"Ding-ding-dong, ding-ding-dong..."

With the arrival of Ilia and others, the park began to operate according to the procedures agreed by Grandpa Mo Yi. For example, the seemingly old carousel started to rotate automatically, and weird children's songs sounded everywhere.


Tohsaka Rin wanted to teach Illya a lesson for wanting to retreat before fighting, but was shocked by the sudden changes in the paradise.

I wanted to give up, but in my mind I could see the face of my lifelong enemy Luvia mocking me——

Uh haha, as a magician, you were actually scared away by a ghost. It’s so ridiculous, Rin!

A nameless courage emerged from his heart. Tohsaka Rin pinched his waist, showing a fearless look and said:

"What are you afraid of!"

"If there is any danger, just let Ruby teleport us away in time."

"Ilia, you promised me to collect cards. Did you retreat without even seeing the enemy?!"

However, her words have no effect on motivating generals. You must know that Illya in this parallel world is no different from ordinary people except elementary school students. Children like this may not be afraid of the bad guys in cartoons, but they may feel afraid of the mysterious people in ghost movies. thing.

This is the so-called compatibility problem, just like the nemesis of Mahou Soju is the tentacle monster.

"But I'm still so scared——"


Seeing Illya looking like she was about to cry, the cold and ruthless Tohsaka Rin did not feel any fluctuation in her heart. Instead, she held her hand directly and explored the surroundings.

In fact, Tohsaka Rin was also very scared, but due to face issues, he couldn't retreat. At this time, he definitely couldn't let his only teammate Illya retreat.

You must know that in the supernatural theater, there are two laws of 'killing when alone' and 'killing on meeting'. If Illya leaves, she will never dare to explore this place alone.

If you encounter a ghost, just throw Illya to block the ghost's "Meet Kill". Anyway, Illya in the magical girl version has A-level magic power provided by rubies, and the mystery comes from the second method. , even Sadako and Kayako have absolutely no chance of breaking Illya's magic defense.

Illya, don't worry, I will take you better in the future.

If you ignore the weird buildings around you, there's actually nothing to be afraid of here.

After a few minutes of exploration, the two of them never encountered any surprises, such as someone calling their name from behind, patting themselves on the shoulder, pale hands emerging from the soil to grab themselves, or this strange black shadow wandering around.

"Nothing seems wrong—"

By this time, Illya was much better. Although she was still a little scared, at least she wasn't so scared that she was about to burst into tears.

"Ruby, where is the class card?"

It is indeed a good thing that nothing happened, but in this weird environment, even if there is no abnormality, the psychological pressure will become more and more intense. Someone from the General Administration is hiding in the dark, peeking at himself, waiting for them to step into the trap, Then a swarm of demons danced wildly.

"Don't worry, it's quick, it's quick."

Ruby said sweating profusely.

In fact, strange to say, based on past experience, such a distorted space should be caused by the class card, but after entering this imaginary number space, I found that the surrounding environment was different from before.

In addition, the location of the class cards cannot be detected. Some are just extremely huge. There is no way to describe them. I can only feel the huge magic power from the old gem man who created himself.

Obviously, after he and others entered here, the other party discovered it, but there was no malice, otherwise Ruby would have left with them long ago.

Since there is no malice, it is even more necessary to explore. However, Ruby is still not sure whether the other party has no malice or does not care about the existence of himself and others.

Just from the magic reaction, they knew that the opponent's combat power was far superior to theirs.


Then, Tohsaka Rin, who was holding the gem in his hand, and Illya, whose hands were nervously holding it, walked to a pavilion that was different from the surrounding environment.

"This is?"

What caught their eyes was Grandpa Mo Yi who was bowing his head and couldn't stop working until the end.

"We're busy, please wait a moment."

Illya and Tohsaka Rin heard the voice of Grandpa Mo Yi who was lowering his head and drawing in a notebook.

No matter how you listen to this voice, it is normal, no different from ordinary men. If there is something special, it is probably special and magnetic. Just listening to it makes people feel very comfortable and subconsciously listen to the other person's words.


Illya is a good child. When her master said this, she politely sat on the stone chair next to her.

A few minutes later, led by Illya, the eldest lady’s etiquette skills were fully equipped, and she sat down on the stone chair meticulously, waiting.


Tohsaka Rin reacted and whispered in Illya's ear:

"Illya, we are here to deal with the mutation, not as guests!"


Illya reacted, but what should she do if she didn't wait for the other party?

Adaptation is not the same as random making up, and drama is not the same as nonsense. If you offend others, you will have to die to apologize!

What if the other party is not an enemy, but is provoked by herself and others and becomes an enemy, wouldn't it be Aqua?

Illya is a little silly sometimes, but her little brain is often smarter than Miss Rin Tohsaka's.

"The other party seems to be doing something very important."

Tohsaka Rin thought for a moment and muttered:

"How about we go over quietly and keep secret what the other party is doing. If the other party is really our target this time, we can collect intelligence in advance so that the other party will not be prepared to attack again."


Illya originally seemed to refuse, but Rin Tosaka couldn't hold her back, so she had to follow him.


Naturally, the two of them can't escape Mo Yi's perception. If the other party wants to see it, he can just read it. It's no big deal. Mo Yi's new book "Sister-in-law Comes to My House as a Guest" is almost finished.

"This is so shameless."

Illya said "Ah". After taking a few glances and being forced to open the door to the new world, her whole body turned red and she died with a burst of steam.

While he couldn't help saying "shameless" and criticizing, he couldn't help but curiously follow the picture that Mo Yi was depicting with his ghostly hands.

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