I don't know how long it took, but Arthur slowly opened his eyes. What caught his eyes was the concerned face of Sajo Ayaka, and the conscience that blocked half of his face.

Well, this is the legendary knee pillow.

"How long have I been unconscious?"

"Don't get up-"

Sajo Ayaka pressed her hand on Arthur who was thinking of him and said softly:

"It's only about half an hour."

"Is it?"

Arthur didn't persist. After all, a man who had been squeezed dry couldn't afford to be hurt, so he just arched his back and needed to use the strength of nine cows and two tigers.

"Thank you, Saber."

Sajo Ayaka looked at the still bright starry sky at the end of the twentieth century and said with a smile:

"It's nice of you to be my servant."

The exhausted Arthur also put aside his usual insistence, followed Ayaka Sajo's gaze, looked at the distant starry sky, and murmured easily:

"Me too, Ayaka."

Grandpa Mo Yi: Put away the last candy, the next chapter will be you, Old Sword. Sister-in-law, Oudi, sister-in-law Oudi, they are all Oudi!

Chapter 382: Green Song: Teacher, we——

After Arthur solved the old flashback, he and Grandpa Mo Yi were left in the Holy Grail War.

In fact, he should thank the great hero Arash. Without the opponent's sacrificial blow, he would really be in a bad situation when facing a group of followers who were eyeing his Huabei inheritance.

As for him, Hercules, the most unfavorable berserker, was also eliminated by Old Flash, who had countless noble phantoms. He was replaced by Hercules, who had a single attack mode. He had to use twelve weapons to defeat him. The possibility of killing Uncle B in two different ways is very small.

Of course, there are ways to break the situation, such as directly attacking the player and destroying berserker's master Loli Magician, and then he can unlock the cool achievement title of Loli Killer.

When Sajo Ayaka and Arthur returned to Sajo's house, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

But with anxiety and vigilance, they returned and saw dishes filled with golden light, as well as Grandpa Mo Yi and Ai Aotian sitting in front of the TV playing Snowman Brothers.

For a moment, the mental preparation that I had finally made collapsed in an instant.

I thought that when the two remaining servants, Mo Yi and Arthur, saw Mo Yi after returning home, even if they didn't decide the winner immediately, there would still be a cold atmosphere, indicating that the final battle was coming. .

"came back."

Grandpa Mo Yi looked back at the somewhat embarrassed Arthur and Sajo Ayaka and said:

"When we finish this fight, let's have dinner together."

Sajo Ayaka: "..."

Okay, even though the way to open it back home is a bit strange, I always have a good fight as soon as I come back.

Perhaps because this was Arthur's last supper, Grandpa Mo Yi was not preparing dark dishes to torture each other's taste and vision tonight. The four of them sat around the dinner table and ate in harmony as usual.

The so-called harmony is that Mo Yi and Sajo Aige talk about some random topics, Sajo Ayaka quietly acts like a beautiful girl, and Arthur works hard to replenish his magic power.

After eating almost well, Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Arthur and said:

"Saber, now there are only two of us left in the Holy Grail War."

"Tomorrow evening is our decisive battle, how about it?"

Hearing what Mo Yi said, Arthur knew how confident the other party was. As a caster, he actually wanted to fight him openly, and his tone was as casual as if they agreed to go to the Internet cafe together after school tomorrow for five consecutive days.

But this is exactly what he wants to use, to end the Holy Grail War as soon as possible and allow Sajo Ayaka to return to a normal life as soon as possible.

There is no point in dragging it on.

Sajo Ayaka looked at Arthur with a serious face and wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

Could it be that ‘you should stop fighting’?

This is impossible, this is the final fate of being a servant, fighting each other until the last person standing obtains the Holy Grail that can fulfill all wishes.

Feeling the worried and hesitant look in Sajo Ayaka's eyes, Arthur gave her a reassuring look, then nodded and said:


"The location is in the large void where the Great Holy Grail is."

After all, Grandpa Mo Yi is not a devil. Of course, he can pretend that the opponent has just finished the old flash and is not in a good state, so he can take the opportunity to send the opponent to report in the Holy Grail.

But this is meaningless. He didn't care about the so-called Holy Grail in the first place, not to mention that the other party knew that the Holy Grail had been poached by Mo Yi a long time ago.

More importantly, I still want to leave one last day for Sajo Ayaka and Arthur to spend time together. After this parting, they will probably have no chance to meet again.

"Then it's settled."

After Mo Yi saw the other party's agreement, he stood up and went back, leaving space for others.

He is the final big boss. If he stays at the venue, he won't be provoked or whispered.

"I'm full too."

After Mo Yi stood up, Sha Tiao Ai Ge also stood up directly and followed Mo Yi.

"Teacher, why are you walking so fast?"

Before Mo Yi walked back to the room, he heard the footsteps of Sha Tiao Ai Ge. He turned back to look at the smiling Sha Tiao Ai Ge and said helplessly:

"Ai Ge, can't the teacher have some private space?"

Shatiao Aige ignored Mo Yi's words. In fact, Mo Yi's room had been occupied by Shatiao Aige since Mo Yi was summoned to this world.

Even Master Mo Yi, a friend of women, didn't quite understand why Sha Tiao didn't arrange Mo Yi to her room from the beginning.

However, the other party was his master and had infinite command spells. Since he couldn't resist, Grandpa Mo Yi had no choice but to accept the extra soft and warm pillow setting to sleep at night.

That's right, everything is forced by the other party.Jpg!

"Does the teacher want to do something sexy again without telling Ai Ge?"

Shatiao Aige walked up to Mo Yi very skillfully, opened the room and walked in. Then she lay down on the bed casually, kicking her two snow-white feet in the air.

Mo Yi: "..."

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