"Mr. Mo Yi, excuse me, I have something to ask you."

After taking a look at Jeanne d'Arc and Heizhen, who was like a sister, Mo Yi could probably guess what the other party was asking. There were only two questions. After the Holy Grail ended, why had the servants not returned to the Hall of Valor? The second point was Heizhen. What exactly is virtue?

So, Mo Yi was so serious that he started to fool around. First, there was the matter of the Holy Grail War. That is, the Holy Grail War was over, but the Holy Grail did not stop launching. Instead, as the core of Irisviel's existence, in a sense, the Great Holy Grail was still there. It is being activated, so the followers have not disappeared.

As for the existence of Black Jeanne, Mo Yi used the philosophy of dual personality, id and superego to deceive him. Anyway, it was the same heroic spirit but different spiritual foundations. Yes, it was all Jeanne's own fault.

Because her faith was still flawed, the negative emotions in her heart gave birth to a being named Heizhen.

"Is that so?"

Joan of Arc said to herself in despair:

"So my faith isn't enough?"

At this moment, Joan of Arc received a fatal blow.

Then, make a prayer gesture and use the passive skill "Revelation", hoping to get instructions from the Lord.

However, at such a close distance, the signal sent by Joan of Arc was intercepted by Grandpa Mo Yi. In a sense, Grandpa Mo Yi is also a god. Especially, this is Mo Yi's territory, which is equivalent to Grandpa Mo Yi's divine kingdom. Naturally, the signals from other gods cannot be connected here, and it is normal to receive the other party's request.

Mo Yi didn't show any strange expression and replied in his heart:

"Everything has two sides. Everyone has good and evil sides. You don't have to feel ashamed."

"As long as you recognize yourself and yearn for the light, the world will become beautiful because of you, my child."


In short, it was just a lie. However, in Mo Yi's eyes, Joan of Arc's lonely expression gradually became firm and radiant, even much holier than at the beginning. She had a disagreement, so she had to carry a bag of explosives to prove that Mo Yi Grandpa is the only god.

After successfully encouraging Joan of Arc, a girl who almost made a mistake, Grandpa Mo Yi ordered Joan of Arc in his heart:

"Holy Lady, Mo Yi from Fuyuki City is my spokesperson. He has a heavy responsibility to carry out this task to save the world and benefit everyone in mankind."

"I hope you can stay in this world and help him properly."

"It's worth noting that everything depends on him. There is no need to question his behavior. You still can't understand the meaning. Just assist him and complete the task."

"May the Light bless you, my child."

Then, Grandpa Mo Yi ended his first divine revelation in his life.

"Do your will, Lord."

And Joan of Arc also woke up from the ecstasy of revelation.

You must know that even when she received enlightenment from gods in the past, it was only with vague information. For example, a battle flag with a gun tip appeared in her dream. After some guessing, she realized that the god wanted her to use a battle flag with a gun tip. as a weapon.

But now, it was the first time in her life that she was talking to gods at such a close distance.

It turns out that the God I believe in is so amiable. Sure enough, the Lord is omnipotent.


"Where is the Lord's spokesperson? Mo Yi?"

Joan looked at Mo Yi who was looking at her with concern, and suddenly thought, isn't this Fuyuki City?

And isn't the young man in front of him who has helped him a lot called Mo Yi?

Well, we are far away but right in front of our eyes, and I still want to go out and find the target mission.

It seems that this must be fate and everything is arranged by the Almighty Lord!

Thinking of this, Jeanne looked at Mo Yi half excited and half ashamed, then suddenly made a believer's salute gesture and said:

"I'm sorry, Lord Mo Yi, my faith is still not firm enough, but please give me another chance to help you complete your great mission!"

Isn’t the Lord’s spokesperson the Holy Son?

However, thinking about the past experiences of the Holy Son and the other party in history, Joan of Arc understood that the Holy Son did not want to reveal this secret, otherwise it would cause trouble like in history.

As expected of the Holy Son, in order to save the world and benefit mankind, he did not care about his own honor and struggled silently as an ordinary human being.

Joan of Arc thought of this and made up her mind that she must be extremely careful this time and must not delay the great cause of the Holy Son because of her own mistakes.

Mo Yi: "..."

Mo Yi was originally thinking about how he would deceive the other party if he tried to test him, but looking at Joan of Arc who sacrificed her life to take the name and looked like a holy fanatic who was crazy about love, Grandpa Mo Yi knew that he was overthinking it. .

Now don't say that you just want the other person to join the Yakumo House to work, be a spokesperson, and become a panel girl. Later, you may make a guest appearance as an idol, perform a serious job like singing, even if you want the other person to go directly to the sea, and become the master's royal mannequin. , will also appear in my master's room without saying a word.

At this time, Mo Yi finally understood why Sister Jiangxiang liked to deceive believers so much back then. It was because it was more efficient for others to find people to work in this way, and it was free of charge. Where could such employees be found?


Mo Yi seemed to have discovered some secret. He looked at Joan of Arc with vigilant eyes and said:

"Miss Joan of Arc, be careful what you say."

"I'm sorry, Master Mo Yi——"

Joan of Arc whispered:

"I'll pay attention next time."

Sure enough, his guess was correct. The Holy Son didn't want others to discover his secret.

Chapter 345: The easiest woman to capture in Chaldea

"Let's discuss our matters in detail alone when the time is right, Miss Joan of Arc."

Mo Yi's face was filled with a sense of sanctity. It would not be inappropriate to say that he was presiding over this solemn wedding at this moment. He first lightly patted Joan's shoulder, and then said:

"I still have a lot of things to deal with tonight."

"no problem--"

Joan is as happy as a child. Doesn't this mean that the other party has accepted her into the other party's great plan to save mankind?

Just thinking about it, Jeanne trembled with excitement, like a boy who entered the bridal chamber for the first time, and would explode with just the slightest touch.

However, she still thought about many more problems that needed to be solved, that is, to maintain the present world for a long time, which also required replenishing male magic power, eating, accommodation and other things. Now she had to ask Lord Shengzi how to arrange it.

"Lord Mo Yi, I will retreat first."

After saying that, Joan of Arc seemed to float away and floated away.

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