"What comes here is that our consciousness and body are still outside, and the time here is not consistent with the time outside. The ratio is about 60 to 1. In other words, one hour has passed here and only one minute has passed outside. "

"So, don't worry."


With Mo Yi around, Illya has never been worried. It's just that she was puzzled that she was still working hard to save the world one second, and then appeared in this paradise-like place the next second.

Moreover, she noticed Mo Yi's eyes looking everywhere and said curiously:

"Onii-chan, now that we have resolved the activation of the Great Holy Grail, why are we still here?"

"Looking at you, you seem to be looking for something?"

"As expected of my favorite Illya, you discovered me like this."

Grandpa Mo Yi came casually to make Ilia happy, and then explained:

"Actually, my master here is the Winter Saint Justeza Ritzleich von Einzbern."

"Winter Saint?"

Because she was rescued from the Einzbern family by Grandpa Mo Yi when she was a child, and because Shred Rake didn’t teach her much about the Einzbern family and the Holy Grail, Illya didn’t know Dong. The saint.

Illya said in confusion:

"Is there any purpose for Onii-chan to find her?"

At this time, Mo Yi also remembered that Illya was not familiar with the affairs of the Einzbern family, and while he was looking for the Holy Maiden of Winter, he gave Illya a brief introduction to science.

"Winter Saint Justeza Ritzleich von Einzbern is considered the ancestor of Einzbern and the prototype of all Einzbern's artificial humans."

After knowing that the crisis was resolved, Illya relaxed and wanted to enjoy the time alone with Mo Yi. Since the start of the Holy Grail War, she had not enjoyed the two of them alone for a long time. Looking at Mo Yi's serious explanation, Can't help but be naughty:

"Is it Unit 1 that goes berserk when it runs out of power?"

Mo Yi: "..."

I finally became serious, Ilia, I can tell you, if I don’t become serious, even Lolita will do it.

"Roughly the same."

The other party was polluted by the evil in this world and turned black. It was almost like going berserk. However, one went berserk without power, and the other went berserk after eating the evil spirits. The original Great Holy Grail followed the aunt on the street and vomited black mud. It's just the result of running away after eating too much.

Mo Yi rubbed Illya's head and clicked on the full-level head-touching killing skill, which made Illya squint her eyes and look very comfortable, and then continued to explain:

"The Saint of Winter was one of the founders of the Holy Grail War because she was half a third magician and mastered the half-finished third magic. Finally, in order to perfect the third magic and realize the salvation of all mankind, she He used himself as a sacrifice to become the core of the operation of the Great Holy Grail, thus successfully creating the magic ritual of the Holy Grail War."

"The original purpose of the Holy Grail War was to perfect the Third Law."

"In a sense, she is the Great Holy Grail itself."

Illya seemed to have thought of something, her face turned red and she said:

"In other words, we are now inside the body of the Winter Saint. Onii-chan, H——"

Mo Yi: "······"

Illya, you are really smart. Why couldn't I think of such a thing?

Obviously he is the master of porn comics, but why can't he even compare to Ilia in terms of professionalism? Is it because he has met too many girls recently? !

Sure enough, a book painter doesn't need a three-dimensional girlfriend, a real female character will only limit his imagination.

When Mo Yi was about to complain and fuck Ilia, a burst of white light suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, and then a silver-haired woman wearing a gorgeous magic dress appeared in front of them, looking at Mo Yi and Yi Liya without sadness or joy. Leah.

She is none other than the Winter Saint Justeza, the secret crush of Insect Lord Matou Zouken.

Speaking of Chong Ye, I have to say that Chong Ye, who was taken away by Mo Yi Dog ten years ago, was once a righteous partner with noble ideals and devoted himself to saving all mankind.

The death of the Saint of Winter also further intensified Lord Chong's determination to become a partner of justice. To become a partner of justice, you need a longer lifespan, and then there will be no more. In the end, the partner of justice becomes someone who fights for everyone. , no matter which parallel world, as long as there is a parallel world where a traveler appears, it will definitely be the first boss to be wiped out by the male pig's feet.

Combined with other righteous partners, Shred and Rake the dog to take away his father, beat his childhood sweetheart to death, RPG to take away his adoptive mother, and then sacrifice his one-year-old wife and little wife, finally got the Holy Grail, but then discovered that the Holy Grail was just a joke, and in the end he had to do it with his own hands. Crush the Holy Grail that you sacrificed everything to obtain.

As if this was not enough, he was contaminated by the black mud of the Holy Grail and died soon. His daughter Illya was treated as trash by the Einzbern family. When the Fifth Holy Grail War began, his daughter was treated as a minor Holy Grail. container.

Illya, who became the Little Holy Grail, will end up dead regardless of whether she can win the Holy Grail War in the end. Whether she is blinded by Jin Shining first and then has her heart ripped out, or she turns into the Little Holy Grail, even if she is redeemed but does not turn into the Little Holy Grail, They will also run out of life and die after one year.

All in all, it's a big tragedy.

Shirou Shirou regards him as the final salvation in his life. After his death, he will also be involved in the Holy Grail War. During this period, there will be forty bad ways to die. It is not easy to survive, and he may also die in order to become a partner of justice. The dog was taken away and eventually became Alaya's harem. With no vacations and no pay, he would spend eternity doing a scavenger job that he didn't like.

It can be seen from the three great partners of justice in Xingyue, Shirou, Emiya Shirou and Chongye that this is a world full of malice, and no one who wants to be a partner of justice will end well.

"mom, Mom, Mom--"

After Ilya saw the woman appearing in front of her, the dusty memories in the depths of her brain exploded suddenly. The figure who always took care of her tenderly and hummed songs to her in the past filled her heart.


Mo Yi took Ilia's hand, looked at Ilia's confused eyes, shook his head slightly, and explained:

"She is the Winter Saint Justeza, not your mother Irisviel."

"how come?"

Illya lowered her head, although she didn't believe it, but since it was Onii-chan who said it, it was definitely not wrong.

However, the appearance of the other party was exactly the same as the appearance of his mother in his mind.


At this time, Illya remembered what Mo Yi had just said. The Saint of Winter was the prototype of all the artificial beings of the Einzbern family, and her mother was the artificial being of the Einzbern family. She had the same appearance, but not Is it a normal thing?

After all, they are artificial humans made from the same mold.

She understood, but Illya's heart was still filled with expectations and disappointments. She expected that the other person was really the gentle mother that she could only recall in her mind, but she was disappointed to know that the other person could not be her mother.

Feeling Mo Yi's familiar head-touch, this time, Illya was not as happy as usual. Although she knew that this was Onii-chan comforting herself, she felt very sad and uncomfortable inside.

"Don't be sad, the purpose of our coming here is for your mother."

Mo Yi told the other party his purpose,


Illya raised her head in disbelief, looked at Mo Yi and asked:

"You said you were looking for the Saint of Winter because of my mother?!"

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