At this time, Illya noticed that Miyu next to her was shaking all over, and she muttered as if she was doubting life:

"Huskies are canines. With the structure of their mouths, it is impossible for them to speak. This is not biological or scientific at all!"


The twists and turns unfolded, causing Illya, who was under heavy psychological pressure, to collapse. She grabbed her teammates and shook them vigorously, complaining:

"Even magical girls exist, why is it weird for huskies to talk!"

"Cheer up, Miyu!"

"A magical girl is accompanied by a cute creature. Isn't that the basic setting of Mahou Soju?"

Miyu, who was squatting with his head in his hands, looked at Illya with eyes that had lost their highlights, and said mechanically:

"This is not scientific at all. How can a canine possibly talk?"

"But it's magic-"

Illya complained:

"The battle is not over yet, Miyu!"

As the saying goes, when you look at Doubi, you feel like Aqua in others; when you look at Doubi, you feel that everyone in the world is Aqua, and the only one who is witty is himself.

Pipiha looked at the group of funny people in front of him, and gave up the idea of ​​arguing with funny people, because if you argue with funny people, the other party will lower your IQ to the same level as the other party, and then defeat you with rich experience.

"Life is just as lonely as snow!"

After sighing, Pipiha turned to look at Mo Yi. After turning around, the dog face that lamented the impermanence of the world turned into a flattering dog-licking expression, and asked:

"Brother, you summoned me. What can I do for you?"

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

"Who the hell is your eldest brother? Call me master, Hun Dan!"

"Okay, brother! I understand, brother! I understand, brother!"

Pipiha looked around Mo Yi and asked:

"Where's the mistress? I haven't seen the mistress for a long time."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Damn it, Aqua, go back and eat dog meat pot tonight.

If I remember correctly, some previous chapters have vaguely mentioned that Grandpa Mo Yi and Ilia have already driven through this plot.

I thought everyone wouldn't like to see the blatant driving scene, so I passed it by in a flash. funny laugh

Chapter 387: Pipiha: It smells like loli!

"The decision is yours!"

Grandpa Mo Yi, who gave up correcting his husky, pointed at Tohsaka Rin and Luvia who were laughing and said:

"Go, Pipiha, let them see your strength."


After hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's order, Pipiha finally couldn't get serious and stopped pulling Mo Yi to perform cross talk.

The whole body exuded powerful magic power, and the barking even formed an invisible shock wave.


Everyone who was very amused and had been on alert for a long time were startled by Pipiha's sudden change in temperament, and instantly went into fighting mode.

"The situation is unknown, so don't engage in close combat yet."

Luvia held the gem and took the lead.


Tohsaka Rin followed at the same time and said:

"The family budget will be in deficit again this month."

Although she said this, she still decisively followed Luvia and used gem magic. The gem containing the magic of measurement seemed to be thrown at Pipiha for free.

However, no matter what the effect of those gem explosions, pure magic explosions, flames, refrigerators, or electric currents, they all automatically extinguished after touching Pipiha's hair, leaving not even a trace of scorch.

"Plan B——"

Seeing that gem magic had no effect at all, Luvia and Tohsaka Rin were not surprised. Low-level mysteries will have no effect when encountering high-level mysteries. This is a universal rule.

However, when they came to this space, they didn't just play tricks all the time. They secretly bought a lot of gems to form a temporary magic position.

"This was originally reserved for dealing with servants, but now it can only be used."

Of course, their little tricks were never hidden from Grandpa Mo Yi.

With this level of magic, even with the blessing of a magic position, there is no way to limit him. After all, their strength is too far apart.


Illya, who was watching from a distance while holding the ruby ​​​​, was shocked by the outburst of two unreliable adults, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia. Watching their battle was like watching a TV series, and only the people in the TV series , only then can you perform difficult movements one by one.

In reality, the vast majority of people have been assimilated into the comfortable modern life and have lost their ability to survive as beasts. For most adults, it is just about the consistency and proficiency of body movements. Even elementary school students who play all day cannot Can't compare.

My previous guesses about the battle also came from Mahou Soju in the animation: You use a skill to hit me, and I will hit you with a skill. If you can't beat me, you will kill with all kinds of memories of friendship and love, and finally solve the enemy's routine with one secret.

I must have never even thought about this kind of real-life battle.

However, Illya obviously doesn't know what the poisonous milk theorem means if you set a flag, you will die.

When she praised Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, Luvia and Tohsaka Rin's real trick was launched. The magic barrier established instantly bound Pipiha who was trapped in it.

Tohsaka Rin: "Succeeded?"

There is a fatal flag.

Pipiha, who was standing in the red magic barrier, looked at Tohsaka Rin and Luvia very boredly. They had never made a move before. From the beginning, Luvia and Tohsaka Rin made various fierce operations around it. I got up, but I really didn’t feel anything at all!

If there were many beautiful girls on the other side, Pipiha would have been impatient to go up and knock them down with a slap.

It’s quite fun to watch the beautiful girls jumping up and down!

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