Shredder Rake refused:

"Moreover, on that night ten years ago, I realized that as a human being, there are limits -"

Amakusa suddenly said:

"So, you, Emiya Kiritsugu, have decided not to be a human being?"

Shred rake: "···"

Isn't this a common saying in Mo Yi's works?

Amakusa, I didn’t expect that a saint like you can’t escape the corruption of the second dimension. Can you respect your character and pick up garbage in the Middle East, collect materials, read Ma Zhe when you have time, and learn advanced revolution? Thoughts, roar or not? !

No wonder, after seventy years of planning, the method you came up with is actually the method thought up by weird people like Einzbern.

"Ha ha--"

Amakusa looked at the embarrassed people. Amakusa finally realized that he had exposed his few hobbies, and smiled awkwardly:

"I'm sorry, I'm a JOJO fan and I just can't help but take your comments."

At this time, Illya couldn't help but blush - he was indeed her favorite Onii-chan, even her enemies liked to look at his things.

Shred Rake picked up the above words and continued:

"So, I have completely given up on the dream of becoming a partner of justice, which is beyond the limits of human endurance -"

"All I can do is protect the people around me."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Empress Semiramis, who had always been arrogant, could no longer remain silent and complained to Amakusa:

"Master, I have already said that there is no such thing as surrendering on the spot."

"At the end of the day, it's not a fight. Anyway, the Great Holy Grail has been activated."

Too bad, the other side is trying to delay time.

Amakusa spread his hands and said helplessly:

"Assassin, you've made it clear, how can I delay it?"

"Besides, it's not good to fight all the time. Why don't we all get together, drink tea, and talk about JOJO."

Semiramis: "..."

The empress remembered that she had once taken the JOJO book collected by Amakusa, and expressed that she could not accept this tough guy style.

In the end, Amakusa had no choice but to draw his sword, looked at the crowd and said:

"In this case, we have no choice but to use swords to resolve the disputes between us!"

"But in the end, I still want to ask, do you really want to stop me?"

"I know your worries, whether it is about the Great Holy Grail being contaminated by the evils of this world, or about the huge amount of energy required to materialize the souls of all mankind. I have solved these problems."

"First point, I have entered the Holy Grail and purified Angola Newman, the source of the contamination of the Holy Grail; second point, I have received the assistance of the gem Onzel Rich, using the second method of 'parallel world interference', the Great Holy Grail activated In the third method, you can extract magic power from infinite parallel worlds, and there is no risk of draining the world's earth veins."

At this time, Amakusa pointed to the Great Holy Grail, where the statue of the Saint of Winter was, where a short sword made of ruby ​​was inserted. It was the magic ritual gem sword made by the gem man using the second method. Through it You can connect to countless parallel worlds and absorb magic power.

"Even so, are you still going to stop me from saving all mankind and realizing relief for all mankind?!"

Under Amakusa's questioning, everyone present fell silent. The other party's tricks seemed very reasonable and feasible.

Do they really want to stop each other from such a grand and selfless ambition?

Among them, the former justice partner Chisi Rake and the contemporary justice messenger Yukinoshita Yukinomiya are the most entangled.

However, while they were pondering over it, the Great Holy Grail was spinning, and the time to activate the third method was getting shorter and shorter. There was no time left for Shredder and others, or rather, for humans. too much.

"Although I don't know whether you can succeed in the end-"

When Amakusa was led into a philosophical whirlpool and unable to extricate herself from such cunning people as Shredder, Snow Cat, and the eldest daughter of the Yukinoshita family, Hero Emiya, who was supposed to be a partner of justice, spoke up. Zi woke up everyone who was immersed in thinking.

"But even if you succeed in the end and materialize the souls of all mankind, this future is still not the future I want."

Hero Emiya's eyes seemed to be filled with flames, and he looked at Amakusa and said:

"Human beings, for example, without pain, people would not protect their bodies and know the weight and preciousness of their own lives -\

,""Without the feeling of hunger, there will be no desire to eat, and in the end, there will be no happiness due to the delicious food, and gratitude to nature for giving human beings food."

“As a chef who aspires to become a world-class chef, I deeply realize how boring a world without delicious food would be!”

The more Hero Emiya spoke, the smoother he became. Finally, he clenched his fists and said firmly:

"A world without ageing, immortality, and no strife may be wonderful, but is this kind of beauty what we humans long for?"

"Without any desire, without any desire, like a robot, living just for the sake of living, is this kind of existence still human beings themselves!"

"That's right——"

Hero Emiya paused for a moment, finally thought of the right words, and ended:

"Perhaps you are indeed providing relief to all mankind, but this relief is only superficial relief. What needs to be saved is the human soul itself!"

Illya: "...Meow?"

When did my brother become so philosophical? This does not fit with his setting as a scumbag!

Following Hero Emiya's speech, everyone also woke up. What the other party said was very good, but do humans really need this kind of 'beauty'?

As the saying goes, don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you, but even if it is what you want, don't do to others.

Everyone is unique and has his own ideas and personal will. No one can make decisions for everyone's future alone, unless he is Lelouch.

Of course, Lelouch's final outcome is to die as a demon tyrant who destroys the world.

"Emiya Shirou—"

Amakusa looked at Hero Emiya, whom he ignored at first, and said with emotion:

"You have the same name as me. It seems that I underestimated you. This is probably a joke of fate."


Amakusa looked back with the same decisive eyes, looked at this young man who was somewhat similar to himself, and said:

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