Mo Yi: "..."

I always feel that your words, Ilya, are very problematic. What does it mean to be for your mother? Although it is true, why do you feel that your integrity has been slandered?

"Just leave it to me next."

"What do you mean when you come here?"

The Winter Saint, who had no emotion on her face, asked like a robot.

After the Saint of Winter became the core of the Great Holy Grail, her personality and thoughts completely disappeared with the passage of time. During the Third Holy Grail War, she was even more contaminated by the evil of this world. Even if she still maintained a weak thought, With a malicious personality.

Just now, when Mo Yi prevented the Great Holy Grail from being activated, his main method was to forcibly format the Great Holy Grail. The formatted Great Holy Grail would naturally cancel Amakusa's previous wish.

The magic power drawn from countless parallel worlds was absorbed by Mo Yi, replenishing a large amount of magic power that had been taken away by Teacher Huimei recently.

As the internal AI of the Great Holy Grail, the Winter Saint naturally returned to her original state after being formatted, and appeared in front of Mo Yi according to the set logic.

Since the other party was just an AI like artificial intelligence, Mo Yi did not talk to the other party and appeared in front of the other party in an instant, pressing his right hand on the other party's forehead.

Facing this sudden change, the Winter Saint wanted to resist, but she didn't move no matter what, even if it was inside her body.

"found it--"

Illya often thinks of her mother, especially when she was a child, Mo Yi has never forgotten the lonely look in her eyes when she saw other people's mothers picking up her classmates to go home.

Irisviel's ending ten years ago was to turn into the Little Holy Grail. It can be said that there was really no ashes left. Even if Mo Yi had wanted to resurrect him, it would not be easy. If he was forcibly resurrected, it would trigger the basic laws of this world. , at that time, the two inhibitory powers of Gaia and Alaya might come looking for trouble.

Although he was not afraid, it might hurt the innocent Fuyuki City or others, so Mo Yi had to give up.

But the other party eventually turned into the Small Holy Grail and merged into the Great Holy Grail. In theory, her soul was stored in the Great Holy Grail.

At this moment, Mo Yi is looking for Irisviel sleeping in the Great Holy Grail through the Saint of Winter, the core of the Great Holy Grail.

After some searching, Mo Yi finally saw a woman who looked exactly like the Saint of Winter in the deep consciousness of the Saint of Winter, but her soul fluctuations were slightly different.

There is no mistake, the other party is Illya's mother, Irisviel.

With the other party's sleeping soul, the subsequent work will be simple.

Even the process of re-creating a body for the other party can be omitted. It is essentially the materialized crystallization of the soul of the third method. The Winter Saint with or without her own soul personality is the best container.

They are all products of the same signal, so there is no so-called rejection of soul and body being incompatible.

Moreover, as the Winter Saint of Unit 1, its own functions are far superior to the degraded products of the Small Holy Grail container such as Aliceface, and there is no lifespan problem like Illya's original problem.

In addition, the Winter Saint does not have a so-called partner, so there is no hat problem.

Ahem, in short, the happy sexual life of Shred Raake finally came back after ten years, and it was even much happier than it was ten years ago.

Of course, if there is anything about Shred Harrow's happy life that is not as good as ten years ago, it's probably because he had two wives ten years ago, and now Mo Yi is just helping him find his eldest wife.

However, Grandpa Mo Yi knew that Tengcun Dahe, who was supported by the tiger, deeply admired the shredded rake. As long as he was willing, the problem of the second wife could be easily solved.

As the father of the hero Emiya Daichi, who is a woman in trouble, he passed down not only the ideal of becoming a partner of justice, but also the passive skills of attracting good women.

I always feel that the last righteous partner, Mr. Chong, is about to cry and faint in the toilet. Why is it that everyone is a righteous partner? Emiya and his son can have a harem, but he wants to be a spare tire and a licking dog, but he can't do it. In the end, he still To become the time-travel opening monster that thousands of people come to play with!

So, Mo Yi used magic to pull out the sleeping soul of his mother-in-law, stuff it into the body of the Winter Saint, and finally used magic to activate her body and still-sleeping soul.


"here it is?"

The Saint of Winter, no, it should be said to be Irisviel now. Those inorganic eyes that were neither sad nor joyful blinked for a moment, and then a trace of emotion and color appeared.

"Am I not dead?"

Irisviel recalled her last memory. She seemed to be captured by a hot priest named Kotomine Kirei, and was eventually killed by him himself.

According to common sense, he had already absorbed the defeated Servants and turned them into the Small Holy Grail connected to the Great Holy Grail. In the end, there was not even ashes left.

"Could it be that this is the world inside the Great Holy Grail——"

Looking at the world that was gradually getting brighter, Irisviel said to herself:

"Or, where do people go after they die?"

Looking at Irisviel who was still booting up and restarting, she covered her mouth with her hands to prevent herself from crying, fearing to break this dream-like scene.

It seems that at this time, only Grandpa Mo Yi, as a man, can break this situation.

But at this time, what should Grandpa Mo Yi start with?

It's not good to call Irisviel directly. The other person is her future mother-in-law. This is very rude and leaves a bad impression, which will be troublesome.

Mother-in-law is a big obstacle that stands in the way of countless hard-working men. After you offend her, don't even think about having any good days, or even bad ones, because she opposes your daughter marrying you.

But if you call your mother-in-law directly, it would be a bit awkward. This is the first time they meet, so it would be bad to scare each other.

The last one is called Aunt Illya. However, strictly speaking, she is only seven years old now (she married Chisi Rake when she was 1 year old, leaving Illya), which is younger than Illya. , according to the age group, the other party is still a young girl. In this way, Shred Rake is really a gentleman.

Moreover, young women like the other party don't like to be called aunt. If they give the other party a bad impression, it will be troublesome.

For a time, Grandpa Mo Yi fell into difficulty in choosing and couldn't extricate himself.

And Irisviel gradually woke up from the restart, her eyes adjusted, and the first thing she saw was Mo Yi in front of her.

As soon as she opened her eyes and saw a young man who seemed to want to say something to her, Irisviel was also confused. After two seconds, she finally asked:

"Hello, who are you?"

Mo Yi, who was still in a daze, heard Irisviel's question and said subconsciously:

"Mother-in-law, I am your son-in-law Mo Yi——"

Chapter 339: A family, the most important thing is——

Irisviel: "Son-in-law, Mo Yi?"

For Irisviel, who is only seven years old, the word 'son-in-law' is so far away that she can't understand it for a while?

Who is my son-in-law? Can he eat it?

By the way, I'm really a little hungry.

Seeing his mother-in-law ask back, Grandpa Mo Yi finally tried to feel confused. He usually did it by himself.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi is much more responsible for what he thinks. According to the ancient memory of "Magical Girl Illya", Irisviel's main attribute is scheming.

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