————Alaya’s dividing line————————

When Red A returned, he happened to save the hero Emiya who was being judged by everyone.

"Archer, you're back."

Hero Emiya breathed a sigh of relief and said to Archer:

"Great, everyone just has something to say to you."

After that, he took Medea and slipped aside to coax his wife.


Red A raised his hand, stopped Tohsaka Rin who wanted to ask questions, and said:

"I don't have much time. I came back just to say goodbye to everyone, and I'm about to leave."

Tohsaka Rin: "This——"

Red A continued:

"Rin, you are the best Master I have ever seen. Maybe you are wondering what kind of relationship I have with you, and why your gem appears in front of me."

"Actually, you don't have to worry about this, because these stories belong exclusively to my world and have nothing to do with you in this world."

"No matter what thoughts you have, whether they are painful, distressing, or happy, bravely accept them and then break through. This is the best master I know, the elegant eldest daughter of the Tohsaka family. Ban Rin.”


Rin Tosaka felt that his inner thoughts were being read by the other party, and the words seemed to have other meanings. His pretty face couldn't help but blush. After turning his face, he looked back at Red A two seconds later and said without boredom:

"I know, archer."

"Also, you are also the best Servant!"

Looking at the other party's appearance, Red A knew that his words had been listened to by the other party.

Then Bian Jiang changed his gaze and looked at King Daimao, while Mo Zai's ancestral intuition activated and seemed to feel a feeling that made her panic, so she wanted to block King Daimao.

Red A said calmly:

"Artoria, I'm glad to see you again."

"Although the world has not seen you completely let go of your responsibilities as a king, I believe you will eventually find the person you really want to be one day."

After hearing Red A's words, King Daimao was a little at a loss. To be honest, he seemed to have had no communication with Archer or Shirou Emiya during this Holy Grail War. Seeing how the other party showed his true feelings, Daimao King Mao finally nodded and said:

"Thanks, archer."


Mordred suddenly became unhappy when he saw his father smiling at Red A so politely. He had never enjoyed such a smile, so why should this white-haired guy?

Then he said unhappily:

"You don't have to worry about Archer. It's my responsibility as a knight to protect everything my father has."

Red A did not continue to entangle with Mo Zai, but just smiled and said indifferently:

"Come on, Lord Knight Mordred."

After dealing with Queen Da Mao, Red A accidentally saw Matou Sakura, who had been playing soy sauce and had no sense of existence. Thinking that Matou Sakura in this world did not suffer the pain of other parallel worlds, she did not say anything to the other party.

As long as the other person is living well, there is no need to bother the other person.

The last person who needs to say goodbye is his nominal family.

"Dad Kiritsugu, I haven't seen you for a long time. It's just a good time to see you again."

Red A nodded to Shredder, who was used to a poker face, and then Irisviel said:

"Aunt Aili, daddy, I'm leaving it to you."

"The last one is Illya——"

Red A ignored it because he didn't call her 'Ellie's mother'. Irisviel, whose face was unhappy and swollen, turned to look at Illya and smiled:

"It's nice to see Illya again."

"I hope you can cheer up, someone is very carefree."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Red A, if you have the ability, tell someone's name and see if this master will represent the moon and destroy you, a guy who talks nonsense. How dare you mirror this master in this way?

You are obviously a typical harem male protagonist, but you still dare to mock me?

At this moment, Grandpa Mo Yi felt as if he had been ridiculed by Ito Makoto who was passing by. If the opponent was about to escape, he must let the opponent see what it means. The truth is within the casting range of the membrane method.

No, I won't jump out and accuse Red A at this time. Doesn't this mean that I admit that the philandering person that Red A complained about is my grandpa Mo Yi?

I stopped playing this kind of routine a thousand years ago, red ace.

Seeing Grandpa Mo Yi gnashing his teeth but pretending not to know who Red A was mocking, Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help laughing. Then he looked at Red A, the arrogant guy who was theoretically her brother, and said with a smile:

"I can do it, Shirou."

"However, Shirou, you should be more careful. Having a harem is a very dangerous thing."

"Be careful with Alaya's hatchet——"

Red A: "···"

Illya, how can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air?

A black-hearted boss like Alaya makes me feel sick to my stomach when I see him. How can I have the energy to fall in love? !

Illya squinted her big beautiful eyes, looked at Hong A with a depressed face, clenched her fists and smiled:

"Also, remember to call me sister next time we meet!"

"That's right——"

Irisviel took advantage of the opportunity and said:

‘And call me Ellie’s mom! ’

Red A pressed his forehead and looked up to the sky with a sigh, ready to explain again:

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