As soon as she became a magical girl, she was able to fire nuclear explosion-level magic cannons. No matter what enemy she encountered, just don't be afraid to shoot at them.

All enemies she beat to death will become her friends.

Therefore, he is known as the tyrant who makes friends with his guns.

It is worth mentioning that Takamachi Nanoha’s father is named Takamachi Shirou. In addition, Nanoha’s father seems to be a daughter-in-law, and her original surname is unknown.

As for Takamachi Nanoha, who was born with magical power hundreds of times different from ordinary people, this potential is most likely inherited from her parents.

Based on all kinds of evidence, there is only one truth, and that is that the man named Takamachi Shirou is Emiya Shirou in a parallel world!

When Illya was confused, Pipiha would not stand and do nothing. When its tail moved, it would move the immobile object in front of him, and then stick out its tongue to taste, expressionlessly, Miyu, who was actually panicked, had a look on her face.

"Oh, it smells like a three-no girl."

“It smells so good!”


This scream was not made by Miyu, but by Illya who was watching from a distance:

"No, don't die!"

However, no matter what Illya said, it was of no use.

Because the moment Miyu was attacked by Pipiha's tongue, her eyes immediately lost their brightness. Although her eyes were still open, she actually fainted.

There was no one who fainted. Pipiha put him next to Tohsaka Rin, who was also electrocuted and fell into a state of paralysis. He showed a husky smile and said:

"You're the only one left now, you cute little girl!"

After saying that, he ran to Illya who was stunned.

"Do not do this!"

Illya ran away quickly, and then in Grandpa Mo Yi's eyes, a funny scene of a husky chasing a magical girl appeared.

However, no matter how she ran, she could not outrun Pippiha, who had four legs.

Soon, she was pushed to the ground by Pipiha, and she watched helplessly as the dog's head approached her face, and then lost consciousness.

"This is the smell of a strong girl."

————The dividing line ten minutes later————

After everyone was knocked down by Pipiha, Grandpa Mo Yi moved everyone back to the pavilion and waited for them to recover.

Ten minutes later, the trembling people would only hug each other at an angle and look at Grandpa Mo Yi on the other side.

"Now that everything has recovered, let's talk about the next question."

Tohsaka Rin took a deep breath. Since the other party didn't do anything else after knocking them down, it meant that the other party really didn't have any ill intentions. He mustered up the courage to ask:

"What do you want?"

"If you defeat me, you can get the rank in my hand. But since you were defeated by me, shouldn't you satisfy one of my requirements?"

Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and said:

"This can't be too much."

Everyone: "..."

There seems to be no problem with this and it is very fair.

After failing to defeat the boss, you have to satisfy the boss's requirements. What kind of third-rate RPG is this?

It's just that the situation is stronger than others. Now it's others who are stronger. The weak can only eat dust and obey the requirements of the winner.

"no problem--"

At the critical moment, Luvia, the rich man, is still reliable. No matter what the other party asks for, he must meet it first. Only by holding on tight can he have a chance to win.

"I was summoned to this world, and I don't even have a master, so I don't even have anything to eat or sleep with. It's not very practical, so I want to find a master."

Grandpa Mo Yi suddenly looked at the dejected Ilia and said:

"The decision is yours, Illya."


Feeling Mo Yi's gaze, Ilia quickly shook her head and refused:

"No, if I suddenly bring a strange man home, Sierra will definitely be furious!"

"Why me?"

"Because Illya is the cutest in the world!"

Mo Yi explained very seriously:

"So I don't accept the explanation!"

Illya: "..."

Where did this perversion come from!

I am still a primary school student. Even if you praise yourself like this, I will not be happy or soft-hearted.

At the same time, everyone looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with strange eyes, but the other party's request was unexpectedly simple, and it seemed that there were many benefits.

Luvia looked at Illya who kept shaking her head and refused to obey, and tried to ask:

"Mr. Mo Yi, why don't you come to my house? I have everything, and I will definitely satisfy you."


Grandpa Mo Yi waved his hand. He had not absorbed Illya's energy for so long. It was rare to meet a new type of Illya. How could he miss such a good opportunity.

"I just want to go to Illya's house!"

Everyone: "..."

Everyone looked at Illya and soon realized that this powerful servant was a lolicon?

"If it doesn't work, I will summon Pipiha and fight again until Illya agrees."

Illya: "..."

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