And Mo Yi would put it like this because of convenience.

His room is very large and can be enlarged at any time with the blessing of space magic, but this is not necessary. After finishing his work, does he need to use a teleportation to move from the computer to a resting place?

As long as it is not necessary, Grandpa Mo Yi rarely uses abnormal power. Instead, as a human being, he uses his legs when he needs to walk, his hands when he needs to take things, and he sleeps when he needs to sleep. This has nothing to do with the constraints of the power itself, but just Mo Yi's personal habits.

If everything can be achieved in a way that is almost like a god, how can there be any fun in it?

Without restraining his own power, Grandpa Mo Yi feels that he will soon become one of those gods believed by the world. As long as he is a statue, he has nothing to do with likes and dislikes, and has no emotions. He sits high in the temple and listens to the chatter of believers every day. Talking about common things, saying some prayers that in theory only one person can master, and everything, while he is indulged in the mysteries of the universe and the void, unable to extricate himself.

Anyway, the biggest function of being a god is to sit there and play a role similar to the director of the village committee, listen to the people chatting about their daily life, and follow their beliefs. As for their wishes, it is natural to stop them, otherwise, the god will not be used all day long. I have to do other things, and it is not enough to help believers as babysitters all day long.


Of course, if it is to help those young female believers who have been childless for many years, they can reluctantly do it themselves.

However, Mo Yi did not follow the path of belief in gods, but the upgrade path of attributing thousands of great powers to a few bodies, comprehending the laws, and exercising his true self. Naturally, he did not need to work as the director of the village committee and the director of the Women's Federation.

Presumably as an omnipotent god, Grandpa Mo Yi prefers to live and practice as a human being.

You know, if you regard yourself as a god, you will interact with similar guys on a daily basis. Each one of them is as good as two hundred and fifty, and they will always say, 'The world is dirty again. I want to practice earth, water, wind, and fire again, and create a new world.' Such a boring thing, scheming with others all day long, how boring.

As mentioned earlier, Xuemiao, who became angry and angry, habitually used violence to solve problems, and subconsciously launched the lion attack rabbit skill on Mo Yi.

Violence is a good thing. Although it cannot solve all problems, it can solve the other party who caused the problem.

And Xue Miao is not a violent man, but when faced with Mo Yi's theory, the other party doesn't care and smiles to show the other party's face. Even if he doesn't admit it, he still cares about the guy in his heart. It seems that there is no other way except violence. Explain her inner feelings well.

It can also be understood that Xuemiao is always bound by various standards in his heart, working hard to achieve the ideal standard in his heart, lonely and helpless.

But now, she can finally express her inner feelings and true self in front of another person.

Once the mind that has been comfortable for many years is liberated, it will naturally be much rougher than ordinary people. At this moment, she is like a little girl, ready to pounce on him and express her inner dissatisfaction with small fists.

Grandpa Mo Yi could vaguely feel the changes in the other party. He knew it, but he didn't say it, he only did it.

So, he stretched out his hands to welcome Xuemiao's attack. Under his control, the two of them did not hit the computer, but rolled on the bed next to them.

Grandpa Mo Yi seemed to give up on controlling him and allowed Xue Miao to attack him with a small punch, but it didn't hurt at all anyway.

After playing for a while, Xue Miao felt that the atmosphere was not right and stopped.

In such a scene, I felt myself lying on Mo Yi, feeling the warmth coming from me, the hot breath blowing over me. Xue Miao's timid state just because of shame and anger disappeared instantly. Instead, I felt that my whole body was hot and soft, and my heart was The jumping knife made a banging sound, and my mind was like a layer of plastic. I didn't know what I was doing or what I should do next.

If she had a mirror, she would have seen that her current face is no longer the usual ice cube face, but rather like a young girl in love with her face, which is so red that she is about to spit out a lot of steam and turn into a steam girl. .

Xue Miao looked at Mo Yi at a loss. He didn't look like he was beaten to death as he imagined, nor did he look at him with a malicious smile like the male pig's feet in the book.

He just lay there, pretending to give up treatment and let himself do what he wanted, and then looked at Xuemiao who was still lying on him with a gentle smile.

This atmosphere is very strange!

