Otherwise, why would the Servant be no better than Mashao Monkey Wine who was still in elementary school?

Just combat experience and strategy are enough to crush him!

That's right, in order to prevent such buffs, the servants summoned by these class cards, except for the biological daughter Hei Wumao and the biological son Youshan, who are the will of the universe, no one can put the Noble Phantasm, and they will only stay in In your own jungle area, wait for someone to come over and rush forward to level A.

"It's just..., it seems a little different?"

Because the class this time was Rider, Mo Yi did not bring Clairvoyance (EX) this time, a skill unique to the crowned magician.

Of course, it's not a big problem. As a permission dog, Mo Yi can't figure out what he wants when the time comes.

But I originally came here to play games to kill time, so it would be too boring to have all the invincibility tricks, automatic aiming tricks, wall penetration tricks, and gun fighting skills enabled from the beginning.

After careful inspection, Mo Yi found that there was a trace of law called reason attached to the rank. After inhaling it into the body, a smell called 'compassion' spread out in the body.

But because of excessive pity, what should have been a kind emotion turned into a condescending attitude towards everything, an evil called arrogance.

Not long ago, Grandpa Mo Yi used fgo to divert Sha Tiao Ai Ge's excessive enthusiasm, so that he could have time to work hard and have some fun.

Grandpa Mo Yi naturally thought that this belonged to Gaetia, who had been torn apart by thousands of heartless mastas and taught thousands of magic tricks by doctors.

"It smells like Mr. Gai."

The world of the cute and immortal magical girl Illya seems to be attracted by Mr. Gai, who wants to develop real estate in this parallel world.

First use the human incineration method to burn down the entire world, a perfect violent demolition, and then go back to the past and turn the entire world into yourself. Not to mention the past and present, even in the future, the entire world's land will be covered. It's simply Imitation cases in the real estate industry.

However, the world of Magical Girl Illya is a bit special. It is connected to another parallel world that is about to die. I don’t know that Mr. Gai has set up the company’s headquarters ‘Temple of Time’ in that parallel world.

Or, the other party just sent one or two Demon God Pillars to open up wasteland to see if they could open a branch.

"never mind--"

Mo Yi put away his class card and complained:

"It's none of my business. Anyway, human beings are being burned every day. Why didn't they be saved by my three thousand heartless mastas in the end?"

"I'd better be a monster and wait for the horses and monkey wines to come back to slay me as a wild monster."

Feeling the constant flow of magic power transmitted to him from the imaginary number space, Grandpa Mo Yi knew that the Mahou Shaju will soon come to slay him, the mountain monster, otherwise the magic power of the entire Fuyuki City earth veins will be absorbed by this subspace. .

"While there is still time, draw a notebook and think about new works, so that Ai Ge can learn some new postures."

Grandpa Mo Yi hammered his right hand on the palm of his left hand and decided happily.

However, let’s transform the subspace first. How can one with nothing be worthy of being a top rider?

But, what style should be used?

"Magical girl?"

"Sure enough, the twisted fairy tale style in "Magic Girl Little Round Face" is the most suitable."

After thinking about it, Grandpa Mo Yi started to transform the subspace into a dark fairy tale style world.

I don't know how much time has passed, but Mo Yi has already prepared the world. While imagining this new posture and new book, he is waiting for Doelia from the parallel world to visit him.


"Oh, it hurts so much, damn Ruby, I'm going to break this guy of yours sooner or later."

"Is this the imaginary number space formed by abnormal magic power?"

Although they were Tohsaka Rin and Illya from the parallel world, as soon as their voices appeared, Mo Yi in Fen BiZhi's book woke up.

Illya, who was first deceived by Ruby, then forced by Tohsaka Rin, and finally determined to become a magical girl in order to save the innocent people implicated, carefully looked at the strange environment around her.

"Ruby, didn't you say that this is a mirror space, no different from Fuyuki City?"

"But the place I came in before was a residential area. This is obviously an amusement park?"

This place was built by Mo Yi according to the standards of an amusement park to match the comical and dark style. This amusement park gives people a weird and absurd feeling.

Don't let children play in such an amusement park. Even if you just take a look at it from a distance, timid children will even cry and have nightmares when they go back.


At this time, even Ruby was confused. It had entered such a subspace before, and it was indeed a reflection of the real world. At most, the atmosphere was a bit dark and cold.

"I don't know the situation very well either."

Rin Tosaka, who was pressed hard and was hurt by the fall, was about to attack Ruby, the culprit, when he also discovered something was wrong with the situation. The situation in front of him was completely different from what he described in the information.

What the hell is this place!

Even a close-combat magician like himself felt uncomfortable when he saw it.

"Ruby, you must have made the wrong coordinates!"

Tohsaka Rin was very unhappy and grabbed the ruby ​​​​and pulled the opponent hard, as if he was trying to break the opponent with strange force.

"Let me go! You magical aunt!"

Ruby yelled this.

"You definitely made me fall to the ground just now, you mean-mouthed wand!"

The irritable old sister Tohsaka Rin will definitely not let her go easily, and will torture her even more.

"Rin, Ruby, stop making trouble!"

Illya seemed to have seen something terrible, her tone seemed like she was about to cry, and she pointed at a banner in the air with some trembling.

So, Tohsaka Rin and Ruby looked up, and in the dark light, read the words in the banner——

"A warm welcome, dear Illya-chan."

Seeing this, Tohsaka Rin, who is usually fearless, also felt creepy. Where is the horse-shochu monkey wine style that was promised?

Why did it suddenly change into a supernatural painting style! !

Grandpa Mo Yi's first class was rider, so the question is, what is a mount?

Chapter 385: Illya is the cutest in the world!

"Rin, what should we do now? How about going back first?"

Illya, who had not yet awakened from the magical girl fantasy, saw the dark and windy scene around her and made serious suggestions.

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