When Sapphire said this, she became even more curious.

But after Sapphire said so, Meiyu just responded:

"I know, Sapphire."

Not far away, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia were at each other's throats again, blaming each other. It was all the other's fault, causing Ruby and Sapphire to leave them and find two elementary school students as their masters again. The matter of collecting cards became More troublesome and difficult.

After several minutes, everyone finally calmed down and sat together to discuss matters here.

Soon, they finally realized that if they wanted to know more information, they still needed the stranger Mo Yi they met here.

"Hello, sir, I am Tohsaka Rin——"

Afterwards, everyone began to introduce themselves to Mo Yi and briefly explained their purpose of coming here.

"To sum up, those cards are very dangerous——"

"I wonder if you, sir, know any important information?"

Mo Yi: "..."

You said so much in one breath, and I didn’t even get a chance to identify myself.

I originally wanted to put on a handsome POS and make a perfect appearance——

"I was exiled from my hometown and imprisoned here for ten thousand years. Now you still dare to appear in front of me. You are asking for your own death!"

"Explode, reality! Crush, spirit! Disappear, this world! I am the master of this space, the black flame user Mo Yi!"

Unexpectedly, the plan could not keep up with the current situation. How could I, the boss, become the head of the novice village who gave these new players key information?


Grandpa Mo Yi lowered his head and said:

"Let me introduce myself first. I am Mo Yi, and I am the owner of this space."

"So you are the owner of this place——"

"Great, then you must know the status of the class card and the summoned heroic spirit."

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia said happily.

"The class you are looking for is stuck here——"

Mo Yi took out a card with the image of Rider from his arms, showed it to everyone, and said with a smile:

"The summoned heroic spirit should be me."

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia: "..."


Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, who finally reacted, turned pale, and then pulled Miyu and Illya back, as if they were facing some wild beasts.

Chapter 386: Has the husky eaten your rice?

"what happened?"

As if they had discovered a ghost in the crowd, everyone immediately fled the pavilion and looked warily at Grandpa Mo Yi from a distance, who seemed to be doing nothing wrong.

At this time, they were a little at a loss. What was going on?

In the past, I encountered heroic spirits summoned by class cards. They were all mindless. No matter what class they were, they were just like the berserker who was turned into a madman.

Their mission process is probably to find the distortion point, use the magical girl's ability to travel to the hidden imaginary number space, find the blackened servants summoned by the class card, and then rush up to kill the blackened servants and obtain The opponent's legacy 'class card'.

But, what is going on with the man in the pavilion holding the rank card in his hand and showing it to them?

After research and investigation, isn’t the class card the basis of the existence of these mad servants?

As long as they leave their bodies, these blackened servants will disappear directly.

Could it be?

Tohsaka Rin quickly thought of the biggest possibility, that is, there were originally servants here, one was the rider, and the other was the strange man in front of him, and the life-threatening rider was eliminated by the opponent, and the class card fell into the opponent's hands.

Of course, the other party may not be a Servant, but may be another magician or a member of a mysterious force.

"Be careful, the other party is very strange."

Luvia worriedly ordered Miyu next to her, fearing that the sister she had just recognized would be caught up in what she thought was a harmless mission.

Luvia's concern made Meiyu, who thought she had lost the whole world, feel warm in her heart. The urge in her heart to immediately solve all the problems caused by the class card also eased, and she nodded in acquiescence.

"Rin, what on earth is going on!"

Luvia took out the gem and held it in her hand, guarding against possible changes, and asked Tohsaka Rin beside her:

"What information does this strange man have?"

Tohsaka Rin: "..."

Even if you ask me, I don't know.

We were just a little bit farther away than you, and we sat there for a while and read the book for a while, and then you came.

Tohsaka Rin wanted to directly tell what he had seen and heard before, but he couldn't think of how he wasted his time reading books.

Of course, if she didn't say it, someone else would.

Ruby replied directly:

"We're not very clear about this. We came a little earlier, and either sat there and looked at each other's drawings or looked at each other's notebooks."

"It's worth mentioning that the book the other party drew is really beautiful. It's the best book I've ever seen."

"Perhaps, the other party's true identity is a famous painting master who eventually became a heroic spirit."


Luvia looked at Ruby and Tohsaka Rin with some confusion and asked:

"What is this book?"

Seeing that the other party didn't understand, Ruby immediately explained in a teacher-like manner:

"The so-called book is the abbreviation of a kind of two-dimensional painting. It refers to a special type of painting that records the most beautiful things of mankind..."

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