As the saying goes, when two people meet, there must be one, and this refers to this situation.

With the stupid king of Avalon, no matter if I can't defeat you, I am staring at the invincible thing anyway. I have nothing to fear until the magic power is exhausted. In addition, her magic power supply at the moment comes from Mo Yi. As long as she If you have good physical and mental support, there is no possibility of being free from demons.

Then there was Karna who lost his sun armor and god-killing spear. Although the plug-ins were gone, as he said, a true hero kills with his eyes. He can be called the golden three targets along with Jin Shining and Ra Er. No matter how bad he is, he can't be worse than a top-notch servant. Well, as a comparison object, he can't be worse than Dimulu who has two brushes.

Heroic spirits without light cannons, true and instant death, and without plug-in abilities are simply not worthy of becoming a first-class Servant. As for ability values, they are all deceived by superstitious figures like Tohsaka Rin.

In today's world, data and everything else are used to deceive people. A certain red-clad archer who can fill in the ability values ​​on the panel by himself is the best example.

The last one was Hei Zhen, who was guided by Grandpa Mo Yi through Joan of Arc's spiritual foundation using the membrane method. In a parallel world with millions of heartless masters, Hei Zhen was the first to deceive Kryptonian heroes. From this outside No., you know how powerful it is.

It is definitely not comparable to a Buddhist player like Joan of Arc who can self-destruct and absorb large amounts of damage. In addition to absorbing damage, her battle flag can also fight back the damage or red lotus fire, plus it can be continuously summoned. Dragon, the strange power output of physical transformation, is simply a blessing for poor players.

Therefore, under the siege of the Four Heavenly Kings, Jin Shining Shining can fight without defeat, which is already very powerful.

"What a difficult guy to deal with——"

Jin Shining, who was sitting on Wei Mo who was interrupted and almost unable to fly, looked at the sky outside the big hole in the sky garden that was opened due to her ultimate move, and the Four Heavenly Kings who were in a state of embarrassment, but their morale was getting fuller, and felt miserable. !

Could it be that I, Gilgamesh, am going to be beaten to death by the crowd here?

Of course, even if he is beaten to death, nothing will happen to him. He will just return to his true form on the Throne of Heroes and add an interesting memory, just like he has completed a completely immersive game similar to "Sword Art Online".

However, as the oldest king, it would be difficult for him to accept the fact that he was defeated by others when he was at full strength.

You know, just among the heroic spirits, there are several guys he knows who have abilities similar to EX clairvoyance. If others find out about him, wouldn't he be ridiculed?

However, based on his current state, except for his best ultimate move, the "Deviation Sword", he has already used all the available moves, and he can only fight to a draw with the Four Heavenly Kings present.

I have the Guili Sword, and the opponent also has the corresponding ultimate move.

Moreover, the King of Heroes glanced at Red A, Medea and Joan of Arc who were pretending to be dead in the distance.

That damn faker was Alaya's lackey. He didn't believe it since he had no hidden methods.

Suddenly, Jin Shanshan finally discovered a certain blind spot. There were not only three people below, but also a fourth person. Even though he had only seen his face once, even though the other person had grown up, he still recognized him instantly. Ten years ago , the elementary school student who left himself with tears of humiliation is now Mo Yi, a high school student in District 11! !


"I found you, miscellaneous repairman!!"

Jin Shining suddenly shouted out like Shi Lezhi, which made the four people surrounding him confused. However, the movements of his hands did not slow down at all.

But Gilgamesh didn't care, risking injury, took out a treasure with teleportation, and disappeared in the eyes of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Looking at Jin Shining who suddenly appeared in front of him, gritting his teeth, Mo Yi felt very innocent.

Jin Pika, if you don't play with the Four Heavenly Kings, why are you coming here to stare at me?

Theoretically, we are strangers, and you look at me with such a ferocious look, as if you want to swallow me whole. I am very embarrassed for you to do this, especially since you are not a cute girl.

I'm still busy with Joan of Arc talking about ideal life, and I don't have the world to talk about philosophy and wrestling with a handsome guy like you.

However, things often do not develop according to people's wishes, and the same is true for Grandpa Mo Yi, who can produce nuclear fusion with his hands.

Even the Four Heavenly Kings simply surrounded Jin Shining who was standing there in order to come over. He still stared at Mo Yi closely, as if he was the only one in the world like Grandpa Mo Yi.

"King of Heroes Gilgamesh——"

It seemed that there was no way to continue teasing Joan of Arc. Mo Yi looked up at Gilgamesh helplessly and asked:

"I'm Mo Yi, what do you want me to do?"

In the world of Xingyue, Jin Shining is very handsome and has a high personality, but you are not as handsome as me, Mo Yi.

"very good--"

Jin Shining suddenly smiled like a child playing with vectors and shouted:

"I have been waiting for ten years, and finally I am waiting for you."

Mo Yi: Meow meow meow?

I finally waited for you. Fortunately, I didn't give up. Happiness doesn't come easily, so it makes people cherish it more.

No, I, Master Mo Yi, really didn’t meet you Jin Shining Shining by the Daming Lake ten years ago. Please don’t slander this master’s sexual orientation, Jin Shining Shining!

Feeling that everyone was looking at him with strange eyes, Grandpa Mo Yi had no choice but to stand up and use his clairvoyance first to see what happened ten years ago and what kind of fate he had with Gilgamesh——

During the causal retrieval, Mo Yi saw Jin Shining, who was washed down by the black mud that night when Holy Grail Sauce had an attack, and finally walked out handsomely from the pollution of evil in this world, shouting - Wang Lai Wang Lai To admit Wang Lai and allow Wang Lai to carry the whole world on his back, it would take at least three times more to pollute this King!

Then Mo Yi, who was dealing with Hei Ni, was accidentally injured when he slapped Hei Ni away with one hand. Hei Ni was also slapped away by Mo Yi's grandfather.


After reading it, Mo Yi had a hard time holding back his laughter. Jin Shining Shining must be too unlucky. Where is the lucky A as promised?

Sure enough, blackening or something, although the strength is ten times stronger, the luck value will definitely be nine points weaker. In Xingyue, a world where all ability values ​​are filled in by oneself, and only the luck value is of little use, it can only be said to be golden. The misfortunes are all the fault of Tokiomi and the world!

Seeing Mo Yi holding back his laughter, Jin Shining almost exploded with anger.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi is a Buddhist player who is reasonable and upright after all. He thought that he was indeed at fault for accidentally hurting the opponent back then.

So, after thinking about it, I apologized sincerely:

"I'm sorry, Hero King Gilgamesh——"

“I apologize for inadvertently slapping you away ten years ago and feel heart-wrenching sympathy for it!”


"Miscellaneous repair, miscellaneous repair, miscellaneous repair-"

Being in public, especially in front of King Da Mao, I, the most ancient fat tiger, still don’t want to lose face, Kou Ya!

For a moment, Gilgamesh was so angry that he could only curse at 'miscellaneous cultivator' to cover up the shame and anger in his heart.

At this time, Red A, who had the worst compatibility with Jin Pika and could even be called a love rival, immediately realized that if he didn't cause trouble at this time, when would he wait?

"I'm very curious, what happened ten years ago?"

"To make Gilgamesh so angry?"

The other female heroes also showed their common interest in gossip and pricked up their ears to listen to the stories.

"Ten years ago, I shouldn't have saved that girl named Celia—"

Seeing everyone being so curious, Mo Yi naturally wanted to tell the truth to make everyone happy. Anyway, it was the enemy Jin Shining who was embarrassed.

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