"Let me realize the gap between the two of us, in the name of my king's finishing sword."

To understand it in easy-to-understand terms, the meaning of the old flash lines is that just now I was only one-tenth of my strength, and now I am going to use my ultimate move.

Having said that, Jiu Shan emitted powerful magic waves, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the other party was releasing a secret.

The two golden long swords in Jiu Shan's hands were placed in front of him, and then the two sword hilts were spliced ​​together. With another turn, a golden long bow more than two meters long appeared in Jiu Shan's hands.

Then, a bowstring and arrow formed by magic appeared in Jiu Shen's right hand, and then shot out in one go.

"Fell from the sky! The wrath of Nabistin strikes! This is the so-called destruction of the world! Let me use an attack that can destroy the world to make you understand the folly of challenging the King of Heroes, Saber!"

The old flash in the archery was laughing wildly, yes, he released the true name of the most powerful Noble Phantasm while laughing wildly.

"Ending Sword Enki!"

Faced with the arrows shot towards his eyebrows, Arthur naturally dodged decisively.

Only a fool would block the opponent's face if he had an expression of "I'm going to increase my attack power." If the Holy Sword cuts the opponent's arrow, and the opponent's arrow is flattened on the spot, wouldn't it be funny!

To avoid it is to avoid it. To be honest, the opponent's shooting speed cannot be said to be fast. As long as you pay attention, you can avoid it at the level of a third-rate archer.

However, looking at the arrow stuck in the ground, Arthur felt an unprecedented danger.

The final Noble Phantasms of Old Shining and Jin Shining are different. Jin Shining's final Noble Phantasm is a deviant sword that embodies the concept of "creating the world and recreating the things from hell". Its actual effect is to generate a magic storm that can shatter space, and will The enemy and everything in the space were completely destroyed, and the final treasure of the old Shen was the Terminator Sword, which was the embodiment of the huge wave of the world-destroying flood Nabistin in the Epic of Gilgamesh. The principle was to summon Noah's flood from high in the sky. Swallow everything.

His intuitive ability was activated, and in an instant, he saw a huge magic circle appearing from outside the earth's atmosphere, and then endless floods fell from the sky, submerging him underneath.

You know, even a piece of tofu, falling from a high altitude, after accelerating, is enough to smash a car, let alone a torrent of tens of thousands of tons falling from the sky. This amount of water is enough to block everything. of things washed to pieces.

Theoretically, a big move like the Terminator Sword is already considered an unsolvable secret in a battle of the level of a heroic spirit.

You can block it for a while, but this kind of flood impact can last for seven days, and the amount of water will gradually increase, and eventually it will reach the level of annihilation of everything on the surface, so it is impossible to resist, even if the school girl shuts herself down again It's useless outside the city gate, others will drown the whole city.

However, because of the needs of the plot, it is like in a game of beast fighting, the strongest elephant cannot defeat the weakest mouse. Who knows why the mouse can eat the elephant? Anyway, it is the arrangement of the great will of the universe.

Arthur's Holy Sword is the Holy Sword of the Stars, the strongest fantasy forged from within the planet in order to gain the power to destroy the planet.

It can be said that it is the power of the planet itself. As long as it is limited to the planet itself, there will never be a power beyond the curry stick in a completely liberated state.

However, this kind of power can only be released when the planet is destroyed. It is usually in a sealed state, and can only exert the power of the anti-city Noble Phantasm at its maximum.

Now, the old Shem's Terminator Sword is based on the conceptualization of the flood that destroys the world. Faced with this situation, the Sword of Victory in Arthur's hand can break the seal in the normal state and burst out with real power.


Facing the flood that was about to fall from the sky, Arthur used his strongest secret without saying a word. The curry stick in his hand emitted a blazing light, and then the phantoms of the Knights of the Round Table appeared one after another behind Arthur——

"Bedivere: Can only be used when fighting someone stronger than yourself.

Gaheris: Can only be used in wars that violate humanity.

Lancelot: Cannot be used on elves.

Mordred: Can only be used on evil people.

Galahad: Cannot be used for one's own selfish desires.

Arthur: Used in battles to save the world.

Palamidi: Can only be used in one-on-one situations.


Kai: You have to fight for your survival to use it.

Agravan: Liberation can only occur in the pursuit of truth. "

As each of the Knights of the Round Table agreed, the light of the Victory Sword in Arthur's hand became more and more dazzling, and eventually it was as bright as the sun. The difference is that the sun's light is hot enough to evaporate everything close to it, and the Saint The light of the sword is bright but warm.


The flood finally arrived, and the first target was Arthur who was targeted.

“EX——Curry stick!!”

In the blue flood, a golden light appeared, and in an instant it grew from small to large, and finally evolved into a light cannon with a diameter larger than the diameter of the flood water.

Under the thrust of the hot and thick light cannon, the flood water that had not yet descended was directly evaporated.

Finally, the entire District 11 could see the beam of light rising into the sky, shattering the magic circle outside the atmosphere.

"How can it be?"

Jiu Shen was also shocked by Arthur's sudden burst of power.

Even though he had long known how powerful the Holy Sword was, it even defeated the giant Attila who defeated all the gods 14,000 years ago.

But this is the power of the first-generation Holy Sword user, and Old Shen does not think Arthur can exert the true power of the Star Sword.

No matter how unbelievable he was at the moment, after Arthur's thick light cannon shattered the star of destruction summoned by the Terminator Sword, it was like a lightsaber penetrating the sky and earth, returning in the direction where he was.

"I have to say that you are stronger now, Holy Sword User!"

Facing the light cannon that was thick enough to occupy all the field of vision of his eyes, Jiu Shining did not struggle. Instead, he opened his hands and greeted his failure with a calm smile:

"But I will not become a memory."

Two seconds later, the Sword of Promise of Victory finally stopped outputting. The beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth and could be seen in the entire District 11 came as it came gently, and then left gently without taking away a trace of cloud.

Only Gilgamesh's words remained before he disappeared.

Looking at where Gilgamesh originally stood, Arthur was silent for a moment and murmured:

"The king who can destroy the world, do you know that nothing is unimportant?"

"Everything is worth cherishing."


After saying this, Arthur could no longer hold on and fell straight down as all the magic power was squeezed out of his body.

The last thing he saw was Sajo Ayaka running towards him.

Sajo Ayaka, who had just woken up from the previous battle that destroyed the world and destroyed all three views, had not had time to say a few words to Arthur about the aftermath of the disaster. By the way, there was a plot of a youth love idol drama, and she saw The opponent looked like he was about to fall.

Subconsciously, he ran over and caught the other person. Although it was too late, Arthur still touched the ground with his face, but his intention must have arrived.


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