"Wonderful, really wonderful."

Ruby flying around in front of Mo Yi said in amazement:

"Detailed portraits with a hazy style of painting, real twists and turns and unexpected plot, character lines and details are impeccable in every aspect. Every aspect is the best book I have ever seen."

"Master, can you let me look back at the previous drawings? This is my lifelong request!"

After that, he took out a bunch of photos from somewhere and placed them in front of Mo Yi, and affirmed:

"I can trade my most precious collection, please!"

After that, he also used the body of a magic wand to perform the difficult action of Dogeza.

It is worthy of being a gentleman's magic wand. He also shows his true level and is a lovely reader.

Mo Yi, who had just finished the last drawing, handed the completed drawing to the other party and picked up the other party's photo to look at the other party's so-called collection.

The first one was the naked photo of Illya that the other party broke into the bathroom a few days ago and secretly took.

Damn it!

There is such a shameless magic wand in the world. Illya is his sister. Even Illya in the parallel world, Mo Yi cannot tolerate this kind of thing.

Damn Ruby, let me see how hateful you really are!

Then, Grandpa Mo Yi quickly visited the ruby ​​collection. It must be said that ruby's photography skills are really good. The pictures in the photos are not only beautiful, but also fully demonstrate her understanding and love for loli. In every photo, you can feel the emotion of the person being photographed at that moment.

"This is..., when is it!"

Illya finally woke up from the shock of the new world. When she came back to her senses, she saw her elder brother who had just drawn something embarrassing looking at some familiar photos.

After a few seconds, Illya finally recognized who the person in the photo was?

The small body suddenly exerted great strength and speed, and snatched the photo from Mo Yi's hand in an instant.

"Ya Zhudie!"

Of course, this is just because Mo Yi allowed the other party to grab it, otherwise no matter how Ilia exploded, she would not be able to grab what was in Mo Yi's hand.

"Big brother, oh, you can't."

Feeling Mo Yi's teasing gaze, Illya felt that her whole body was about to burn up. The other person was still looking at her various artistic photos with relish just now.

But regardless of the embarrassment, her brain seemed to be about to burn out next, Illya still just hid her hands behind her back, otherwise Mo Yi would see the photo she had just snatched.

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Great, since I was brought into the root, I haven't replenished Illya's energy for a long time.

Although she is Illya in the parallel world, the Illya in this world is a real elementary school student lolita, not a fake lolita like my little wife Illya who can grow and shrink.

Illya, the cutest in the world!

The shelf life of lolita is very short. Like all beautiful things in the world, it is fragile and short-lived. If you don't take good care of it, it will disappear in the blink of an eye.

It's so rare to meet a real lolita version of Ilia, so Grandpa Mo Yi can't waste such a good opportunity.

"Illya, this is what Ruby gave me. Since it was given to me, it is mine."

Mo Yi spoke righteously and said with an expression like an old scholar:

"It's wrong to just grab other people's things."

"Why don't you return it to Onii-chan quickly?"


The elder brother in front of him seemed to make a lot of sense, especially the serious look on his face, which made Ilya feel like he was getting serious.

But, just, how could Illya show her art exhibition to strangers?

This kind of thing should be destroyed humanely!

Seeing the other person's tangled and ashamed look on the verge of tears, Grandpa Mo Yi felt that his whole body was filled with pleasure, and he continued to joke:

"Illya, you can correct your mistakes if you recognize them. You are still a good child."

Illya: "..., Elegant Butterfly."

Oh my God, who can come to save me at this time!

In desperation, Illya looked at her teammates, only to find that Ruby and Tohsaka Rin were admiring Mo Yi's notebook with a critical eye.

Various strange sounds were heard during this period.

"Wonderful, so beautiful."

"hentai, how is this possible?"

"Is it really that comfortable?"

"It's so shameless..."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "Hehe——"

The other party clearly didn't smile, but Illya was able to figure out that the other party was laughing evilly, and at the same time, his hands gradually reached towards her, trying to take those photos back.

"Rin, what are you doing?"

At this time, other people's voices came from not far away, and because of the sudden appearance of the guy, Mo Yi's interest in teasing Illya was interrupted, and Tohsaka Rin immediately changed back to his usual appearance, looking at it very arrogantly. Luvia came over.

"Are you also here to look for class cards?"


Luvia came over with a blue magical girl Miyu Emiya, looked at them with some confusion, and said:

"It seems that you haven't made any progress yet."

"Sister, I have some good things here for you to see."

Ruby flew towards the magic suit held in Miyu's hand, spinning happily,

When Sapphire saw it, she immediately flicked Ruby away and said to her master Miyu:

"Master, you are still at that age and cannot look at those things."

Faintly, Meiyou, who saw the new knowledge, wanted to unlock new subjects. For her, a self-study at home and a top student who has completed university courses, any knowledge is worth learning.

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