Unlike myself, I almost trembled nervously.

"Are you going to fight or not?"

Grandpa Mo Yi, who originally wanted to beat up the happy elementary school student, did not expect that Miss Tohsaka Rin and Luvia were still as unreliable as those in their own world. They were about to beat up their own people before they defeated themselves as the boss.

I’ll take jujube pills from land reclamation groups like you!

Grandpa Mo Yi put away the previous drawings, stood up from the stone bench, walked out of the pavilion, approached the people who were fighting among themselves, and complained:

"All the flowers I waited for have faded."

Under Grandpa Mo Yi's abnormal behavior, everyone naturally stopped arguing and became wary of Grandpa Mo Yi who was about to walk out of the pavilion and seemed to be about to take action.

The moment Mo Yi walked out of the pavilion, the casual clothes he was wearing emitted a dazzling holy light, and he instantly transformed into a sword-fighting dove wearing a black trench coat with two swords on his back.

"It seems——"

After seeing Mo Yi complete the one-click transformation, everyone no longer doubted the other party's identity as a servant.

"The other party is really a Servant."

"Is it Saber?"

Anyone who sees Grandpa Mo Yi's double sword style will think that he is a Saber.

Tohsaka Rin replied in a low voice:

"That's troublesome. Saber is the class with the highest ability value among the seven classes, except for 'magic'. Moreover, Saber also has a high level of magic against magicians."

Luvia: "Then there is no other way. We can only go up, collect relevant information, and escape immediately when things go bad."

Tohsaka Rin: "This is the only way."

When Mo Yi pulled out Frostmourne, the temperature in the entire subspace suddenly dropped several degrees.

"The sword in the opponent's hand is very dangerous, and even the surrounding temperature is affected."

"Don't be careless, blond double drill. Even if you die here, I won't care about you and will just run away."

"Huh, if the same thing happens, I'll give you a thumbs up, Devil Muscle Rin."

"The movie is about to start. Can you guys be more serious? I can hear you!"

Grandpa Mo Yi couldn't help but complain and said:

"Also, you've already told me that I'm a rider, so don't add settings for me. This is very rude."

"Let you see my mount!"

After that, Mo Yi inserted the Frostmourne in his hand into the ground. The sharp blade sank into the ground easily like cutting tofu. Then, with the blade as the end point, the ground instantly froze, and the field of vision was completely covered in just a short moment. The visible ground was frozen with a thick layer of ice.


With ruby's reminder and help, Illya narrowly avoided the danger of her feet being frozen by the ice.

"Thanks, Ruby."

Ruby's tone rarely became serious and she said:

"The opponent's magic power is very huge. Illya, you have to be careful and don't get close to the opponent easily."

"Fortunately, the other party did not have any malicious intent and specifically targeted us."

Indeed, the ice attack on the ground is only due to the special effects of Frostmourne.

During this period of returning to his roots, Grandpa Mo Yi re-strengthened Frostmourne and added the effect of True Name Liberation to it.

"Come out, the first beast - Pipiha!"

As Grandpa Mo Yi shouted, a storm with an extremely cold aura erupted from Frostmourne, almost blowing it away.

"What the hell is this?"

"With this level of magic power, could it be the legendary fantasy species?"

"It's actually a rider!"

Tohsaka Rin saw a black shadow gradually appear in the pale storm. As the ice and snow storm dissipated, a large black and white dog appeared in front of everyone.

It stands to reason that a big dog, one meter tall, stands in front of them. It stands to reason that even if the big dog is not malicious, it should give primary school students like Illya a great sense of terror because of its size and other factors.

But when they looked at the big black and white dog summoned by Grandpa Mo Yi, no one felt any fear at all. Just looking at each other, they felt an inexplicable sense of amusement and comedy.


Luvia and Tohsaka Rin were confused now. They both thought that even if the summoned object exuded such powerful magic power, it would not be strange even if it was a legendary dragon species.

If you really have to go against it, just run away and ask for the help of the Magic Association. Can a person fight something like a dragon?

"Although the body is a bit big——"

Tohsaka Rin, who once worked in a pet shop to earn extra money, said hesitantly:

"According to my experience of taking care of countless pet cats and dogs, this should be the legendary Siberian Husky."

Luvia said with some doubt:

"So, the other party spent so much magic power and the mount summoned was a husky?"

Everyone: "..."

"What's wrong with Husky!"

At this time, just after being summoned, Mo Yi's pet and mount in his previous life, the husky named Pipiha, couldn't bear it. He stared at Tohsaka Rin and others with eyes that he thought were cruel, but at first glance looked like a funny look. , complained:

"Did the husky eat your rice? Or did it demolish your house? Why can't it be Brother Mo Yi's mount!"

"Master Gou, I think back then, with a pair of sharp claws, I tore through three thousand monsters from the east to the west of the mainland, and when the name of Pipiha spread throughout the Moyi Continent, the ancestors of you two little girls were still two A little tadpole!"

"Believe it or not, Mr. Dog, I will beat you until you scream with just one touch of my palm."

"What the hell!"

Tohsaka Rin was startled by Pipiha who suddenly spoke, and couldn't help but said:

"The world is crazy, or am I crazy that huskies can talk?"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible-"

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