However, I know that all this is just an escape, and the other party has returned to the place where he changed back.


After waiting until dawn, Sajo Ayaka was finally too tired to fall asleep. She woke up suddenly and subconsciously looked around the room. Everything was so familiar and nothing had changed.

Although she knew that the possibility was slim, Sajo Ayaka couldn't help but look forward to seeing the other person waiting by her side when she opened her eyes again.

"Still gone?"

"Ayaka, how long do you want to sleep until?"

At this time, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came.

This is, whose voice is this?

So familiar yet strange, a face that was almost forgotten appeared in Sajo Ayaka's mind.

Sajo Ayaka hurriedly opened the door and walked quickly to the living room. She saw her father, who she had lost ten years ago, sitting on a chair reading a newspaper, and her mother who was already setting out breakfast.

"Ayaka, why did you come out in pajamas?"

Sayou Ayaka’s father, Sayou Hiroki, put down the newspaper, looked at Sayou Ayaka, and said with a somewhat serious face:

"As a qualified magician, how can he be so sloppy? How can he learn magic, which requires rigorous wisdom, if he can't even take care of himself?"

"Hiroki, why are you so fierce? What if you scare Ayaka?"

At this time, the woman placing the dishes and chopsticks couldn't help it anymore and said:

"Ayaka, you go and wash up first, you have to go to class later."

With great difficulty, Sajo Ayaka woke up from her daze. She washed herself in confusion, pinched her forehead and the back of her hand hard, and felt real pain. She finally confirmed that this was not a dream.

"My parents are resurrected?"

"What on earth is going on?"

Suddenly, Sajo Ayaka, who was washing, discovered a fatal spot. There were still red patterns on the exposed skin under her neck?

Could it be——

Sajo Ayaka pulled open her collar and saw in the mirror that the command spell that had disappeared yesterday reappeared on her chest.

"Holy Grail?"

Yes, this is the only possibility.

"elder sister···"

Sajo Ayaka, who had woken up completely, walked to the dinner table and enjoyed breakfast with her parents unnaturally.

Her little move naturally fell on her parents. Of course, her parents only thought that the child was thinking about something strange and was distracted even while eating breakfast.

Sajo Ayaka finally plucked up the courage to communicate with her parents, and quickly relaxed, recalling in her mind that they came here like this a long, long time ago.

But, where did my sister go?

"Why isn't sister here?"

Sajo Ayaka asked the question in her heart.

"You kid, are you asleep?"

Sajo Ayaka’s mother smiled and said:

"Your sister went traveling with her teacher yesterday."

"Maybe I will be a grandma next time we meet."

Sajo Ayaka: "..."

Okay, am I the only one who thinks your words, mother, are problematic?

Why did the travel in your mouth turn into the honeymoon trip in my mind?

However, after hearing what her mother said, Sajo Ayaka became more and more certain of her previous conjecture that only her sister and Mo Yi could come up with such a strange setting.

It seems that it is indeed the Holy Grail.

With anxiety and fear of waking up from her dream at any time, Sajo Ayaka walked out of the house at her mother's request.

Then I remembered, wasn't the school temporarily closed because of the battle between Saber and Archer?

Now that you have come out, you might as well go to school to verify your ideas.

Then, Sajo Ayaka saw the intact school, with students rushing like ducks pouring into the school gate.

"Hello everyone, I am your new homeroom teacher Linglongkan Misaya—"

Sajo Ayaka, who was carrying her hair, suddenly heard the voice of a royal sister on the podium, and then saw a long-haired royal sister, who said very forcefully:

"Please give me your guidance in the future."

Sajo Ayaka: "..."

Isn't this Lancer's master?

Although she had never met the other party in person, Sajo Ayaka naturally had to find out more about the guy who wanted to kill her. The photos and information came from her brother-in-law Mo Yi.

"Why did the head teacher change?"

"She looks so young, no different from us."

"Tch, what do you know? This person is the daughter of the school director and principal. She comes here to teach, probably to embody life."

Suddenly, various whispers from the classmates rang in my ears.


Linglongkan Misaye's cold voice, coupled with her look like she was looking at trash, instantly shocked these high school students. Of course, there were also many male classmates with strange blushing looks on their faces.

Feeling the gaze of Reilongkan Misaya, Sajo Ayaka quickly lowered her head, and finally discovered that the other party did not look at her in particular. It seemed that she was no different from ordinary students and did not recognize her as the victim at all.

"Ring ring ring..."

With great difficulty, I finally made it to the end of school.

Regarding this new world that seems to have not changed but has completely changed in essence, Sajo Ayaka feels that she should be very happy, but she always feels that something is still missing.

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