"Mom, let's go out and talk about what happened over the years."

After her emotions calmed down a lot, Illya said to Irisviel:

"Besides, dad is still waiting outside."


"Waiting outside?"

Irisviel finally noticed something was wrong at this time, looked at Illya and Mo Yi with confusion, and asked:

"What's going on?"

"Isn't this the world after death?"

This seems to be different from what I imagined.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

Seeing her mother's confused and cute expression, Illya explained speechlessly:

"Mom, this is the world in the Great Holy Grail, and we are not dead either-"

"You have been resurrected!"

Irisviel: "Meow?"

"Is that possible?"

"Resurrection and so on are already matters in the field of magic."

Illya explained:

"Those who pay attention to details are all idiots. Anyway, mom, you are alive now, that's all."

After hearing this, Irisviel nodded in agreement.

Seeing such a harmonious scene, Grandpa Mo Yi complained in his heart. Why does it seem that Illya is the mother who educates her children, and Irisviel is the stupid daughter.

——————The dividing line outside the Great Holy Grail————

Everyone looked at Mo Yi and Ilia closely, and now they could only believe them.

Half a minute later, the Great Holy Grail that had been continuously glowing suddenly dimmed, and then for another half a minute, it glowed again, and it was much brighter than the light emitted by the previous magic operation, so that everyone could no longer stand staring at it. The Great Holy Grail can only close its eyes.

When the light weakened, everyone was instantly confused.

What happened? Where was the Great Holy Grail that was more than ten meters high? Why is it missing/

At the same time that the Great Holy Grail disappeared, there was a silver-haired woman in front of Mo Yi and Illya. Those who knew Illya could instantly tell that the woman was clearly what Illya would look like when she grew up!

No matter how nonsense it is, after all possibilities are eliminated, no matter how impossible the conjecture is, it is the only reality.

This grown-up version of Illya is the disappearing Great Holy Grail! !


Shredded Harrow, who had been wary of the two Amakusa's troubles, was stunned when he saw the woman on the stage. After a few seconds, he thought, is this the surprise Mo Yi said?

It was really a big surprise, but now he wanted to smoke a cigarette to calm down the feeling that was about to explode.

When Irisviel returned to the real world, the first thing she did was to look for Shred Rake. Even though Shred Rake said "Ally" so quietly, Irisviel still caught it.

Then there's——


Irisviel didn't even care about Illya and ran directly to the crowd to calm down her mood.

"I'm back."

Irisviel hugged Shredded Harrow heavily, and Shredded Harrow wanted to say something, but didn’t know how to say it. She felt the trembling of the other half of her life, the most important woman leaning on her chest. , It seemed as if a hole had been pierced ten years ago, and there was an extra hole in the soul. At this moment, it was finally truly completed.

As a cold and ruthless real man, Shred Raake has never been a man who knows how to sweet talk. This is even though he has been following Grandpa Mo Yi's footsteps over the years and has studied almost all the works of Yakumo House. No experience can change it.

Finally, he just opened his mouth and whispered in a hoarse voice:

"It'll be nice to come back."

Of course, at this time, there was another person whose inner surprise and joy were no worse than those of Shreds and Illya. That was Al, who had run out halfway and stretched out his arms, but was ignored by Irisviel. Tolia.

"Why did it become like this?"

Looking at Shredded Harrow hugging Irisviel, Arturia was pleasantly surprised and murmured with a hint of disappointment:

"It's obviously the one behind me, why did it become like this?"

"The information I saw from Yakumo House should not be like this."

Snow Meow: "..."

Standing next to Artoria, Xue Miao naturally noticed a series of changes in her servants, as well as her ridiculous words.

At this time, Xue Miao came to understand. No wonder she often found that her computer was being used by others. Arturia also said that she was looking up necessary information, but it turned out to be this information.

Of course, Xue Miao didn't know that Artoria would discover the treasures in Yakumo House because of her. In order to understand Mo Yi better, she often went to Yakumo House to make up lessons these days. , it is inevitable that some strange sounds will be made, such as 'It's so shameless', 'How can this be done more', 'Doesn't it hurt', 'I'll turn it off right away, it's simply polluting my sight'.

Then, her sincere behavior attracted Artoria's attention, and in order to understand what her Master was doing, Artoria opened a new door.

Xue Miao looked at Irisviel, who was very similar to Illya, and asked Artoria beside her many things that people who didn't know the truth wanted to know.

"Saber, does she know him?"

"She is Irisviel von Einzbern, the wife of my last master, Emiya Kiritsugu."

Artoria explained:

"It's just that she was killed in the last Holy Grail War."

"I see--"

At this time, Xuemiao, Tohsaka Rin, Matou Sakura and other people who were eating melons finally understood that the other party was Illya's mother, no wonder they looked so similar.

As for why she, who was supposed to be dead, appeared here again, no need to think about it, everyone knew that it was the fault of a hot man, Grandpa Mo Yi.

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at the two people who were disrespectful to their elders and showed off their affection, but he didn't make a big light bulb. In fact, he was more curious about what happened between Artoria and Irisviel. He just noticed that Al A series of changes in Tolia's expression.

I think back then, Arturia's queen was Guinevere, so it wasn't the first time that the lilies bloomed.

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