No matter how strong a person is, he needs a time and place to rest, and the same is true for Xue Miao.

Therefore, unknowingly, she accepted this sudden development and enjoyed the feeling of being protected.

When Xue Miao accepted this spiritual healing, Mo Yi's feelings were broader and more replicable than those of the other party.

While giving spiritual healing to others, you will also be healed accordingly. For example, when people pet cats, the cats feel very comfortable, and the people petting the cats will also feel happy because of the comfortable appearance of the cats. Mo Yi felt There was this touch.

Feeling Xue Miao finally let go of the deepest self-defense in her heart and completely relaxed, Grandpa Mo Yi also felt happy because of the other person's happiness. This is what is called, double happiness, like a dream Such a time.

In addition, Grandpa Mo Yi, who was once a Marxist materialist, had no material feelings in addition to his conscious feelings.

For example, Snow Cat is soft and comfortable to hold, and it also has its own fragrance. It seems good if the other person is always so docile.

However, I just thought about it. If she had always been such a little bird, then she would no longer be the aloof Yukinoshita Xue Miao, but the Nan Xiaotiao that everyone loved.

Moreover, Grandpa Mo Yi, who ranks first in the world in theoretical knowledge, once again proved that the unspoken rules of the book world are true.

That is, girls who put on pajamas after taking a shower are traveling lightly.

With Xue Miao in pajamas and Grandpa Mo Yi hugging her closely, they were 100% sure of this.

Sure enough, art comes from life, and the plot in the book is not entirely delusional.

Also, Grandpa Mo Yi realized that he had been wrong before. Although Xue Miao and the All-A Knight Da Mao Wang were very compatible, Xue Miao was still much better than Da Mao Wang because the feeling of holding each other made his whole body soft. Soft, steel plates under the snow, etc. are all a big slander.

I, Master Mo Yi, will rectify the name of Snow Cat under Snow Snow today! !

"How long do you want to hug me, classmate Mo Yi?"

Xue Miao: I can't go on like this. I'm still a high school student now. If I don't resist, I might really have to take maternity leave. Although I have reached the legal age for marriage, how will I see anyone after this news gets out?

Moreover, I am not such a frivolous woman, like the heroine in the other person's book, she is easily taken over by the other person.

Things that are easily obtained are often not cherished.

After all, the snow cat is a snow cat, a snow cat walking on the lonely road. After absorbing enough of Mo Yi's warmth, she became sober, calm and extremely ashamed, and struggled gently in Mo Yi's arms.

When Mo Yi saw this, he let go of his arms and let the other person sit up.

Of course, Grandpa Mo Yi would not seek death and tease the other party at this time. As the saying goes, tsundere means that when you are arrogant, you will be arrogant, and when you are done arrogant, you will be arrogant. This cycle continues until there is only tsundere and no arrogance left.

Xue Miao obviously hasn't reached this point yet, and now is obviously the moment to change from a coquettish state to a proud state.

Seeing what Mo Yi said to make her shy, Snow Cat couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Although the atmosphere was still very awkward and ambiguous, Snow Cat seemed to have returned to the usual domineering and cold Yukinoshita Yukino.

After the two sat on the edge of the bed for several seconds, Xue Miao spoke first and broke the deadlock:

"The behavior just now is enough to call the police, so I will reluctantly let you go, but there will be another time, and I won't let you go, classmate Mo Yi."

Xuemiao first said a few words to express her reserve as a girl.

Grandpa Mo Yi just listened. Does he need the approval of the policeman to be intimate with his child's mother?

Of course, he still nodded cooperatively, as if I'm a good boy but I won't do it next time.

Seeing Mo Yi's appearance, Xue Miao knew clearly that with his temperament, there was no way he would be afraid of the police. This was obviously just an act, but in his heart he still felt like Mo Yi was like, 'I'm wrong, I won't dare next time.' Looks happy.

Then he continued and said:

"Ask you a question——"

Of course, it was just polite. Xuemiao didn't give Mo Yi a chance to express his opinion and continued to ask:

"You haven't updated the novel "My Youthful Love Story, There's Really a Problem" for a long time, and you didn't ask for details last time."

"If you were asked to be the protagonist, who would you choose?"


Well, what is going to come will come. After it is over, girls like to ask some strange questions. It seems that Xue Miao cannot avoid this tradition.

However, the other party's questions were more tactful, and they did not ask some uncreative questions like other girls -

‘Your mother and I fell into the sea, who do you choose to save? ’

'do you like me? what do you like about me? What is it about me that attracts you? ’


‘I fell in love with two skirts on a certain store last night and I don’t know which one to choose? ’

Of course, Xue Miao's question is not that easy to answer.

Because of Grandpa Mo Yi's own bad taste, even though he knew that there were characters from "My Youth Love Story" around him, Mo Yi still changed some of them, changed their names, and added some Bai Xue elements, so he turned this into The story is set in Yakumo's house.

And Xue Miao also saw from this story that this was a story created based on herself.

Because of the original work and Grandpa Mo Yi's bad taste, this story was updated halfway through and he didn't plan to continue updating it. This was out of respect for the original work, not because he wanted to see everyone's balls aching because of pigeons and their desires dissatisfied. of healing expression.

Now, Xue Miao asks herself such a question, combined with Mo Yi's actual situation, it is very meaningful!

Chapter 354: Avalanche, group destruction, all in one color

"As the saying goes, the avalanche is wiped out by one person——"

Facing Xue Miao's question, Grandpa Mo Yi did not change his principles as a creator and reader because of his relationship with the other party. What should be an idea is an idea, and there is no room for ambiguity and compromise in creation.

Mo Yi looked extremely serious, looked at Xue Miao, and answered word by word:

"Children only make choices. As an adult, I want them all!"

The aura exuded by that appearance was comparable to the time when the prince used his words to persuade Nagato to die, making him bow down, sacrifice himself, and resurrect the person whom he had killed in a fight.

The meaning is probably that I don't care, I just want to be like this anyway, so that people can see that, yes, he is right.

However, Xuemiao was not within the range of applications that Zuidun could persuade. Xuemiao casually picked up a pillow and patted it towards Mo Yi.

"Why do not you go to hell!"

"It's really a boring fantasy. The novel is set in real society, and the male protagonist in it is just a salty fish with great ideas."

After the pillow was casually blocked by Teacher Mo Yi, Xue Miao did not stop this act of declaring war. As if to vent his dissatisfaction, he continued to use the pillow to launch a judgment attack on Grandpa Mo Yi, while complaining:

"No matter how much you think, it's just a salted fish!"

"It's just salted fish like this, why do you want them all?"


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