"Boss, you are joking again."

After that, he picked up Alaya and sprinted 100 meters, disappearing in front of everyone in an instant.

Half a minute later, he reappeared in front of everyone.

In just half a minute, before everyone had time to digest Alaya's shocking information, Red A was actually Alaya's husband?

In this way, wouldn’t Red A be a man who has gone out of all mankind?

When they think of this, everyone feels bad all over.

Among them, Tohsaka Rin was the most embarrassed and depressed. He kindly helped the other party to obtain employee benefits, but he did not expect that his servant would be such a guy.

When he first appeared, he lied to himself that he had lost his memory and was just an unknown third-rate hero.

Then what?

It was discovered that his true identity was his classmate Shirou Emiya.

What next?

It was revealed again that he was Alaya's husband. How could he be called an unknown third-rate hero?

Just the great deed of entering and leaving all mankind is enough to make him a heroic spirit.

At this moment, in Tohsaka Rin's eyes, red A has become synonymous with liar.

At this time, except for Grandpa Mo Yi, who knew all the truth, everyone looked at the equally confused Hero Wei Gong with strange eyes, and finally understood why such a family man could become a heroic spirit.

It turns out that if you are good at cooking, you can really do whatever you want.

Illya looked at Hero Emiya with great satisfaction, her eyes were like a farmer watching his carefully cultivated pea shooter finally grow up, and said:

"Shirou, that's great. Thanks to my sister, I'm always worried that you will become a useless person in the future."

Tohsaka Rin stared at Hero Emiya in displeasure and said:

"I didn't expect you, Emiya-kun, to be such a perverted person. Alaya's appearance clearly looks like an older lolita. It's no wonder, after all, there is a negative role model here."

After that, I took a look at Grandpa Mo Yi and Ilia in the play.

Before Grandpa Mo Yi could complain, why is this none of my business?

Another kind voice that makes people tremble and shiver just by hearing it——

"Shirou-sama, shouldn't you explain it?"

Hero Emiya almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. You've already said it all, what else can I explain?

It's just one sentence per person, how can there be any chance to explain?

The trembling Hero Emiya explained calmly:

"Archer is just me in another parallel world and has absolutely nothing to do with me in this world, so what does his matter have to do with me, Shirou Emiya?"

When everyone heard it, it seemed that it really made sense.

"Not quite—"

Irisviel, who has a background in magic knowledge, added:

"Shirou, you and Archer are essentially the same. They are just inevitable developments under different circumstances."

"In other words, if you were placed in the environment Archer faced, you would make the same choice."

That is to say, if you put Medea and Alaya in front of Hero Emiya, he will also choose Alaya, because the essence of Shirou Emiya is that he is a lolicon!

No, how could Alaya show up as a lolita?

Irisviel didn't make this point clear, but everyone present was a magician, so these things could be figured out easily.

Hero Emiya: "..."

Are you really my mother?

Has anyone cheated their son like this?

For a moment, Hero Emiya felt as if his head would fall off his neck at any time. Fortunately, at this time, Red A finally dealt with Alaya and came back.

Sanjiu is the best in the world, but I choose May.

Chapter 351: Be careful with Alaya’s hatchet

"Lord Alaya, please let me beg you——"

Red A pulled Alaya to a deserted place outside and made a tiger-like request, saying:

"You go back first, I'll explain some things and then go back."

Seeing Red A's unfeeling expression, Alaya thought for a moment and nodded, thinking that the other party wouldn't dare to deceive him. After all, I, Alaya, am not a devil. Saying a few words to a friend is something like that. It's still acceptable, as long as I get home before closing time.

"Okay, emyia—"

"I'm going back."

After that, it turned into a burst of light particles and disappeared in front of Red A's eyes.

Red A: Finally coaxed this teasing boss back.

At this moment, Red A felt extremely tired. It didn’t matter how long his work was compared to other heroic spirits. He finally found an opportunity to be lazy. Before he even started, he was kidnapped by the boss who liked him and paid special attention to him. He continued to go back to help. I like my boss’s career struggles.

It sounds like I, the red A, am showing off. In fact, no matter how rich my boss is and how big his career is, I, the red A, have to say it out loud - this is not the life I want at all!

It's a pity that no matter how perfect the ending here is, it doesn't belong to you, the real world.

Red A looked back at Emiya's house and laughed at himself:

"In the final analysis, I am just a tourist here to work. When the time comes, it is time to leave."

After she finished complaining, she walked back to Emiya's house and prepared to say goodbye to everyone. That guy Alaya must be hiding in the background and monitoring her remotely. She likes to do this kind of strange thing the most, and she also claims to have a good name to help her subordinates.

However, I am the only regular guardian under her, and the shredded rake who became the guardian is just a temporary worker.

He has to be the only employee to do everything, and he has no salary. Every time he mentions this matter to her, she will lie on the ground and be cute and say that she is his, so what salary and bicycle are needed?

I'm a fool to believe him!

You say you don’t know that human beings are about half male and half female. Even if you look like a cute loli, you still can’t deceive me, Shirou Emiya. I, Shirou Emiya, am the queen of loli girls, and I have never had sex with that type. You actually want to offer yourself chrysanthemums, don’t even think about it!

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