what is it then?

Sajo Ayaka did not go home as soon as the bell rang.

Instead, he stayed in the classroom, standing there quietly, as if waiting for something.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew in from the window, and the long hair of Sajo Ayaka, who was in a daze, became messy. By accident, even her glasses fell to the ground while arranging her hair.

"It's time to go home."

Sajo Ayaka glanced at the sunset that was about to disappear and muttered to herself reluctantly.

Then he turned around and prepared to lower his body to pick up the glasses.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he saw a blond knight wearing silver armor. Seeing the stunned look of Sajo Ayaka, the knight chuckled proudly, then held the glasses in both hands and gently helped him put them on. .

"Ayaka, I'm back."

"Well, let's go home."

————The dividing line in the small dark room————

"Ai Ge, don't you need to spend some time with your parents who have just been resurrected?"

Grandpa Mo Yi scratched his head helplessly and looked at Shatiao Aige who was leaning on his shoulder.

The other party keeps clinging to me, like a coquettish kitten, and there is no way to work well!

"It doesn't matter--"

Sha Tiao Ai Ge looked at Mo Yi with watery eyes, and a voice as sweet as a bird sounded:

"I've already told my parents about this."

"And my father also supports me and my teacher traveling together."

"My mother specifically told me to take my grandson back to visit them next time I go home."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

This cunning little guy Lu Ge doesn't even know how many tricks I did when I modified the world line of her world.

In order to prevent Shatiao Aige's world from being deleted by the Xingyue World system due to Mo Yi's influence, Grandpa Mo Yi spent several hours modifying the information of that world.

"Teacher, Ai Ge needs your help to fulfill mother's wish."

At this time, Sha Tiao Ai Ge hugged Mo Yi like an octopus, giggling and saying:

"The Servant's clone cannot give birth to a child——"

"So, teacher, you have to work hard."

If you don’t listen, wait a minute and say goodbye!


They had just rested for ten minutes. Even Superman couldn't bear it. Grandpa Mo Yi looked helpless and said:

"I love songs, I still have a lot to do."

"How about we talk tonight?"

"don't want--"

"Anyway, this work is here. Teacher, you can do it whenever you want. Why rush it?"

"In your eyes, isn't loving singing more important than working?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

What you said makes sense, but I am speechless.

In fact, what I'm thinking is - can you please be quieter? I have to work hard. How can my wife have fun at work? !

Of course, as long as a man has an above-average IQ, even a straight man can't say the lines that Mo Yi didn't complain about. In the end -

Girlfriend, how can games be fun?

Don’t female friends know how a product that is an unexpected result of parents’ passion and happiness can be compared to the investment of hundreds of millions, plus the wisdom and hard work of hundreds of people?

"Ai Ge, what stupid words did you say——"

Grandpa Mo Yi watched helplessly as Ai Aotian unplugged the computer power supply with one hand, but said with a serious look on his face:

"You are the most important treasure in my world!"


"Teacher, you speak so nicely, and you love singing so much——"

"I still want Ai Ge."

————The dividing line between the world of Magical Girl Illya————

"The class this time is rider?"

Mo Yi opened his eyes, preparing to write an appearance poem of more than 50,000 words to improve his personality, but found that something seemed wrong.

There was no Masta who summoned him in front of him, and the world around him was in chaos, obviously an unstable subspace.

"What's going on?"

Mo Yi was about to use the membrane method to extract relevant information from the world, when a disgusting and negative force spread from his heart, trying to contaminate Grandpa Mo Yi from this body.

Of course, even Mo Yi in the state of Servant Clone can be polluted and turned crazy by this kind of negative power.

It's just that it feels like eating Guanyin soil, full and disgusting.

Don't ask me why I know what Guanyin soil smells like. I don't know that in a certain abyss called Kachi, sleeping is an evil and cute lolita with a keyhole on her forehead.

Little did he know that in a world that was about to be destroyed, there lived a vixen who moaned all day long.

Although the negative energy emanating from the heart is harmless, Grandpa Mo Yi definitely couldn't bear it. He aimed his right hand at the right position and inserted it into the heart, then kneaded it a few times and finally found the source of the pollutants. Pulling it out, it turned out to be a card with rider written on it.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "Yeah, yeah..."

Well, I roughly know that I have arrived in that world.

Combined with the surrounding environment, I have probably become one of those monsters in the world of "Magical Girl Illya" who specially give equipment to magical girls and are set by the will of the universe.

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