Brionak, also known as the Five-Star Bombardment, is the famous magic spear of the Danu Protoss held by the Sun God Ru-Ge Mac Esoron.

This gun is the magic gun held by Lu-Ge which means "penetrating". It is a divine gun of light that symbolizes its own power. This gun can emit a ray of death no matter how far away the enemy is. It is also one of the four secret treasures of the Danu Protoss. The five-star bombardment is a living magic gun. It is always thirsty for blood and can only be calmed down by soaking in a sleeping potion made of poppies.

It is worth mentioning that the prototype of the magic gun commonly used by Scathach also used it to have two common effects: sure hit and bombing.

In addition, its owner, the sun god Ru-Ge, is the biological father of the unlucky boy Wang Jiang, who is known as the Son of Light in Ireland. Combined with the effect of Wang Jiang's Noble Phantasm of the Moon World to pierce the Death Thorn Spear, I have to say , fate, wonderful beyond words.

Of course, it is impossible to defeat Scathach, Karna and the stupid king with a scabbard who are comparable to him in regular strength at this level. After liberating the true name of 'Bombardment Five Stars', Jin Shining raised his hand to open the king's treasure and took out A vajra was thrown out quickly——

"Thunder of Indra!"

Indra's Thunder is not the ultimate move of the two pillars of "Naruto" on the set next door, but one of the representative artifacts of Indra, the god of thunder and main god in ancient Indian mythology. Its essence is the power of thunder and lightning that Indra, the god of thunder, has materialization.

In mythology, Indra threw it and killed the evil dragon Vritra. It is an extremely powerful artifact. Its status is equivalent to the eternal spear Gungnir of the main god Odin in Norse mythology. Even though It is also one of the few treasures in Gilgamesh's treasure house that is said to contain the origins of all the treasures.

In addition to this, Indra and Karna also have a little story that I have to tell——

Karna's old enemy Arjuna is the son of Indra, and Indra also used a trick to deceive Karna's golden armor on the night before the game in order to let his son defeat Karna. Moved by his noble spirit, he gave the other party a god-killing spear as a price for receiving the golden armor.

Of course, the golden spear was of no use to Karna in his subsequent life-and-death duel, because the duel between him and Arjuna was a shooting duel between archers. No matter how powerful the god-killing spear was, it had to be stabbed at close range, so Karna, who lost his golden armor that could withstand all attacks, suffered a tragedy and was shot dead on the spot by Indra's son Arjuna.

Now, Jin Shining is attacking Karna with the representative weapon of Indra who indirectly killed Karna. It must be said that it is full of bad taste.

After liberating his true name, Indra's thunder lived up to its reputation. In an instant, it carried the power of thunder that seemed to be able to destroy everything, and flew towards Karna's location.

It's not over yet. The serious Jin Shining can't give the opponent a chance to fight back. He first uses bombardment of the five-star group to target the enemy's unmanned person, and then uses Indra's Thunder to target Karna. The next target that needs to be specifically targeted is Si. Kaha, to deal with such an opponent with super martial arts skills and full dodge, all he needs is to neutralize a powerful attack.

The decision is yours——


When Jin Shining threw Indra's Thunder with his right hand, his left hand had already inserted into the King's Treasure and pulled out the artifact 'Gangnir' of the same specification.

Gungnir, also known as the Great God's Declaration, is the representative artifact of the main god Odin in Nordic mythology. The ability of the gun is quite simple and powerful, that is, "it will definitely hit the target as soon as it is thrown." It is a divine gun that can hit the target with 100 shots. Anything it hits.

It is also called the Meteor Gun because it projects extremely fast, like a meteor.

Moreover, it is the prototype of the series of magic guns used by Scathach.

Using Gungnir to attack Scathach at this moment can be regarded as Jin Shining's taunt and style. After all, the thing he despises most is fakes, and one of his hobbies is showing off his wealth.

Humph——, let you poor guys see what it means to be a krypton gold player with ease!

So, after liberating his true name, the magic gun in his hand turned into a meteor and shot towards Scathach.

