"But now you are faced with two choices: salvation and doomsday for mankind."

"I really want to know your choice at this moment."

After looking at Amakusa for several seconds, Shredded Harrow spoke:

"I do not have the right to help all mankind make a choice. The only one who can make a choice is mankind itself."

Even though he had known for a long time that Shred Rake had changed and was no longer a partner of justice, Amakusa still couldn't help but sigh when he heard the other party say this.

It is rare in this era to meet someone who shares the same goals with me and holds the same ideals. However, the other person is still defeated by reality.

Amakusa has never doubted or regretted her decision, but occasionally, she would feel a little lonely, walking on such a never-ending one-way road.


Putting his hand on the Great Holy Grail, he tried to use the third method of soul materialization to assimilate Illya who controlled the Great Holy Grail. After a moment, he was sweating profusely, and was finally bounced away by the magic power of the violent Great Holy Grail.

"The magic power in the Great Holy Grail is still growing crazily. Although the third method allows me to have inexhaustible magic power, the total amount is simply a drop in the bucket. There is no way to control the operation of the Great Holy Grail."

In the end, Illya felt very ashamed and explained to everyone.

It’s all my fault for being so useless——

Illya kept blaming herself in her heart. If she were stronger, she might be able to stop the Great Holy Grail.

"One is the materialization of the souls of all mankind, and the other is to prevent the Great Holy Grail from detonating——"

Tohsaka Rin put his hands on his head and shouted helplessly:

"Oops, what should we do now!!"

However, even the professional counterpart Ilia couldn't stop it, and the people present were even more helpless.

"It's all your fault——"

Tohsaka Rin looked unhappily at Amakusa, who still had a spring-like smile on her face, and Semiramis, who had her arms folded and was gloating about her misfortune.

"Tap, step..."

At this time, there was an increasingly clear sound of footsteps coming from the passage.

Everyone looked up and saw the arrival of Scathach, King Da Mao and other followers. Well, there was also Grandpa Mo Yi who was mixed in among the followers.

Of course, Amakusa and the others also saw it, and it seemed that Gilgamesh had also been eliminated by the other party. However, even if the servants came over, there was nothing they could do to change the outcome.

"Mo Yi——"

The sharp-eyed Tohsaka Rin spotted Mo Yi immediately. To be more precise, she was the first to call out to Mo Yi.

"Come here quickly and see if you can solve the problem of the Great Holy Grail."

It was obvious that when Mo Yi came over, everyone took a breath and the huge pressure in their hearts relieved.

"Why are you in such a hurry——"

Grandpa Mo Yi complained speechlessly to Tohsaka Rin who ran over and pulled him over.

This woman, who always opposes me and bullies me, now finally knows what this master is like!

Sure enough, women are all pickled chicken feet.

"Needless to say, I know everything."

Seeing Tohsaka Rin wanted to explain the situation, Mo Yi broke away from her hand first. There are many people watching here. My Miss Tosaka Rin may be in critical condition now, so everyone won't think too much about it, but wait. Once the crisis is resolved, it’s hard to say.

There are very few cases of post-mortem liquidation in history.

In particular, the eldest lady of the Yukinoshita family looks at me with a strange look. It's useless even if you look at her. This master only likes long hair.



Mo Yi looked at Ilia with tears in her eyes and knew that this little guy would take the responsibility of being unable to solve the Great Holy Grail on himself.

"Let me help you-"


Feeling Onii-chan's gentle and encouraging gaze, the haze in Illya's heart immediately dissipated. No matter how much she encouraged herself, subconsciously, she still relied on Mo Yi, believing that as long as Onii-chan was there, there would be no problem. Can't be solved.

Shredded rake: "Are you sure?"

Like Illya, Mo Yi put his hand on the Great Holy Grail and said with a smile:

"Isn't that natural, Uncle Kiritsugu?"

In fact, Mo Yi really wanted to call him Kiritsugu's father, but there were some things he could do but couldn't say. Especially, Kiritsugu was a hidden daughter-in-law, and Xue Miao and others were still present.

"Maybe I can give you a surprise."

Hurry up and end the Holy Grail story, and get ready to start a new volume, a new daily story.

Chapter 338: Mother-in-law, I am your son-in-law Mo Yi

"here it is?"

With the support of Mo Yi's magic power, Illya finally successfully connected to the inside of the Great Holy Grail. When she connected herself with the consciousness of the Great Holy Grail and tried to control it, Illya found herself in a large place full of flowers. grassland.

As far as the eye can see, the ground is covered with flowers of all kinds.

"The inside of the Great Holy Grail——"

Mo Yi's voice sounded next to Ilia.

Before Illya had time to look over, a hand rubbed her head.

"Onii-chan, now is not the time to play-"

Illya took off Mo Yi's hand and asked:

"Has the problem of the Great Holy Grail been solved?"

"What's going on outside?"

"I'm already modifying the inner structure of the Great Holy Grail, so don't worry."

Mo Yi knocked around, as if he was looking for someone else, and said:

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