"Thank you, Lord Demon Marshal Zelrich."

Although Gemstone Man has not yet explained the matter clearly, Amakusa can probably guess the other party's purpose. It is the same reason why the other party agreed with his plan in the first place, that is, to allow himself to continue causing trouble and see if he can achieve relief for all mankind. In other words, what kind of changes will such relief bring to the world, and whether it is real relief.

Coupled with the other party's name as a magician, the other party probably wants to send him to other parallel worlds to cause trouble. Anyway, there are no unreasonable beings like Mo Yi in other worlds. As long as you work hard, there is always a world where you can succeed. In that world, Gemstone Man can achieve his goal.

Their relationship is probably that Baoshi Weng wants to be a researcher, and Amakusa is an expert who happens to be an expert in the project that the other party wants to research, so the two hit it off, Baoshi Weng invests, and Amakusa is the troublemaker.

"Now that we're ready, let's set off."

After saying that, Gemstone Weng took out a book that exuded a mysterious atmosphere, then opened it, and a red vortex appeared in front of the three of them.

"This is a parallel world that also has the orthodox Holy Grail War, but because in the Third Holy Grail War, the Great Holy Grail was taken away by the Nazis and the Millennium Tree family, it resulted in a branched parallel world."

Gem Onzelrich said:

"This is the most suitable stage for you, Tokishiro Amakusa."

"Then we'll see."

Amakusa took the empress and walked into the red vortex without hesitation. A new story was about to begin, but this story had nothing to do with people in this world.

That is a story about the strongest dragon Aotian in the world of Xingyue. With a sword of 999, the first charge will give you the artifact Siegfried's Heart and the divine beast Afu that can attack and withstand. Even Joan of Arc is waiting online. He came to receive such a passionate epic story of mankind.

——————The dividing line of the villain’s final ending——————

"Are you letting them go like this?"

Among everyone, the eldest daughter of the Yukinoshita family is the most dissatisfied with the Amakusa duo. Not to mention that she was besieged and defeated by the opponent, and then imprisoned by the opponent. Until now, she has not even eaten dinner. For her to be so serious For a truly rich young lady, this is an extremely shameful and uncomfortable thing.

However, what made her grit her teeth the most was that the other party made her lose face in front of Xuemiao under a touch of snow.

The impression I had always had of being an invincible sister was finally gone forever.

So, when I saw a certain cool-looking old man come over and chat with Mo Yi for a few words, and then beat Amakusa and Semiramis away, I was naturally unhappy. I didn't take revenge for this!

However, whether she is happy or not is not something Mo Yi needs to worry about. It is a matter that her future husband needs to worry about.

Naturally, a Membrane Master like Mo Yi cannot have the problem of dissatisfaction that plagues thousands of women and men.

Xuemiao knocked on the dirty floor of her house, like her dirty sister after playing in the mud, and felt inexplicably happy.

It seems that the embarrassed appearance of my sister is much more interesting and pleasing to the eye than the usual aloof and strong appearance.

However, after hearing the other party's question, he still answered:

"Since he did this, it means there is no problem."

Yukinoshita Yono: Damn it!

I still don’t know who my sister is. To put it nicely, she is independent and a girl with great ideas. To put it poorly, she is independent and only thinks of her own way.

But what do you hear now?

This short sentence revealed her trust and dependence on Mo Yi.

Unscrupulous Mo Yi, Yukino is mine, why does my sister trust the wild man outside so much!

It is obvious that her sister is the one who cares, understands and loves her the most!

Yangonoko, who was madly envious, jealous and hateful in her heart, finally found a highly probable guess after a while, that is, the other party deceived her sister with sweet words.

Maybe the other party also used magic that he couldn't see through to cast a spell on his sister, but the other party's strength was far superior to that of himself and others, so he couldn't see it.

Yes, that must be the case.

Then, Yang Naiko used idealism to prove in her mind that her guess was correct.

No, I will try my best to conquer my sister from Mo Yi.

No matter how much humiliation you endure, you must definitely do this! !

After finishing her thinking, Yang Naoko exuded a strange aura and showed a strange smile.

This made Xue Miao beside her very curious as to why her sister was so crazy. Why did she suddenly feel that the other party was full of energy and her eyes wanted to spit out a ball of fire.

If Xue Miao asked this question to the purple-haired heroine Matou Sakura, she would definitely be able to get an accurate answer, because Matou Sakura had already seen Yonoko's appearance in her sister Rin Tosaka.

As the saying goes, the appearance of sexual happiness is always similar (A Heiyan), and the same is true for the whine of a defeated dog. Yesterday's Tohsaka Rin is today's Yonoko.

After dealing with Amakusa, the Holy Grail victory was finally over.

Mo Yi looked at the friends around him and said:

"Everyone has been busy all night, so it's a good time to go back and have a late-night snack!"

After that, he opened the transmission channel and took everyone back to the original starting point, Emiya's home.

————The dividing line between the Emiya family’s dinner tonight————

When everyone returned to Emiya's house, it was already very late, almost midnight.

For some reason, everyone approved Mo Yi's suggestion of having a late-night snack party.

Many of them have their own ideas.

For example, when Yonoko finally returned to Emiya's house with Yukinya, looking at the situation around her, she knew that this was the place where she had shed tears of humiliation, Emiya's house.

In fact, when she first came back, she wanted to take Xue Miao and leave this place together.

After all, her usual unfailing social pretense had no effect on Grandpa Mo Yi, and her personal strength was that she couldn't even beat the Emiya family's pet killing lady. She didn't want to stay in such a dangerous place at all.

However, her attempt to pull Xue Miao away was rejected.

"I'll stay here temporarily."

Xuemiao opened her sister's hand and said:

"If nothing happens, you should go home and rest first."

Yang Naiko: "..."


How could I let my cute and soft sister stay in the home of this scary guy like Mo Yi? That would be like sending her into a tiger's mouth and being fucked by him over and over again.

The eldest daughter of the Yukinoshita family, whose IQ is still above average, quickly figured out how to persuade the other party to follow her.

"You said you were staying temporarily. Now that the Holy Grail War is over, why are you still living at Mo Yi's house?"

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