Could it be that the other party is just joking with his best son-in-law in the world?

So, Mo Yi explained seriously:

"The so-called son-in-law is the husband of your daughter Ilia, mother-in-law."

Irisviel: "..."

What happened?

He died, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a young man saying strange words, but the other man did say his daughter's name just now.

At this time, Irisviel couldn't help but have a bold idea, that is, this is indeed the time of the dead. The world of the dead is different from the real world, and the boy in front of her is her daughter's future husband. Silk Raake and other family members have been waiting here for a long time, and they can finally have a happy ending.

Mo Yi was the person sent by Illya to pick him up.

Hmm, that makes sense and logic——

Thinking of this, Irisviel couldn't help but feel sad, and her eyes turned loving when looking at Grandpa Mo Yi.

The poor baby died at such a young age. What will my daughter Ilia do with her future life?


At this time, Illya felt that she could not wait any longer, otherwise Onii-chan would still tell the truth. How could anyone know that he was your daughter's husband when they met?

It's hard for me to see my mother again, but I haven't figured out how to get along with her yet!

Now, how should I talk to my mother? !

Feeling ashamed, Ilia squeezed Mo Yi away with rare force and said loudly:

"Onii-chan, stop saying weird things to mom!"

"What if mom misunderstands?"


Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Illya, who was still cute and adorable even though she was shy, in a funny way. He spread his hands and asked:

"Did I misunderstand this all along?"


Illya knew that Mo Yi was trying to catch her, but she would never deny her attachment to him, whether in the past, present, future, in reality, or as a joke.

Illya has known this for a long time.

When Mo Yi asked this question, Illya was immediately caught in a dilemma. When she felt Irisviel's eyes on her, she broke down and acted cute. She pressed her temples with her hands and muttered:

"Onii-chan, don't tease Illya in front of mom!!"

Mo Yi: "..."

Feeling Irisviel's surprised look, Mo Yi finally resisted the urge to continue what Ilia said - 'That means that when your mother is not around, I can tease you as much as I want'.

However, it seems that in front of her mother-in-law, Illya, who is still a lolita figure, is being teased unexpectedly.


No, you still have to leave a good first impression on your mother-in-law. After you settle the relationship with the other party, you can't just do whatever you want.

Irisviel, who had just woken up, was like a patient who had not woken up from a long sleep. At first, she did not notice Ilia next to her. It was not until Ilia spoke that she finally saw her daughter.

In fact, it is understandable. After all, everyone pays attention to what is in front of them at the same time and does not look down at the first time.

'"Is this, Illya?"

Irisviel covered her mouth with her left hand in disbelief. Even though Illya had evolved from a young girl to the size of a loli compared to the six-year-old girl in her mind, as a mother, how could she Maybe he can’t recognize his daughter? !

Very good!

If Kiritsugu was there, that would be perfect. After all, the most important thing for a family is to be together, even if they reunite in the afterlife.

However, with the conversation between Mo Yi and Illya, Irisviel's witty little mind started to work quickly and captured a lot of important information, such as 'the two of them have a good relationship and started fighting in front of her' ', 'Illya calls the other person Oni-chan', and even though her daughter has grown up, she is still only a lolita.

Combining this important information, Irisviel quickly speculated on the future situation——

First of all, Mo Yi is Illya’s Onii-chan. In this way, Shred Raake took a new wife after his death, but the other party also brought his son to the house with her, otherwise Illya would be It's impossible to call the other person 'Onii-chan'.

After knowing that Shred Rake had a new love, Irisviel felt a little relieved. She didn't have to worry about her husband who was always gentle to everyone but was cruel to her. However, she still couldn't help but feel disappointed in her heart. Zane now wants to find the shredding rake, and then use the family naginata to communicate with the other party how the other party has been doing over the years.

Then, two poor children who depended on each other developed love while getting along. Then, under the constraints of family theory, the two finally broke through this imprisonment and ran away for love.


Thinking of this, Irisviel was moved and thought:

"My daughter has finally grown up."

However, looking at Illya, who was shaking her head and acting cute because she was teased by Mo Yi, Irisviel was filled with sadness. Her daughter died young even though she was still a child.

Even though he saw the other person living a happy life, he still couldn't help but want to cry.

Of course, neither Mo Yi nor Illya knew about Irisviel's series of psychological activities. Otherwise, they would definitely lament that the other party's delusion ability is so strong. It would be a waste of her talent not to become a Korean drama screenwriter.


Irisviel stepped forward and hugged the cute Illya, and said:

"It's great to see you again."


Feeling Irisviel's warm embrace as before in those ten years, tears fell from Illya's eyes without knowing it.

I should be happy, so why am I crying? !

Ilya, who has always encouraged herself to be strong, happy, and greet every day with a smile, has never tried this complicated feeling.

There were obviously many things he wanted to say to Irisviel, but Illya, who was hugged by Irisviel, noticed her trembling lips, and in the end she only said:

"I miss you--"

"Ilia misses you so much!!"

Seeing such a touching scene of reunion between mother and daughter, Grandpa Mo Yi stood there quietly, allowing them to vent their thoughts, sadness and joy.

The two of them also maintained a hugging posture, neither of them spoke, and they just felt each other's breath for a long time.

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