At this moment, Kiritsugu was struck in his heart by the other party's words. He remembered a certain belief that had been dusted away and asked:

"What exactly is your purpose?"

"of course--"

Amakusa looked at the shredding rake, opened his hands, and said with emotion:

"Of course it is the ideal you gave up to become a partner of justice and achieve relief for all mankind!!"

The Internet was disconnected last night, I paid the Internet fee today, and the Internet is only now re-opened. It’s such a bad year in 2019.

Finally, I would like to congratulate everyone - Happy New Year 2019! !

Chapter 333: Reality is a terrible game

A partner in justice?

Ben Harrow hasn't had such a dream for many years.

Besides, young man, you started talking like this and didn't even introduce yourself. Isn't it very abrupt?

"I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself——"

Amakusa seemed to see through everyone's confusion, showed an apologetic smile, and said:

"I am Amakusa Shirou, the supervisor sent by the Holy Church in this Holy Grail War——"

Hero Emiya: "Meow meow meow?"

It turns out that the person Red A is looking for is you, Amakusa Shirou!

Do you know that I was almost killed by you because I was considered by Red A to be a good partner of justice?

If you, Amakusa Shirou, want to become a partner of justice, what does it have to do with me, Emiya Shirou, who aspires to become a world-class chef? !

"Of course, there is another identity, Amakusa Tokishirō, a servant who survived the Third Holy Grail War."

"It's actually Tokishiro Amakusa?"

At this time, Yukinoshita Yono, who was stunned by someone and was planning to paddle hard, couldn't help but exclaimed:

"The child prodigy with miraculous powers in history, the resistance hero Amakusa Tokishiro at the end of Japan's Warring States Period!!"

Everyone present is a person from the mysterious world. In this world where the longer the history is, the more powerful the mystery becomes, being familiar with historical knowledge is a basic professional requirement.

Therefore, if you have a friend or classmate who is terrible at physical science, geography, politics, or Chinese, but his history scores are extremely good, then this friend or classmate may be hiding in the real society. The mysterious side member.

After all, in addition to coping with the reality of this terrible world, studying hard and making progress every day, the members of the mysterious side also have to learn the knowledge of the mysterious side, and even work overtime at night to fight monsters and level up. There is no time to review and do homework. Apart from history, Apart from this necessary skill point, it is understandable that other cultural courses are poor.


Seeing everyone's surprised looks, Amakusa said with some embarrassment:

"If there is no mistake, I am the Amakusa Tokishirō you call me."

"But the so-called prodigy doesn't dare to admit it. As magicians, you can probably guess that this is just the power of magic. It is probably not difficult for everyone here to do these things."

Hero Wei Gong woke up and said:

"Hearing what you said, I feel that what I study in school is meaningless. Why do I study hard?"

Yes, my goal is to become a top chef, but I am not a scientist. Why do I have to be hurt by Ilia every day with the child next door, Grandpa Mo Yi, and then encourage myself to study until dawn?

Illya glanced at Hero Emiya, who seemed to have found a reason to become a scumbag, her cute little face became extremely serious, and said:

"This is not a reason for you not to study hard and be lazy——"

"If you can't win even the simplest competition in school, how can you prove that you have the ability to stand in a cruel society?"

"Compromising and making do will only make you slowly fall behind others and eventually turn into a waste house that has no contribution to society."


Hero Emiya: Oops, Illya is in preaching mode again.

Hero Wei Gong, who has rich experience in being lectured, knows very well that he must not talk back at this time, saying that "it is because there are so many abandoned houses in the world that Brother Mo Yi can make a fortune". Otherwise, he will only be criticized by the other party. Even if you preach more harshly, even if you win the debate, you will be suppressed by the other party with violence.

Therefore, what I hate the most, Hero Emiya, is the flower-planting education model. Did you know that this can easily stifle children's subjective initiative and nature?

By the way, Ilya, you obviously look like a Westerner, why can't you learn Western education methods?

Shredded rake rake's mood at the moment: Here comes Illya in preaching mode, and she's super cute!

Of course, others were very embarrassed by this unfolding. Among them, the empress Semiramis was the most embarrassed. She was already preparing to make a domineering declaration. This style of painting was wrong.

Semiramis looked at Amakusa, who was also smiling awkwardly next to her, and couldn't help but snicker. She didn't expect that he, who was always serious or had a smile of pity for the world, would also have an awkward look that he was not good at dealing with.


Finally, after Illya finished her daily lecture, Amakusa coughed softly, drew everyone's attention back, and said seriously:

"In order to achieve relief for all mankind, I have secretly planned and struggled for more than seventy years, and now it is about to be realized-"

Amakusa made a gesture of embracing everyone with a face full of enthusiasm. Finally, looking at the rake, he stretched out his right hand and asked:


"Emiya Kiritsugu, are you willing to join my side?"

"With empty ideals and no concrete methods, even the so-called Holy Grail of Ten Thousand Years will never be able to do this kind of thing——"

Facing Amakusa's 'invitation from the Messenger of Justice', Qishi Raake maintained his usual cold face and said after two seconds:

"I have already thought through this kind of thing, Amakusa Toki Teishiro."

"It doesn't matter--"

Amakusa kept the POS gesture of extending his hand to invite and said with a smile:

"I have long recognized this kind of thing, and my method is not to make a wish like the Holy Grail, but to release the 'soul materialization' to all mankind through the Great Holy Grail, the crystallization of the third method. When all mankind becomes immortal, At that time, the root cause of the world's struggles, the struggle for resources, will be solved, eliminating all possibilities of struggle and oppression, and it will no longer be impossible!"

At the moment when he was cutting shreds and raking, he didn’t know what expression to look at Amakusa. His wife was from the Einzbern family. You had such an idea. Even the Einzbern family didn’t know how many years ago it was. It's there, and it's been done for this purpose.

But why don’t you take a good look at the current situation of the Einzbern family?

After all these years, nothing has been accomplished. I don’t know how many innocent citizens of Fuyuki City have been harmed.

"This was the purpose of the Great Holy Grail from the beginning, but it has already gone through four Holy Grail Wars, so what."

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