"I have been thinking about this for more than seventy years, and have been fighting for this for more than seventy years. Do you think that your frivolous words alone can make me give up my long-cherished wish for two lifetimes?"

"If you have never experienced despair, how can you understand how cruel this world is? If you let it go, human beings will eventually be destroyed by their endless desires and disputes!"

"If you don't agree with this method, please tell me what is the real relief for mankind!!?"

Hero Emiya, after all, is Hero Emiya. In the UBW world line, he clearly questioned Red A very reasonably, and was told that he could not find a reason to refute, but he still shouted——

‘I don’t care, I just want to be a partner of justice! ’

“I don’t want to be a partner of justice, but I absolutely want to be a partner of justice!”

Faced with Amakusa's questioning, Hero Emiya did not give in and shouted:

"I'm stupid and have never thought about the problem you mentioned!"

"But I know that your idea is wrong!"

"As an ordinary human being, I, Shirou Emiya, will definitely stop you here!"

If people in this world have no appetite, how can you become a special chef? So - I'm sorry, Amakusa, let me, Lord Emiya's right hand, break your illusion!

Finally, after looking tit-for-tat with Hero Emiya for a moment, Amakusa sighed helplessly and said:

"So in the end, we still need the sword in our hands to decide who is right?"

"The world is really as bad as ever."

Having said this, Amakusa was still raising the sword in his hand, pointing at Hero Emiya and others, and his determination was self-evident.

"Please wait, master——"

At this time, Empress Semiramis took a step forward, stood in front of Amakusa, and said with a smile:

"Fighting is a servant's business. Before I, Semiramis, fall, you, as the master, do not need to take action."

"Just watch from the rear and see how I suppress the rebels who are blocking us."


Although Semiramis still had an uninspired tone, Amakusa still felt the opponent's determination, and finally had no choice but to put the sword into its sheath, smiled as always, and said:

"Then it's up to you, Assassin."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

At this time, after finishing the snacks he brought with him, Miss Sesshōin, who was already very impatient, looked at Semiramis with dissatisfaction and said:

"Are you the gloomy woman who bombarded me with magic cannons?"

"Let me tell you, I still remember this, and I have long wanted to give you a slap in the face to make you understand that the giant panda is a bear, not a cat, and it is not a cute beast that only acts cute!"

Semiramis: "..."

The empress naturally recognized Miss Sesshōin. She had confidently killed her and Yukinya with one shot before, so she even showed off in front of the eldest lady of the Yukinoshita family, and then was slapped in the face.

This queen has not forgotten this matter, arrogant Monokuma!

Chapter 334: A certain scientific super electromagnetic kick

"As I get older, it's hard to refuse to accept old age."

After being stabbed in the back by Emi-sensei with the Justice of the Sun Knight, the gem man finally escaped from the clutches of Erina and her daughter.

The five major magics in the Moon World are originally the five major plug-ins in the Moon World. Although each has different abilities and has different skill book branches, when it comes to escape ability, the second method 'Parallel World Observation and Interference' is the most outstanding. , If you can't beat it, you can just transfer space. If you are chased too hard, you can't even escape to other parallel worlds.

If you don't believe that the other party can cross the parallel world to hunt you down, this move is a must-try trick for Gem Onzelrich.

Zelrich, who had successfully transferred strategically, did not go directly back to the Magic Association and other parallel worlds, but moved to a semi-abandoned park in Fuyuki City.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is often the safest opponent. Zelrich, a talented and bold person, looked exactly like he had just been stabbed in the back. Except for the bright red blood still remaining on the clothes on his back. , the whole person is already full of energy.

Even a little gangster who wants to hunt for those young lovers making out in a dark corner in a deserted park in the middle of the night would probably not dare to be tempted when he sees such an old man.

You must know that young people are not necessarily better at fighting than old people, especially in this modern society where technology erodes the individual's spirit and body and fixes everyone's position and remains unchanged.

Most people only know how to work every day, repeat it over and over again, and hone their work into mechanical memories and daily routines. Unlike the ancient times, everyone who can survive in the cruel natural environment catches prey. Fight, cook, build a house, escape from the temple, every survival skill is fully equipped.

Although modern society has greatly enriched human material conditions, personally speaking, many modern humans are not as good as humans in ancient times.

And Gem Onzelrich is a mysterious figure who has lived for an unknown number of years. He possesses the ability to manipulate time and space. Time seems unable to affect him, and his current aging appearance is also due to his hatred. The sequelae left by the will of the moon.

After being sucked by blood, he became older and weaker, but as a Death Apostle, he officially broke away from his human identity and became a non-human being, and his life span was even more difficult to predict.

After feeling that the punctured kidney had stopped bleeding and healed, Baoshi Weng looked at the dark scenery around the park with sighs.

How long has it been since you felt so embarrassed?

While sighing in his heart, he walked to the unmanned beverage machine next to him, put a coin into his sleeve, and pressed the tomato juice button after inserting the coin.


Then, the unmanned beverage machine still flashed its light without any response. It did not spit out a bottle of drink as expected, and the coins also did not spit out.

At this moment, Gem Onzel Rich was confused, hesitating whether to perform a show of tearing apart the unmanned beverage machine. Despite his appearance as an old man, he had also torn apart countless Dead Apostles (vampires) with his hands.

"Let me do it-"

Gem Onzelrich turned his head and saw a typical Japanese high school student wearing ordinary casual clothes, who looked as handsome as he did when he was young, standing next to him. Suddenly he looked very ordinary with black hair. juvenile.

But why couldn't I find it myself? !

Just like an ordinary disco, it is definitely not ordinary. How can a seemingly ordinary high school student in District 11 be really ordinary?

Feeling the curiosity and vigilance of the gem Onzel Rich, Mo Yi, who had just escaped from the infinitely cute dragon Ophis, showed a harmless smile and did not explain anything because of the other party's probing eyes. He waved his hand to the other party and said:

"No one usually comes to this park, and the facilities are old. Usually, many people would be swallowed like you."

Seeing Mo Yi's appearance, Baoshi Weng also cooperated and took a step back to give the stage to the young man.

"I have a trick for dealing with unmanned drink machines——"

After seeing the opponent retreat, Mo Yi bounced twice, and then kicked the unmanned beverage machine with a whirlwind kick of more than 360 meters in the air——

"A certain scientific super electromagnetic kick!"

"Ding..., click!"

The drink machine that was kicked by Mo Yi trembled crazily, and after making a 'ding' sound, it finally spit out a bottle of canned drink.

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