusa's serious face and the scene she described, Empress Semiramis couldn't help laughing.

How is it possible to do such a thing?

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