Rather, before she met Hero Emiya in the fate line, she had always thought of herself as a man and naturally loved women.

I really look forward to the subsequent development between the three of them.

However, there are still some small things that need to be solved now. Mo Yi came back to his senses and walked towards Amakusa who still had a warm smile on his face, now that everything had a happy ending.

As the villain of the entire plot, he should complete the best historical mission.

"Your Excellency Mo Yi, please stay -"

Suddenly, the voice of an old man whom I had heard not long ago came from beside me. Gemstone Weng instantly appeared in front of Tiancao and said to Mo Yi:

"Can you give me some face?"

Chapter 340: The End of the Broken Cup War

The long night will eventually pass, and the first ray of sunlight tilts down and hits Amakusa's half-open eyes, bringing a bit of vitality to this man who seems to be sleeping.

"It's all over—"

At this moment, Amakusa rested her head on the lap of Empress Semiramis, watching the sky gradually change from night to day.

More than seventy years of hard work and planning came to an end with the arrival of the first ray of sunshine. In the final analysis, the world has not changed much.


Amakusa thought about the admiration of everyone who prevented him from achieving human salvation. Perhaps many years later, he would become the final villain in a story and be knocked down, and the heroes would successfully save the world.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that it is also a wrong story.

"What a pity, Master——"

Empress Semiramis helped Tian Tiancao push away the bangs that blocked her sight, and said with regret:

"It's such a perfect plan, but it's a pity that it still involves a hot man."

"Thank you, assassin."

Amakusa turned his gaze back, looked at Semiramis's flawless face, and said:

"Do you really want to stay in this world with me?"


Semiramis said matter-of-factly:

"You are the only man who interests me."

Everyone else is asking for things like love, desire, and rights from themselves. Only you are praying for my power as a heroic spirit. This is the reason why Semiramis and Amakusa are so compatible.

Even as an empress who dominates the world, she still wants to be relied on for her own strength, rather than the desire brought about by her two identities of empress and woman.

Thinking of this, Semiramis showed a rare gentle smile. It would be better to say that this was the first time Amakusa saw the other party show such a smile.

So Amakusa took the opportunity to express his thoughts——

"Assassin, if I succeed in the end but fail to fulfill your wish, will you be angry?"

Yes, every man will look for such an opportunity to take advantage of a woman's good mood to tell the bad things that will eventually be discovered by the other party, so as to escape disaster.


"I would be so angry!"

Semiramis said she was very angry, but Amakusa really couldn't see the angry look on the other person's face. Then she thought of an interesting question and asked:

"What would you do if I was angry?"

"Send me back to the Hall of Heroes?"

Amakusa showed a wry smile and quickly explained:

"How could it be? Of course it's at your disposal."

"As long as I can do it, even if it means giving everything, I will help you realize it."

"Ha ha--"

After hearing Amakusa's answer, Semiramis finally removed the spike in her hand from Amakusa's temple and laughed happily. After a few seconds, she looked at Amakusa and said:

"He is really a cunning man, but I remember it, don't forget it."

Still wanting to continue causing trouble, Amakusa, who had a strong desire to survive, nodded quickly and said:


"By the way, is it okay if I rest my head on your lap like this, assassin?"

"Are my thighs uncomfortable, Master?"

"No, it's very comfortable. More comfortable than any pillow I've ever slept on."

"That means it doesn't matter."

"When you say it this way, it seems to be true."

"Please continue to help me in the future, assassin——"

"I'm waiting for the day when you fulfill your promise."


————The dividing line after sunrise in the east——————

At this time, the two people who had watched the sunrise in the stone pavilion in the abandoned park in Fuyuki City finally stood up.

No, it should be said that it was impossible not to stand up, because the person to pick them up was coming.

Gem Onzelrich looked at the two Amakusa and said with a smile:

"It seems like something interesting happened."

Looking at the gem man who had made some kind of deal with Mo Yi and rescued the two of them, Semiramis didn't show a good face. She still had the same decadent and arrogant look, and snorted coldly. made a sound:


I don’t know whether he disdains talking to Gemstone Man, or is unhappy with the timing of his appearance.

At this time, Amakusa had no choice but to come out to mediate the atmosphere and said with a warm smile:

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