Seeing Joan's confident smile, everyone subconsciously believed her suggestion, and then accelerated towards the sky garden.

Then, Joan of Arc lived up to expectations. No matter what angle Atalanta attacked everyone along the way, they were all easily blocked by Joan of Arc. Even if she fired her Noble Phantasm, the rain of swords in the sky was also liberated by the Noble Phantasm "My Lord is Here". At this point, Joan of Arc, who wrapped everyone in an absolutely defensive shield, resisted, and even the marching speed was not reduced much.

In terms of defensive ability, even Shred Rake couldn't help but praise the opponent in his heart. He was very reliable and said with emotion——

I wonder why I summoned not the other party but King Dumao back then?

They obviously have the same face, but the difference is so huge.

Ta Miao, who was hiding, saw that his attacks had no effect at all, and as time went by, he became more and more irritable.

And because her class is a berserker, she doesn't have much rationality at all. What supports her is the wildness and intuition of a huntress, and her obsession to "create a world where all children will not be hurt."

Soon, she was exposed in a sneak attack, and was forced out of the grass by the sudden burst of Joan. Then she was surrounded by people who had already used magic to discuss tactics, and there was no chance of escape.

Two minutes later, Atalanta was under siege, turned into magic particles, and returned to the Hall of Valor.

————Xue Miao’s dividing line——————

Xuemiao said that she hated her sister the most, but she was very nervous in her heart. She kept bribing the Sesshōin lady with various snacks to make her stop paddling and run with all her strength to catch up with the fast-flying Sky Garden.

Looking at the hanging garden just around the corner, Xue Miao thought that she could rush in right away, then sneak in secretly, encounter enemies, kill everyone who found her, and beat her all the way to her sister.

However, Xue Miao didn't know that her whereabouts had long been on the super large plasma projector of Empress Semiramis, not to mention her every move, even the collar of her clothes was exposed from time to time due to the running of Miss Sesshouin. From this gap, Semiramis was able to deduce the color of Xuemiao today and the model she was wearing.

From this, we know how powerful Semiramis's observation magic is.

Now that he discovered that the enemy was approaching, Semiramis did not say anything to the enemy first, showing off how awesome he was and how rubbish the enemy was. After all, as a qualified assassin, especially because of poisoning, Assassin, she naturally won't be bothered by this kind of mistake that every villain in a hot-blooded comic makes.

Could it be that before she poisoned her, she had to say something to the other party——

Girl, I'm going to poison you, kneel down under my poison.

So, while Xue Miao and Miss Sesshōin were running wildly, several rail guns opened fire on Xue Miao.


The last thing I saw from the projection was that Xuemiao and Miss Sesshōin were hit by several light cannons, thinking they were caught off guard.


The eldest lady of the Yukinoshita family felt as if her soul was empty at this moment——

Who am I, where am I, where am I going?

A future without my sister is not the future I want!

It's all my fault, if it wasn't me, Yukino...

Seeing the snow cat being swallowed up by the light cannon, Miss Yangno screamed, her heart was ripped out, and she looked at the empress Semiramis who was in pleasure with the most vicious eyes, and she couldn't help but pounce on her and bite her. A piece of her flesh.

"Poor, weak and helpless——"

The so-called sense of game embodiment comes from the comparative damage between non-chiefs. Without those cannon fodder, where would the sense of superiority come from?

If there is no Miss Yangno watching me show off, then I can only compete with the air. Wouldn't it look stupid and boring?

Empress Semiramis propped up her chin, leaned on the throne and looked at Miss Haruno who looked at her with a malicious look, and said with a smile:

"Nice look——"

"It's just that this is reality, the reality decided by the strong."

Miss Yangno, who had bitten her lip but still had no reaction, wanted to say some harsh words to curse the other person to a good death, but she saw the safe and sound Snow Cat on the large projection screen.

How can this be?

Theoretically, it was impossible for my sister to survive such an attack that was comparable to a nuclear explosion. However, this was the fact. The important thing was that Yimo Duo was fine.

As a result, Miss Yangno's expression changed, and she returned to the look of pretending to be dead again, no longer paying attention to the empress, who had a stiff look on her face.

Of course, she wanted to taunt the other person loudly, but considering that this might anger the other person and make the other person kill or maim herself, she just resisted the urge to taunt the other person.

But if she didn't say it, did it really not happen?

Of course not!

Just after mocking others as being 'poor, weak and helpless', the next second she was slapped in the face, and Semiramis's smile gradually disappeared.

Fortunately, the eldest lady of the Yukinoshita family didn't ridicule, otherwise, she would definitely be killed and silenced by the empress.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~"

After glancing at Miss Haruno who continued to pretend to be dead, Semiramis once again took control of the sky garden. The twelve main cannons recharged and launched a second saturation bombing towards Xue Miao who was parked in place and riding a panda!

It seems that today, if my empress does not use Italian artillery to blast away the flat girl riding a black and white bear, she will not be able to regain her face! !

Chapter 325: Eat my cliff sword!

"I am so surprised--"

Suddenly, the light cannons came. When the power of these light cannons was fully activated, the power of each cannon was enough to rival the curry sticks of King Da Mao.

Even a thick-skinned 'beast-level' servant like Ms. Sesshōin will be sent directly back to the Hall of Valor if she is hit without preparation.

If it had been a few days ago, Sesshōin Kiara might have had nothing to worry about. When he originally responded to the summons, he just wanted to go out for a walk, so he was not forcibly pulled from the Heroic Soul Seat by Grandpa Mo Yi's magic power.

But after a few days of living as a otaku, Miss Sesshōin discovered that her technical otaku lifestyle was too frustrating. As expected, living in an abandoned otaku was the correct way to stay at home.

Especially after turning into a panda, you don't have to endure the strange looks from others.

Therefore, the two pieces of happiness were superimposed, giving Sesshōin Kiara a dreamlike manifestation of time.

Her original pursuit was to satisfy her own desires and make herself feel happy. In the end, she wanted to eliminate human beings just to please herself. Now that she has realized the new way of life, she is naturally unwilling to return to the Seat of Heroes.

There were no snacks, no dramas, and no games. How on earth did I stay there before?


I was almost sent back to the Hall of Valor by that bastard (empress) I didn’t know.

Therefore, Miss Sesshōin is more irritable than ever before, and she always wants to find the culprit and make the other person understand the truth——

Panda is a bear, not a cat. If she paws a bear, the other person may die!

"Fortunately, I have the nameplate given to me by the master."

That's right, it was the nameplate worn on the panda's neck that helped Ms. Sesshōin and Yukimew withstand the railgun attack just now.

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