"You can call me Justeza Ritzleich von Einzbern. What is your wish?"

In a sense, this woman is indeed the Winter Saint Justeza Ritzleich von Einzbern who created the Holy Grail War, but it can also be said that she is not her, because the Winter Saint His personality has long been obliterated by time. What is left here now is only the artificial intelligence created by the Great Holy Grail to imitate the appearance of the Winter Saint. It has the appearance and logical thinking of the Winter Saint, but does not have the soul of the other party. Firmly The Traveling Holy Grail is created from a predetermined destiny and fulfills the wishes of the winner of the Holy Grail War.

"Winter Saint?"

Amakusa, who has studied the Holy Grail War for decades, instantly recognized the opponent's heels from the opponent's self-introduction, and murmured to himself:

"Is it my wish?"

When he heard the other party asking about his wish, even though Amakusa had a heart as strong as steel and thought nothing could shake his heart in time, he couldn't help but get excited. His long-cherished wish for many years seemed to be coming true soon. .

However, the Saint of Winter did not change her expression because Amakusa called out her name. She still had the same affectionate and maternal smile.

After all, she is just an artificial intelligence now, just following the written program.

As for asking the other party's wishes, it is just a common practice. How can it be 100% guaranteed that the other party's wishes can be realized?

This principle is the same as using the Dragon Balls to summon a dragon. After the dragon appears, the first thing he says is to ask the person who summoned him about his wishes. If the summoner says "I want you to fulfill my hundred wishes", "I want "One Piece" "And the finale of "Detective Conan" and "I became the strongest being in the universe" are unreasonable and when the wish exceeds Shenron's ability, the upright Shenlong will directly express, I'm sorry, I can't do it, You might as well make other wishes.

In fact, Shenron's most fulfilled wish is to resurrect Gaia-chan on Earth, which was destroyed by the Super Saiyans.

Amakusa was as excited as if she had sex for the first time. After using strong self-control to calm down, she said in extremely standard Japanese:

"My wish is to realize the third method of 'soul materialization' for all mankind!"

Winter Saint Grail-chan: "Meow meow meow?"

I was stunned for a moment. I didn't expect someone to tell Einzbern about his long-cherished wish.

However, the other party didn't think about it carefully. The Einzbern family, which had the ability to create the Holy Grail, would not be able to materialize the souls of all mankind in the end?

The reason is very simple, there is insufficient energy!

In any world, there is a universal law of energy conservation. It is not difficult to realize the materialization of a person's soul. The existence called the Saint of Winter is a magician of the third method, possessing the power of immortality. .

However, if you want to materialize the souls of all human beings, you will need a huge amount of magic power. Even the Saint of Winter, who claims to have unlimited magic power, is still helpless. After all, her unlimited magic power refers to the continuous production of magic power. Like a faucet that never closes, water can be dispensed without interruption.

But the magic power needed to realize the materialization of souls for all mankind is like the Pacific Ocean. The amount of water produced by a faucet is not as much as the daily precipitation in the Pacific Ocean.

Of course, it is not that the Einzbern family has not thought of other ways. The most feasible way is to extract the power of the world's earth veins as energy. But if this is done, the great source of magic power in the entire world will cease, and the world This will lead to the so-called doomsday era 'The Land of Steel'.

At that time, even if all human beings were immortal, what would be the point?

Could it be that everyone laments life in a dire doomsday world every day? ?

After generations of hard thinking, the Einzbern family figured out a seemingly feasible way to do the Holy Grail War. Through the Holy Grail War, they would use the momentum of the heroic spirits when they returned to the Hall of Valor to open a hole straight to the source, and then... The endless magic flowing from the source can be harnessed to materialize the souls of all humans.

Of course, after so many years, the Einzbern family still has not achieved its original purpose.

You know, the Holy Grail War is under the banner of being able to fulfill all wishes. Under such a slogan, how many people will think of other people's affairs?

I risked my life to win. The wish I want to realize must be my own wish. Can all human beings eat it?

Of course, in four Holy Grail Wars, the Holy Grail did not complete the ritual completely, and until the end, no one was able to get a chance to realize their wish.

This is probably the biggest mockery of typical tech geeks like the Einzbern family!

After many years, the Holy Grail-chan 'Winter Saint' came out of her own intelligence. It was nothing like fulfilling other people's wishes, but was limited to a program and existed as a wishing machine. After hearing Amakusa's wish, she couldn't help but be confused.

Unexpectedly, someone actually made this initial wish to me. Could the man in front of me be the legendary partner of justice?

It's just that I really can't fulfill your wish. In other words, I can, but the gain outweighs the loss.

That's right, if you must materialize the souls of all mankind, and you don't get the Holy Grail from the source of magic, you can only use the great source of the world to release the third method. The final result is to consume all the magic in the world. In the end, I don’t know if it will be enough to upgrade all humans.

Grail-chan, who was cursing MD Aqua in his heart but still had a healing smile on his face, confirmed again and asked:

"Are you sure you want to materialize the souls of all mankind?"

Limited to the initial setting, Holy Grail-chan didn't say much, and mechanically confirmed that this world pill seemed to have nothing to do with him anyway, and he was not the real Saint of Winter.

He is just an artificial intelligence that has obtained the other party's memory and logical thinking ability.


Feeling uneasy, Amakusa once again repeated her wish in standard London English and Beijing Mandarin. Then she remembered that the Einzbern family was German, so she finally repeated it in German.

I don't believe it, Holy Grail-chan, you can mishear my wish like this!

Holy Grail-chan: "···"

Boy, why do you think that I can’t understand Japanese, Mandarin, and English, the three major languages ​​circulating in the multiverse?

Even if you want to prove that you are knowledgeable and talented, you don’t have to show off to me like this - Classmate Chen Duxiu, please sit down. You are blocking the students behind you from looking at the blackboard.

Grail-chan, who has no less inner drama than ordinary humans, finished complaining in her heart and said with a smile:

"as you wish--"

In fact, this is quite good. Finally, I don't have to be hit by a light cannon by some all-A knight.

After saying that, Grail-chan emitted white light all over her body, making Amakusa unable to open her eyes.

——————Grandpa Mo Yi’s dividing line——————

"Ophis, I'm going out."

Grandpa Mo Yi and the Infinitely Cute Dragon Miss Ophis fought in the living room for a while, until the other party was extremely satisfied. He looked up outside the window and found that it was almost the final harvest time, so he looked at a contented book beside him. Faith said:

"You have fun at home in the elementary school league, I'm going out."

That's right, the way Grandpa Mo Yi fights with his opponent is to play in the primary school league together, which is not a shameless thing.


After looking at the unique book of the S-loli series that Grandpa Mo Yi had given to her and drawn by his own hands in her bag, she waved her hand generously and said:

"Go ahead -"

"Remember to come back early, we will continue to play black tonight."

After that, he continued his father-son solo game with a guy whose ID is Her Royal Highness the World's First Princess.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

What about the one who promised to have sex with me and have a son and a daughter?

Why did I just bring out the Primary School Student Alliance to test your sincerity a little, and you just forgot about such an important thing?

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