"Uh, let's go on stage -"

"The story begins on the night when the Holy Grail War ended ten years ago. That night -"

"Shut up, you idiot——"

The King's Treasure was fully activated, and countless treasures were shot at everyone. Interrupting Mo Yi's narration, Gilgamesh roared like an evil ghost:

"You dare to offend the king again and again. Even if you are cut into pieces, it is not enough to apologize!!"

Jin Pica became angry and went crazy, but Grandpa Mo Yi had already been wary of the opponent. When he attacked, he grabbed Joan of Arc beside him with one hand, and then teleported to a safe place.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Mo Yi."

Looking at Jin Shining who was still being bombarded by the Noble Phantasm, Joan of Arc thanked:

"But can you let go of my shoulder?"

"As a rule, I can't just watch the servants who help me fight while I hide and watch."

After saying that, he looked at Mo Yihe with pure eyes as he put his hands on her shoulders to lead her away.

Mo Yi: "..."

No, the Joan of Arc I know, the correct line at this time should be - Mo Yijun, are you trying to get me pregnant?

Or, Mo Yijun, I have feelings for you!

Is it because I'm not a real male protagonist that I can't enjoy the treatment of a certain android chicken brother who has the heart of a dragon-slaying brother Fei and is given away by clicking on it?

No, the script of my world should be fate staynight. I'm not FA. Why can't I, as the destined protagonist, enjoy the privilege of giving Joan of Arc my wife on the first try?

"You stay here, don't move around, I'll buy an orange and kill Gilgamesh by the way——"

As a gentleman, Grandpa Mo Yi naturally released his grip on the other party's shoulders and said seriously:

"Besides, you haven't recovered yet."

Joan of Arc immediately objected. Although it felt good to be protected and cared for by others, no matter how strong Mo Yi was, she was only human. It was too dangerous to intervene in the battle between the followers. This was her duty as a rule.

"No, this is my duty."

"Mr. Mo Yi, you have helped me a lot."

"It doesn't matter--"

Mo Yi quickly took out a bottle of bitter melon juice, opened it and stuffed it into Jeanne's little mouth. The familiar bitter melon juice made Jeanne cough again.

"This was originally a matter between Gilgamesh and me."

Having said that, Mo Yi once again moved back to Gilgamesh who had stopped bombing the Noble Phantasm, preparing to send Jin Flash back to the Hall of Valor to report.

Chapter 336: Original Darkness·End of the Universe

Masters who cannot tear up heroic spirits with their hands are not good painters. In order to prove that I, Mo Yi, am the world's number one pornographic master, I naturally have to tear up the golden card on the spot.

"Who are you?"

When Mo Yi returned to Jin Shining, who had calmed down a little, he had never seen Grandpa Mo Yi before, but from the first moment he saw him, he felt a strange urge to get close to him.

Because of her appearance, even part of the spirit base was manually designed and provided by Mo Yi with magic power, but Hei Zhen didn't know it.

"I have some bad luck with the Hero King Gilgamesh that needs to be resolved——"

When Mo Yi became serious, he gave people an invisible sense of convincing. The Four Heavenly Kings who had been fighting Jin Shining Shining were subconsciously affected by his aura.

"That's fine——"

Scathach put away his spear without hesitation and said with a smile:

"Although it is a pity that I did not end this fierce battle personally, it is also a good thing to see you take action."

Ever since she was summoned to the real world, Mo Yi was the only existence that she couldn't see through at all. The other person might be the person she had been looking for for a long time, who could kill her in a vivid battle.

The biggest reason why she chose to help Mo Yiyang was this.

After that, she walked to the back alone, thinking that King Mao and Karna had seen Mo Yi take action with their own eyes, so they naturally followed the advice and could paddle, so why not paddle?

Paddling makes people happy!

"The red guy, is he okay?"

Medea, who had been unable to intervene and was buffing from behind, looked at Red A and asked for her opinion.

To be honest, Medea doesn't care about anyone except Hero Emiya. Even the future version of Red A is the same, and she even hates him a little bit.

Being a righteous partner was simply terrible. In her mind, it was enough for Shirou-sama to just be her righteous partner.

However, as she was well aware of the character of the Hero of the Palace, she naturally could not just watch her husband's nominal brother commit suicide and then be beaten to death on the spot. The other party was the most serious ancient king, and among the many heroic spirits, he was also the oldest. How could a human being defeat each other if they were so strong?

If Hero Wei Gong knew that she did not organize Grandpa Mo Yi at the scene, and Grandpa Mo Yi was taught to be an adult, the other party might end up complaining.

Having experienced a failed relationship, she naturally knows how precious and fragile relationships are. The final collapse and disappearance often come from small mistakes that were inconspicuous at the beginning.

For the happiness of this life, Medea is not willing to take any risks, no matter how small the risk is.

Red A: "···"

What is a 'red guy'?

I am the ultimate evolution named Shirou Emiya. Aren't Agumon and BattleGreymon the same pet?

Strictly speaking, Medea, you should call me your ‘husband’.

What a shame, Wang Jiang, why do you have such a strong taste in this parallel world?

She actually likes a wife like Medea who has given birth to a monkey, and she is also the kind of yandere wife who turns black when she disagrees with her. If I had to choose, even if she is a yandere, Sakura Sakura is far better than Medea. Yay!

Red A turned around, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi's back, which might be generous or even a little thin, and said coldly:

"Witch, I'm here to give you a piece of advice——"

"In the Emiya family, he is the person who should not be offended. If you dare to make any bad ideas towards him or the people he cares about, don't take any chances. You can never hide it from the other party, and the other party will not If you are deceived by anyone's tricks, you will pay the price for your recklessness."

Grandpa Mo Yi is the target of Red A's inspection, but this does not prevent Red A from using him to warn the witch Medea, who is known for betrayal. Although Shirou Emiya in this world is not up to expectations, he is always one of his own and can help him. The level of effort is still adequate.

After all, Red A is an archer with a mama character backed by a big tsundere.


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