"To give a simple example, as far as this Holy Grail War is concerned, because of your existence, the fixed script of the Holy Grail War has changed beyond recognition. In the end, there are still so many servants left in the world."

"Servants are mysterious far beyond the ordinary world. Things like this are worthy of my coming to see the situation myself."

"Of course, what I am most interested in is coming to meet you in person, Mo Yi."

Similar to what Mo Yi thought, but the matter is not as serious as what the other party said. The servants left in the world, the clones of the heroic spirits, are not the heroic spirits themselves. Even if Alaya wants to send these heroic spirits out to work, he only needs to copy one more Just do it separately, it won't affect her daily work operation at all.

As for the mysterious influence of servants on the present world, it is an exaggeration. Not to mention magicians, true ancestors and dead disciples, which are specialties of the moon world, this world has a legacy like Grandpa Mo Yi, which is destined to this parallel world. It has long been abnormal.

Of course, because of the existence of Mo Yi, this parallel world that was often invaded by the Bilibili Empire did not think about other parallel worlds. Due to the invasion of external factors, Alaya and Gaia finally destroyed the entire parallel world in order to clean up the mess. Delete and restart.

"Then Alaya has seen it. I wonder if you have any advice?"

It's easier to talk things straight to the point, but if you can't reach an agreement in the end, you still have to take action. Grandpa Mo Yi has long realized that this is the mysterious way of dealing with things.

"very good--"

Seeing Mo Yi speak so directly, Alaya did not continue to act cute. The whole person exuded a strong aura, which made the people around him look sideways. He finally realized that the other person was the incarnation of the world's protective device. No matter how cute he looked, It's just appearance.

Maybe Alaya adopts such an appearance because in the human subconscious mind, the appearance of an older loli is the most likely to gain the favor and trust of others.

Just imagine, a bald man and a cute loli are fooling you at the same time - young man, the world is facing an external crisis and you need to save the world.

Which appearance is more likely to be approved?

Humans are visual creatures, both men and women alike.

"very good--"

Alaya showed a smile that made people feel that it met the definition of beauty at first sight, and said:

"I hope you can continue."

Well, Grandpa Mo Yi probably understood it instantly.

Over the years, although I have never thought about whether I am on the Alaya or Gaia camp, as a human being, as long as I am not anti-human, the things I do will ultimately benefit Alaya.

At first, Mo Yi thought that the other party would justly say that the notebook was harmful to mankind, but the other party did not mention it. It seemed that for humans, the notebook was still necessary.

After all, this book can increase the reproduction rate of humans. The more humans there are, the stronger Alaya's power will naturally be.

“Now that my goal has been achieved, I’m ready to leave, otherwise it will attract Gaia’s attention.

Alaya stood up, gave Mo Yi a look that said, "You know what, we're all working together", and said with a smile:

"emyia, let's go back."

Well, you have already mentioned the name Gaia again. Grandpa Mo Yi must understand. He is clearly implying that he wants to stand on her side. As for the benefits, it will be huge.

After understanding the purpose of Alaya's visit, Mo Yi had to lament that the slogan of harmonious development between man and nature was really in vain.

Gaia represents the earth's own existence and resources, and humans represent the largest consumers. There is an inevitable contradiction between the two.

Everyone knows that only by developing in harmony with nature can mankind continue for a long time. But once this matter falls on an individual, it will appear that "harmonious development does not concern me personally. Anyway, the resource consumption and resource consumption caused by me alone" The environmental damage is not much, so why can others do it but I can't?'

And because everyone thinks so selfishly, until the end, the harmonious coexistence and development of man and nature has become a slogan.

The confrontation between Alaya and Gaia has become inevitable.

Alaya needs to consume the earth's resources to allow human development to continue, while Gaia hates humans who are like pests for the sake of the natural survival of the earth.

Although it is not shown usually, in fact, the battle between Alaya and Gaia has always continued, repeated in various fields that ordinary people cannot see.

Just like today, Alaya came to Mo Yi to express his willingness to form an alliance, and to recruit big guys like Mo Yi to form the broadest anti-Gaia front.

Looking at the important people around him, Mo Yi no longer likes fighting, but as long as he is in it, no one can completely avoid it. If the day comes when Gaia launches a general attack on mankind, wouldn't Mo Yi Can you still stand by and watch?

My family and friends are all human beings. If the earth is destroyed, I can create a new one or move to other planets to live. But if my family and friends are gone, they are really gone.

So, sorry, Gaia.

Mother Earth is very good and important, but we humans cannot have feelings, so I choose Alaya.

Seeing Mo Yi's confirmation look, Alaya knew that his goal had been achieved, and his smile became more kind. He turned around and left. However, he found something wrong, turned around and looked at the motionless Red A and said:

"emyia, why don't you move? We have to go back."

Red A: "···"

There are so many heroic spirits present, why did you just take me away?

I am not convinced and I strongly demand a holiday!

So, the scene appeared, Alaya looked at Red A with a strong and kind look, while Red A pretended to be stupid and didn't understand.

Huh, I don't care about other heroic spirits, but as the collector of Emiya, how can I let them wander out?

This is the so-called Emiya Chef!

"Alaya, since Archer doesn't want to go back, why do you force him?"

At this time, Miss Tosaka Rin, the master of Red A, stood up and spoke out what was in Red A’s heart:

"He is just a follower now, not his true body at all. What difference does it make whether he stays in the real world or not?"

"Besides, I saw it in my dream. He has obviously paid so much for mankind. Why didn't he even get the final peace after death?"

"Humph, it turns out it's you——"

Alaya turned to look at Tohsaka Rin, then back at Red A, suddenly enlightened.

In the world line where Red A became the guardian, after experiencing the Holy Grail War and the death of Tohsaka Rin, Emiya Shirou once again felt the pain of losing the whole world, so he made up his mind to bid farewell to everything familiar and embark on the journey of becoming On the road of becoming a messenger of justice, during another nuclear leak crisis, in order to save the lives of the entire city, he signed a contract with Alaya and turned into a horse and monkey soju. No, he was a partner of justice.

As the saying goes, when your hair becomes white, you become stronger, so Red A was born.

Alaya, who knew everything, suddenly felt that the top of his head was green when he saw Tohsaka Rin.

How can Xiu actually block his current position and flirt with his ex? Can he still tolerate this?

No wonder that in the Hall of Valor, a boss and young wife like him, who has gathered the beauty of all mankind, is unwilling to go back. It turns out that an old love has rekindled.

Alaya looked at Tohsaka Rin kindly and said with a smile:

"What's wrong with me telling my employee and husband to go home-"


Before Alaya could continue, Red A interrupted:

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