"Don't listen to Alaya's nonsense. She and I really--"

Before Red A finished speaking, he saw a small hand appear out of thin air behind him, grabbing Red A's shoulder with one hand——

"Time is up."

Then Red A was dragged into the space ripples, and turned into golden light and disappeared. Not only was he transported by space, but he was directly crushed by the space ripples, and went home on a dog leash.

At this time, Alaya's voice sounded again in Emiya's house:

"I'm really sorry, my emyia is talking nonsense, and I'm giving everyone more fun."

"Goodbye, everyone."

After that, he really left.

——————Goodbye, red A’s dividing line——————

After Red A left, everyone felt a little melancholy. After all, they had kept the dog as a pet for a week and then died. The owner would also feel worried and sad, not to mention Red A, a little expert at housework.

However, this parting atmosphere was quickly dissipated by the atmosphere of the continued banquet. Everyone happily gathered together to enjoy the supper, talking about interesting things that they thought were interesting, or listening to other people's interesting things.

An hour later, the supper time was over. After cleaning up a little, everyone went back to their rooms to rest. After all, too many things happened today.

First there was the Hundred School Exchange Competition, and then there was the end of the Holy Grail War. If it were written into a story, it could almost be turned into a one-million-word novel.

Everyone was also very tired and went back to their rooms to take a shower and rest.

Hero Emiya originally wanted to arrange for Yukinoshita Haruno to have a room by herself. Anyway, the Emiya family has many rooms, let alone just one Yukinoshita family eldest daughter, even if the Yukinoshita family eldest daughter counts one Miss Bai, the Wei Gong family can live in it properly. This is the small work that Grandpa Mo Yi did for Hero Wei Gong and the Shred Rake. There is no need to praise her, he is just a porter of nature.

However, the eldest lady Yukinoshita refused to answer the call directly, using the understanding that she was not used to a strange bed and room, and then reluctantly said that it would be enough to squeeze in with the second lady.

Hero Emiya: "..."

I don’t even know how to complain. Aren’t your sister’s beds and rooms strange things?

This seems to reveal something bad.

Xue Miao looked at her sister with a bright smile on her face very warily, her eyes seemed to say, what have you done to my bed and room secretly, and how many times have you done it before you become accustomed to it? , you perverted sister!

Faced with Yang Naiko's "make do" invitation to share the same bed, Xue Miao decisively refused:


"I'm not used to sleeping with strangers either."

"That's too much, Yukino-chan!"

Yang Naiko couldn't believe it, looked at Xue Miao sadly, and said:

"How could my sister be a stranger?"

"You slept with your sister until you were six years old. Moreover, it was your sister who helped you clean up the mess after you wet the bed."

"I really miss her. Yukino-chan was afraid that mother would find her wetting the bed."

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense-"

Yukinoshita's snow cat was like an angry kitten, its fur flew up, and it tried to use its iron fist to stop the eldest lady from talking nonsense, but the eldest lady was already prepared and easily dodged it.

"Yangno, I have never slept with you. Even if it happened before I was three years old, I still remember it clearly. Please don't slander my reputation here, otherwise I will use necessary violent means to kill myself. Reputation, Yukinoshita Harano!"

Miss Yukinoshita didn't care at all, but smiled happily. Hero Emiya felt that the other party's smile at this moment was a little more real. The previous smile had always felt fake.

Not to mention that Hero Emiya can easily see through Miss Yukinoshita's mask. In addition to being a crowned chef, he also has another crowned position, that is, crowned faker (fake). In addition to "If you kill, you will die", there is another popular saying: "If there are no fakes in this world, they will never be as good as the real ones."

This famous saying of his provides the most important theoretical basis for many micro-innovation (copycat) companies in the world.

Among them, Penguin Dad is one of the representatives who inherited and implemented the faker theory of Emiya Daixia.

With such experience as a faker, Hero Emiya can easily see through Miss Yukinoshita's disguise.

Hero Emiya seems to have discovered such a secret in his heart, that is, Miss Yukinoshita seems to be a very hidden girl control and rubbish, otherwise she would not like to use pranks to express her love for the second miss. favorite.

Isn't this way of expression the favorite way for adolescent boys to express their love for a girl?

It's surprisingly clumsy.

For a moment, Miss Yukinoshita felt like she was being looked through by Hero Emiya's eyes that were a little dull due to being healed by Medea.

Of course, it was only for a moment.

How can it be?

No matter how the other party sees it, it is an ordinary person in this weird Emiya family. How could such an ordinary guy see through my disguise, which is spread among thousands of flowers without touching a leaf.

"I understand, Yukino-chan——"

Yukinoshita Yangno returned her attention to Yukinoshita Yukinia, and said with a smile:

"I want to prove that I have grown up, so I am unwilling to admit my dark history, thinking that this will make me look more mature."

"But Yukino-chan, only by facing up to your past misfortunes can you truly grow!"

Snow Cat under the Snow: "..."

This cat is about to explode with anger!

What you said makes sense, but your so-called 'unbearable' is all fabricated. Even if you slander me, you still want to teach yourself like an adult. As expected, my sister is the most annoying. Get out of my place. explode! !

If the other party's fabricated things reach Mo Yi's ears, what will the other party think of me? Then how can I, Xuemiao, remain reserved in the future? When I reason with the other party in the future, I will be told by the other party, "You wet the bed when you were six years old." At that time There is nothing to say.


Hero Emiya felt the eyes of the eldest lady and the second lady colliding in the air, and said in embarrassment:


"Miss Yukinoshita Haruno, do you need to arrange a room by yourself or a room with Yukinoshita Yukino-senpai?"


"Two rooms!"

The cutest and most desired heroic spirit is indeed Abigail.

Chapter 352: Pajama Cat Attacks

A lot happened in just one day, and Grandpa Mo Yi accumulated more inspiration than he usually could in several months.

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