After saying this, everyone present could see that Gilgamesh, who was cold-faced and no longer sarcastic at this moment, was in a very bad mood, like a volcano that was about to erupt at any time.

Chapter 331: Hei Zhen: I am so angry, so angry that I am about to explode!

Gilgamesh, who was upset by Joan's shining golden faith, had no patience to play slowly with him.

At the moment, he just wants to find a hot man and avoid the shame of ten years ago.

"Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, what do you think of this world full of useless people?"

Jin Shining still maintained a cold face, looked at Scathach who was confronting him and asked:

"Like me, you can see the distant past and future, how do you see the world?"

Although I don’t understand why Jin Shining suddenly talks about such philosophical and sociological issues, he has long been accustomed to solving them with his hands, so he can solve them with his hands. Scathach, who is a man of few words, responded calmly:

"I am the king of the Kingdom of Shadows, not the king of the human world. Moreover, all these are human choices, and fate is what it should be."

"What a boring answer, Scathach—"

Jin Shining, who was holding each other's arms, his eyes suddenly became dark, as if he saw something deeper behind them, and said:

"This world is becoming more and more boring. It is filled with all kinds of desires, sins and blindness, unintentionally venting this bad era."

"Of course, there are still some merits in this era. For example, in order to fight for this world that belongs to the king, the monks invented a variety of weapons that are beyond the past. This is just used to purify this ugly world."

After that, with a nervous expression on his face, he took out something similar to a salted fish from the King's Treasure and said with a smile:

"Of course, as the original collection of human wisdom, even the weapons that appear from the technology of the future are also in my collection."

In short, as long as Jin Shining Shining wants to, he can not only take out various artifacts from the Age of Reason and start a war that recreates the Age of Mythology, but he can also take out prototypes of various technological products that will only appear in the future and fight with everyone. A thrilling interstellar battle.

Of course, there is no possibility that Jin Shining, who has an omniscient and omnipotent heart, does not know how to use high-tech weapons.

At the scene, as Red A from the future world, I immediately thought of what Jin Shining Shan said about the weapon that is most suitable for purifying the world in this era. Coupled with the obvious shape of the thing, who would have never expected that the other party actually took out it? A lesson about nuclear bombs, but I don’t know whether they are nuclear fission weapons or the more terrifying nuclear fusion weapons.

"Gilgamesh, you madman!"

Red A couldn't help but think about the damage that would be caused by the explosion of such a large-yield real nuclear bomb!

Even if they can block it without any injuries, the hanging garden will not be blown to pieces directly, so the people who just left to choose the mastermind behind the scenes may be reduced to ashes by the sudden nuclear explosion.

Magicians are also human beings, and there is not much difference under the attack of nuclear explosions, unless they are the kind of non-human magicians who say, "I am no longer a human being."

Obviously, Miss Tohsaka Rin and others are not yet up to this level.


Jin Shining looked at the furious Red A with interest. Apparently the other party recognized that what he took out was a nuclear bomb from ancient times.

With the golden light of God's vision, he naturally saw through Red A's sad and mechanical life. In his eyes, a person who advocates individuality and joy, Red A is the most boring person, no, not even a human being, but It's just a cold machine called justice.

"Zha Xiu, it seems you still have some discernment."

"Then, accept the judgment of this world from this king!!"

Art is Patrick Star!

Well, he didn't shout the last sentence out loud, but read it in his heart. After all, he had been a reclusive otaku for ten years, so Gilgamesh naturally kept up with the trend.

"Kacha, kacha——"


Seeing that the nuclear bomb that was defeated in front of everyone was about to explode, Jin Shining took out a talisman that allowed him to temporarily jump out of this dimension and laughed.

The reason why he chose the nuclear bomb, a real artillery attack that affected the entire Sky Garden, was not only to kill everyone, but also to threaten everyone in the Sky Garden, not only to protect Shredder and others, but also to protect Amakusa and Empress.

Where does my world need to be changed and saved by you miscellaneous cultivators? !

The most important thing is that I don't believe that such a hateful man can't take action to stop the nuclear explosion, otherwise the father and daughter he saved many years ago will be sent to hell.

"I am Sword Bones——"

Red A didn't bother to show off like before. After reading a lot of lines, he quickly used his ultimate secret - Infinite Sword Control, in an attempt to use the inherent ending of Infinite Sword Control to delay the nuclear explosion. A world in which Tohsaka Rin and his father and sister can be protected.

"My god is here!"

And Joan of Arc was also prompted by the passive skill "Revelation" to release her Noble Phantasm before the nuclear explosion and bring all teammates under protection.

"Rumble, rumble—"

At that moment, there was nothing in his eyes, only light and endless shock waves and flames coming towards his face!

————Another day of nuclear explosion——————

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Jin Shining was very unhappy when he saw that the world of infinite swords, which was originally a desert, was blown apart by the explosion, and the copied sword that was originally stuck on the ground was almost completely gone.

The most conspicuous thing in front of him was Jeanne who was so tired that she fell to the ground half-kneeling on the ground, and the dimmed battle flag.

The opponent actually used this method to solve his own nuclear explosion attack.

“It’s such an ugly world!!”

Jin Shining evaluated the world in front of him truthfully, and then the Infinite Sword System collapsed due to the excessive impact it received.

"Next time, can you continue to guard it?"

Having said that, he seemed to want to take out some anti-matter weapon and launch another Patrick Star attack.

"hero King--"

Jin Shining's attack just now was too sudden. Artoria, who had been playing defense all the time, only realized now. When she saw that the opponent seemed to want to do something big again, how could she pay for something big for the opponent?

So, holding the invisible holy sword, he rushed forward, interrupting the opponent's attempt to do something big. At the same time, Scathach, Karna, and Arturia stepped forward at the same time.

"I have to leave it to you for now——"

Red A reluctantly stood, looking at the three people who came up, and thought to himself.

Also extremely tired was Miss Joan of Arc, who had a nuclear explosion on her face. She used her actual actions to prove that Joan of Arc indeed has the qualifications of a first-class heroic spirit. Not everyone can do it when a nuclear explosion hits her face. matter.

And she had just resisted with her amazing perseverance and the belief that her teammates were behind her.

The attack just now was not an attack like 'Heaven and Earth Bedeviled, Star of Creation', which sounded awesome but actually couldn't even blow up Fuyuki City.

Perhaps, when Jin Shining's deviant sword is output at full power, it can indeed achieve the legendary creation of the world and recreate the effect of the original realm of hell. However, in the real world, there are restrictions on restraint, and the mysterious power is often greatly restricted. Just like the speed limit when driving, compared with the description, the power that can be exerted is often small.

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