"Isn't this me?"

"It hurts a little, but it'll be fine soon, Cu Chulainn."


Wang Jiang, who was waiting for death with his eyes closed, opened his eyes to see what was going on. It would be too much to not give himself peace at the last moment before death.

Then, there was a green light in his field of vision, and he was very panicked.


Cú Chulainn, who was hit hard on the head by Mo Yi's punch, hit the ground like a cannonball. Because the ground was blessed by Mo Yi's film method, the Wei Palace courtyard was not damaged. But because the ground was so hard, Wang Jiang's pain increased several times.

My brain felt like it had been hammered, and it was full of paste. The world was spinning in front of my eyes, and my whole body was in excruciating pain.

As the saying goes, rabbits will bite people when they are anxious, let alone the grumpy Wang Jiang.

The irritable Wang Jiang quickly jumped up from the ground and wanted to fight back with the Friendly Face-breaking Fist, but at this time, Grandpa Mo Yi had disappeared in front of him and returned to Tohsaka Rin.


Wang Jiang, who had punched nothing, looked at Mo Yi unhappily.

Mo Yi also showed a warm smile and said:

"I've cured you, Wang-chan."

"As usual, you have to pay me 10 billion yen."

"Pay your sister!"

Wang Jiang cursed;

"Don't think that I don't know the concept of 10 billion yen. I have never heard of such expensive treatment fees. Where is this common practice!"


Wang Jiang, who was slow, finally discovered that his body, which was in pain and dizziness all over his body, was so neat. When he looked at his chest, he saw that the big hole was gone. This really cured him.


"This is the custom of my Emiya family. You don't know it's normal."

Grandpa Mo Yi looked like a doctor and his parents, and said with a smile:

"What's important is that you know it now."

"Moreover, I, Mo Yi, am also a well-known good person. I will not force you to pay back the money. You can choose to pay in installments. Anyway, you are now a servant, and there is no limit on fatigue or life span. You can work for hundreds of years." , it can always be paid off.”

Wang Jiang: "..."

"I will not accept any kind of blackmail!"

Wang Jiang replied unhappily.


Humph, you little one, I have already thought of a way to deal with you. Even if you are a monkey, I, Buddha Mo Lai, will let you understand that it is useless for you to ask for this iron rod!

"Your most outstanding disciple actually wants to default on his debt. What do you think?"

At this time, Scathach, wearing everyday clothes, appeared in front of the stunned Cu Chulainn.

Wang Jiang muttered in shock:

"The Holy Grail War is over. Old woman, why haven't you returned to the Kingdom of Shadows yet?"

"How brave you are, Cu Chulainn——"

Scathach looked at Cu Chulainn kindly, took out his red spear and said:

"Not only have you become a scoundrel who refuses to pay for medical expenses, but now you dare to be so rude and mock me as your mentor. I don't remember teaching you this way."

"It seems that I need to teach you again to remind you of my master's love."

Wang Jiang: "It's too bad."

How come I can't control my mouth and speak my mind when I see this old woman?

It’s just that I, Cu Chulainn, don’t want the so-called master’s love at all. You, a BBA with a devilish heart and a beautiful woman, don’t your conscience feel painful?

Your so-called teaching is to throw me into various death situations. If I were not lucky, I would have been killed by you long ago.

Wang Jiang's life-extending magic skill, 'Avoidance and Protection', is probably the life-extending magic skill he learned from Scathach's various trials.

"Cú Chulainn, I'm optimistic about you."

Mo Yi threw Wang Jiang's Noble Phantasm Death Thorn Piercing Spear back to the opponent. This moment made Cu Chulainn confused. Why is the opponent such a good person? Isn't this unscientific?

Then I heard Mo Yi’s words——

"The treasure storage fee is 10 million yen, plus the medical expenses. Wang-chan remember to pay it back."

Cu Chulainn: "..."

"I won't admit to such an expense!"

Of course, Wang Jiang no longer had time to argue with Grandpa Mo Yi. He had already been arrested by Scathach and was preparing for a one-sided teacher-student exchange match with abuse.

"that's it."

Mo Yi extended his thumb to Miss Tohsaka Rin beside him.

In fact, Tohsaka Rin was also shocked by Mo Yi's shameless expression just now. It turns out that people can be so shameless. He said in his heart that he has learned a new attitude. No wonder he is a poor man and the other party is a rich man. This is the difference.

"You are so shameless, Mo Yi."

Tohsaka Rin said with disgust:

"But thank you very much."

Then he walked happily and turned back to Emiya's house, thinking to himself, 10 billion and 10 million yen, how can I exploit Cu Chulainn and Red A in the future?

Red A means very innocent. Why is Wang Jiang the one who owes you money? What does red A have to do with me?

After solving Tohsaka Rin's matter, new troubles came to the door.

In the meantime, Chastity pulled Hei Zhen over with a look of disdain on her face, stopped Mo Yi who wanted to go back to the living room, and said:

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