I remember those days when I had to deal with those weird monster girls all day long. When I was traveling with my owner, I was always afraid that a monster girl would suddenly appear in the grass and let it and its owner take away the dog.

Therefore, Pipiha suffers from a phobia of monster girls and only has a crush on normal human women.

Well, there is also the owner's female partner, otherwise she may be directly humanely destroyed.

Seeing that Tohsaka Rin and Luvia performed similarly and could no longer move, Pipiha also started to take action, otherwise it would be difficult to deal with the master's anger.

An angry owner is the scariest thing!

The other party would throw him into the room of a little bitch in heat without saying anything, and he would almost die from exhaustion several times.

"Stop playing, Pipiha——"

Mo Yi looked at it with some boredom and said:

"Use a flash of lightning to break the magic barrier."

Pipiha instantly turned into lightning and turned towards the red magic barrier.

Luvia: "Impossible, this is a knot formed by ultra-highly compressed magic power..."


Then, the red magic barrier was like ordinary glass, shattering directly in the impact of the phantom.

"Then, use one hundred thousand volts with all your strength!"

Pipiha, who had moved to Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, did not attack them immediately.

As Grandpa Mo Yi's first pet, it can naturally understand the true thoughts of its owner. If it was really a battle, he would not have such a tone, and the way he looks now is to play with them.

The so-called full force of one hundred thousand volts, no, one hundred thousand volts or something like that, how does Pipiha understand?

However, since the master said it, you have to understand it even if you don’t understand it. Even if there is no difficulty, you have to create difficulties and face the difficulties.

"Eat my full 100,000 volts!"

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, who wanted to stay away from Pippiha, heard Pipha's voice before they retreated, and then——


A burst of yellow lightning hit the two of them,

Luvia and Tohsaka Rin fell to the ground, occasionally twitched, and immediately lost their ability to fight.

Of course, it just looks miserable. Pipiha, who can deeply understand the spirit of Grandpa Mo Yi, certainly knows that Grandpa Mo Yi is playing tricks on them, like a prank.


The sudden reversal of the situation made Illya confused. He was so handsome, and he missed Tohsaka Rin and Luvia with various combos, and fell down like this?

Sure enough, seniors and all are weak scum, and their only role is to tell the juniors that Mahou liquor making is a very dangerous profession.

"Don't be impulsive, Illya!"

Illya, who wanted to rush up to check on Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, was stopped by Ruby.

"We are still fighting now. If we are distracted and easily defeated by the opponent, we will really lose Rin and the others."

"Moreover, they were not really hurt, they were just electrolytically paralyzed by the husky."

Ruby told Illya what she had detected.

"Ruby, what do I do now?"

Illya asked nervously.

"Don't panic, just follow my advice and act. After we open the mirror to Rin and the others, you just need to unfold the magic defense wall and buy some time so that I can phase transfer everyone and escape back to the real world."

Ruby's idea was wonderful, but at this moment, the black-haired girl with three hairs, who had always been by Illya's side, had already rushed out.

By using the class card Lancer obtained from Luvia, he summoned Cu Chulainn's Noble Phantasm, the "Spear of Death Thorns" that is sure to hit, and rushed forward with the gun.

Seeing this, Illya quickly stopped her:

"Don't be impulsive, Miyu!"

Illya found her teammates and rushed forward, so she had no choice but to rush forward with her wand in hand.

However, it was too late. How could the little moves of the two little girls fighting for the first time escape Pipiha's eyes.

Pipika's body looks a bit bulky, but in fact it is very flexible. With a slight twist, he can avoid the stab from Miyu's side. Then his white tail becomes longer and curled, and he stabs with all his strength. His whole body is full of flawless beauty. The game rolled up.

"I've got you, sweet girl."


Illya didn't expect that her little friend would be defeated so easily and completely, and she didn't know what to do for a while.

Ruby's voice sounded:

"Illya, point your wand at the other person and think about shooting something out."


Illya followed Ruby's instructions, pointed the Ruby at Pipiha, then silently thought in her mind to shoot something, and then shot out a pink magic bullet.

"There is still one."

Pipiha glanced at Illya not far away and ignored the opponent's seemingly weak magic bullet.

In fact, Illya's first magic bullet was just as Pipiha thought. It hit Pipiha's hair and dissipated directly, without any use.


"Illya, you have to hit the target with all the power of your body at the point of impact, and then launch it. Otherwise, it is impossible to hurt the opponent."

Illya: "..."

"Ruby, you made it so complicated, I can't do it!"

"At the end of the day, I'm just a fifth-grade elementary school student."


Well, what Ilia said makes sense. It is indeed a bit difficult for the opponent to face such an out-of-standard opponent in the first battle.

Of course, they didn't know that on the set next door, there was a third-grade elementary school magical girl named Takamachi Nanoha.

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