Xue Miao felt very inappropriate. It was not that she didn't know what was going on in this situation. She had also seen such plots in many pure love books, and she had also imagined being a part of such a story. Male pig's feet Naturally, it was Mo Yi's face that he couldn't help but look like.

However, those are all fantasies, the kind of strange fantasies that you only have when you are alone and hiding under the bed.

In reality, Xuemiao has never thought about such a thing, nor has she made such mental preparations. This development is too fast. She has obviously not confessed, held hands, kissed, and then this development will happen.

All kinds of strange thoughts appeared in Xue Miao's heart.

Facing Mo Yi's gentle and coquettish look that accepted all her willfulness, Xue Miao avoided it. After a few seconds, she pretended to be as angry as before, turned her head and hummed:

"I asked you to talk nonsense. Do you realize that you were wrong now?"

"If you admit your mistake, I will forgive you abundantly."

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and said nothing, and the two of them stared at each other like this for a few seconds.

In the end, Xue Miao couldn't hold on anymore, lowered her head, and was ready to use violence to change the subject.

After finding out, Grandpa Mo Yi naturally couldn't let the other side succeed anymore. He let the other side punch his heart before, because he gave the other side a chance to vent, and it could also be regarded as an expression of pampering and closeness. After all, it was not what if Unless she really likes you, a goddess will not tear up her personality and show her willful girl side in front of boys.

But this kind of thing can only happen once in a while and cannot be left unchecked, not to mention that Xue Miao just wants to use this clumsy way to break the atmosphere that she is not accustomed to at the moment.

This method is really a bit stupid. As a man who has painted stories all over the world, Grandpa Mo Yi will naturally not let such a thing develop in such a strange way.

So, he directly turned over and hugged him, rolled around a bit, and then used the Noble Phantasm of Snow Cat, and lightly printed a mark on the other person's face. It had nothing to do with Feng Yue, but just doting on the other person.

And Xue Miao also felt the pampering and care from Mo Yi from such a gentle touch, and instantly changed from a coquettish cat state to a cat state that was being petted by the owner and gave up treatment, and turned into a docile cat. , letting the other party hug him back, looking at Mo Yi with bright black eyes.

"I'm not talking nonsense."

When Grandpa Mo Yi saw Xue Miao's appearance, he knew that his daily cat petting behavior was successful, and he said with a smile:

"Xue Miao, don't you like this title?"

"And I really think you will be a good wife and mother."

"Not at all, like-"

Facing Mo Yi's eyes, which were obviously no different from usual, but Xue Miao felt extremely hot, Xue Miao turned around and said intermittently:

"Besides, I also know that I will be a good wife and mother, and I don't need your approval at all."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Although what I said is true, Xuemiao, you are really rude.

However, the most important thing is not this. The point is that the other party did not say in a strong and fierce tone, why do I need your judgment on whether I am a good wife and mother, or in other words, does it have any business with you?

For a literary girl like Xue Miao, Mo Yi naturally knew that the other party wanted to refute, and must have thought of this level of meaning. However, the other party did not say this. In a sense, it was self-evident.

Xue Miao does not deny that Grandpa Mo Yi is qualified to evaluate her, or that she cares about Grandpa Mo Yi's opinion.

He said no with his mouth, but in his heart he honestly accepted the other party's setting.

"I feel the need-"

After Mo Yi said this, he didn't explain too much. He just held the other person and felt the other person's body temperature and heartbeat.

Xue Miao's lips trembled for a few times, and finally she seemed to give up the treatment and said nothing more. She was like a tamed cat, obediently in its owner's arms, enjoying the feeling of being indulged.

Of course, Xue Miao didn't think so in her heart. Her mind was still very confused at the moment, and because she was at a loss, she didn't break away from Grandpa Mo Yi's rude behavior.

Afterwards, she probably thought so. It didn't matter whether it was true or not. Anyway, she was enjoying this feeling now.

In the past life, I always felt that I was struggling, changing, fighting, and roaring alone, but in the end I returned to the room without any change, holding myself and sitting on the corner of the bed. Now I finally feel the desire but never The warmth I have felt.

It turns out that being held by others is such a warm and comfortable feeling.

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