At this moment, the person confronting Sister-chan is not the jeweled man, but countless parallel worlds.

Feeling that the scale of victory was tilting towards him, Gemstone Man couldn't help but reveal a child-like smile. The most lonely thing for super masters like them is that they can't find an opponent worth fighting. Now that they have met their younger sister-chan, Gemstone Weng naturally has a competitive spirit.

The joy of defeating an opponent who is similar to yourself is far more interesting than peeking into the Holy Grail War in various parallel worlds.

"The female warrior's salty fish thrust——"

When the gem man was lamenting the quiet times and outputting the maximum output regardless of the damage to the gem sword, the female hero Yusa Emi-sensei, who we have been watching from the beginning, finally found the perfect opportunity to take action.

How could my daughter endure it when her mother was beaten?

Because of family ties, this is not a sneak attack. That’s right. How can what happened to the Sun Knight be called a sneak attack?

Summoning the holy sword that Grandpa Mo Yi gave her many years ago, Teacher Huimei was accelerated by the holy wings. Her speed was as fast as a ray of light, and she instantly appeared behind the gem man with a salty fish thrust. .

Of course, Gemstone Weng is an old man after all, and has never seen any big scenes. After noticing the unusual air flow behind him, he immediately gave up on the attack and nimbly dodged the salty fish thrust.

"My kidney!!"

Even so, Gemstone Weng was still stabbed in the kidney by the holy sword, and then he endured the pain of being stabbed in the kidney and used his special space transfer ability to escape into the space.

"I will return!!"

After saying the usual harsh words, Gemstone Weng disappeared into the holy light and returned to his hometown for first aid on his kidneys.

The older you are, the more important your kidneys are. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a tragedy if you can't use them after a lifetime of hard work?

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Seeing the magic cannon dispersed by his own roar, Sister-chan let out a cry of displeasure. As a goddess, she almost overturned, so she must be very unhappy.

Fortunately, I have a good and filial daughter. As a qualified boss, what kind of boss is he without the help of two or three qualified Four Heavenly Kings?

Therefore, Teacher Huimei's salty fish thrust can be regarded as her own attack, because the opponent is her own attack.

Well, that’s right, that’s it——

Sister Jiang comforted herself in her heart. She could tell Mo Yi this way when she went back, otherwise she would definitely be looked down upon by the other party.

Even an old man can't do it.

It took three seconds to comfort his sister Jiang, and then he started to work seriously. According to Grandpa Mo Yi's instructions, he blocked the passage between the mirror space and the real space, so that the black camp could not show off after seizing the Great Holy Grail. to leave.

This is why the Empress and the Hanging Garden are trapped and can only keep flying in the mirror space instead of returning directly to reality.

————Ta Miao’s dividing line——————

After Ta Miao chose the guerrilla war, Shred Rake and others had no other choice but to abandon Scathach, who was still fighting, and the four of them moved forward together. They couldn't stay where they were, playing hide and seek with Ta Miao. Bar.

Isn't this just playing into Ta Miao's plan and successfully delaying time?

Under the influence of the night, Tamao, who is covered in black pigskin, is like a fish in water. He is obviously a berserker, but he still has the unique latent effect of Assassin.

Then, while the four of them were moving forward, an arrow would occasionally shoot up and launch a sneak attack, causing the four of them to slow down their progress to resist the random arrows coming from the dark night.

"call out--"

Another hidden arrow was fired, and the four people, who were physically and mentally exhausted from the harassment, could only continue to defend.

At this time, a girl wearing silver armor and a big golden braid jumped out of the grass, stood in front of them, and then easily blocked the arrow with the battle flag in her hand.

That's right, the person coming is none other than the person in charge of beauty and welfare in this Holy Grail War, Miss Rule Jeanne d'Arc.

As for why she could catch up so quickly?

On the one hand, Shredder and others were delayed for a long time by the battle. On the other hand, Jeanne d'Arc was known as the "Chastity Runner" and was a powerful hero who could cross half the world in a few days.


After seeing Joan of Arc turning around, Chisi Raake couldn't help but shout out, because the other party's change was a bit big.

King of silly hair, don’t think that if you pluck out your silly hair, put on a new vest, put on pads, and add some special effects, I won’t recognize you.

That's right, your Takeuchi face has betrayed you deeply!

"I am Rule Joan of Arc, the judge of this Holy Grail War——"

The weapon I am holding is obviously a battle flag. Why does this middle-aged man think I am a Saber?

Is he an interstellar player?

"Are you the companions Mr. Mo Yi calls you?"

After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's name spoken by Joan of Arc, everyone probably guessed that the other party was a reinforcement sent by Grandpa Mo Yi.

"Because there is an abnormality in this Holy Grail War..."

After a brief self-introduction, Joan of Arc began to talk about the reason why she appeared here, and finally said:

"So, our goals are the same. I hope you can help me solve the anomalies in this Holy Grail War."

After listening to Jeanne's rant, Chisi Raha finally confirmed that Jeanne is not Artoria's new vest, because no matter how silly and sweet the stupid king is, he would not do it when he meets a stranger for the first time. , just ask for help from others.

Holy Virgin, in a sense, we are still participants in the Holy Grail War, and we are not the referee. Why should we sacrifice our own interests to help the referee?

Since you don’t speak, then I’ll treat it as if you agreed——

Well, this is probably what Joan of Arc thinks. After all, they are teammates of the good man Mo Yi. Even if they are not messengers of justice, they should be partners of justice.

"We will work hard, Miss Jeanne."

In the end, Illya and Jeanne chatted.

As for the shredded rake, he just wanted to think about Jingjing. After all, Joan of Arc's Takeuchi face didn't get along well with him, and it would always remind him of the memory of his wife almost being seduced by a girl with the same face.

After some exchanges, Joan of Arc and Chisi Rake finally finished exchanging information.

"Leave Black's berserker to me."

Joan of Arc said confidently:

"Since Black has already committed an act that violates the Holy Grail War, then if I take action directly, it will not be considered a violation of the rules."

I, Joan of Arc, am truly fair.

"As a Ruler, I have the ability to see through the true name. The task of guarding against the hidden berserker and the other party's attacks is left to me."

"I still have a lot of experience in protecting my comrades."

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