Of course, this is not over yet. As the landlord who is being fought, he has to play a game of pushback——

"The green horizon that opens up thousands of mountains (Igalima)——"

The last thing that needs to be targeted is the stupid king driving Avalon. In theory, Jin Shining really has no way to break Avalon's "Utopia far away from the world", which can't even interfere with the five magics. The principle of the opponent's defense It is not the usual defense method of opening the defense shield to resist harm, but transferring oneself to the ideal land of the six dimensions. Simply put, placing oneself in the high-latitude world, attacks from the low-latitude world are naturally impossible to touch. met her.

The scabbard ‘Avalon’ is known as the strongest defense. It needs to be added here that there is an Avalon in Dalian. Yes, Utopia does exist. It is hidden in the city of Dalian where flower growers live.

Jin Shining also understood the principle of Avalon. Since the opponent couldn't be defeated by mystery, he would use the scientific side's massive attack.

So he summoned the Mountain-Severing Sword from the King's Treasure. It is one of the two swords owned by the legendary war god Zababa who appeared in Mesopotamian mythology. It has only two characteristics. The first is that it is of excellent quality. After all, it is made by God. Armed; the second point is that the mountain-cutting sword is very large and heavy.

As a result, a kitchen knife magnified ten thousand times fell from the sky, first smashing through the ceiling of the sky garden, and then hitting the stupid king holding the turtle shell.

Eat the attacks of my holy sword of physics, my fiancée Artoria!


It's not that attacks directed at a certain person are like the pain-in-the-ass damage in the game. In fact, every move in Jin Shining's combo was group damage, which was superimposed in an instant, causing huge damage. Explosion, this empty hall was instantly destroyed beyond recognition, filled with smoke and haze!


I, who has opened the Omniscient and Almighty Star, have seen through everything. How can I be like myself in the parallel world, bragging with you all, and then pretending not to be good but being exposed?

Gilgamesh looked down upon everyone here, but even if he had the confidence to challenge everyone below, it did not mean that he could survive the siege of six individuals, especially four of them who had the means to defeat him. .

If you want to cut off your own elbow, it doesn’t exist!

"My god is here—"

When the smoke cleared, Jin Shining saw the battle flag in her hand planted on the ground, Joan of Arc standing in front of her, and the people behind her.

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Looking at the glowing battle flag, Jin Shining was a little irritated. Joan of Arc's absolute defensive treasure was not a treasure forged by technology, but a sublimation of faith. The opponent Jeanne waved the flag and rushed forward. s legend.

In other words, Jin Shining, the world's biggest tycoon, does not own this precious phantom of the other party.

Seeing something he didn't have, and the other party being so disrespectful, Jin Shining Shining would definitely be unhappy if Wushang blocked his aggressive moves!

"Joan of Arc, you are such a boring guy——"

Gilgamesh looked at the battle flag still glowing with golden light in Joan of Arc's hand and mocked:

"To this day, do you still believe in the God you talk about?"


How dare you discuss matters of faith with believers?

No matter how good-tempered Joan was, she became unyielding. She looked at Gilgamesh and said firmly:

"My god is never far away, and the battle flag in my hand is proof."


"He is really a stupid miscellaneous cultivator!"

Jin Shining seemed to hear something ridiculous about the machine and laughed crazily. After a moment, he looked down at Joan of Arc with his bright red eyes and said with a smile:

"Then please tell me, Joan of Arc, who was burned to death for believers, where was your god when you were slandered as a witch and burned to death? Why didn't it come to save you?"

For Gilgamesh, religion is a cancer in the world he rules. It was not easy for him and his best friends to expel those gods who ignored human beings and treated them as cattle and sheep. This even led to the loss of his best friend Enkidu.

With such an experience, how could he possibly get used to those religions that steal royal power in the name of gods?

When seeing a staunch believer like Joan of Arc, Jin Shining's already bad mood got worse. He wanted to purify this world where there were more and more miscellaneous cultivators, especially those who believed in the so-called gods. , I really want them to see if the gods they believe in will come to save them when they are crying.

"Shield of the Gods——"

Gilgamesh, who still wanted to continue taunting Jeanne Arc, opened his right hand, unfolded a shield engraved with strange patterns from the King's Treasure, and blocked the shot fired by Scathach, who had come out of the shadow. Scathach looked unhappily at the failure of the attack and retreated to avoid the attack of the King's Treasure, and said coldly:

"Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, you are too anxious. We have a lot of time."

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