Hearing this, the subconsciously sealed memory in Illya's mind revived again, and she once again recalled the terrible memory of the big dog pressing her to the ground and licking her.

"Ok, I see."

In the end, Illya gave in.

Chapter 388: I, Kyubey, am very cute and cute

Life is a SM. Since you can't resist, you can only enjoy it. Maybe you will slowly fall in love with it?

However, under Pipiha's licking attack, Illya, who was still a child, still succumbed.

After accepting the setting that Grandpa Mo Yi went to her house to eat and sleep, Illya pressed her hands on her temples and collapsed. She couldn't help but think of the questions from her family members, especially her brother Emiya Shirou (ordinary version). , but can open a harem in Lily's cute drama)'s questioning gaze.

As a fifth-grade girl, she brought home an elder brother who looked to be 17 or 18 years old. It was very suspicious no matter how you put it! !

Sera, who was strict, must have told her mother and father about swinging the sword, and they might have gone home because of it.

Even if it’s puppy love, it’s too early!

Which parents would not worry if their daughter, who is still a primary school student, brings home a high school boy?

What excuse should I make to solve such a crisis? !


This is simply an unsolvable problem!

"What should I do?!"

The more she thought about how to deal with her family, the more Ilia collapsed.

For a good girl like Illya, lying is still too difficult.

For Mo Yi, it had been a long time since I had seen Illya act cute, and she was still acting cute like this naturally.

I haven’t seen it since the Illya in my own world has grown up, and because of my own drama, the Illya in my own world, well, let’s call it Big Illya for short, has basically developed antibodies. Most of the time, they just cooperate with themselves to be cute.

However, being cute deliberately is not as good as being cute naturally.

At this moment, Grandpa Mo Yi felt that he had been cured.

Grandpa Mo Yi was in a good mood. He took out the rider's class card from his fourth-dimensional pocket and handed it directly to Ilia.

"This is my fee for staying at your house."


Lu Ya, who was addicted to being cute, woke up, took the card handed to her by Grandpa Mo Yi, and saw a class card similar to Archer that Rin Tohsaka handed me.


"It's true."

Ruby circled the class card and punched it, judging.

"So, our goal tonight was achieved?"

It was obviously a happy thing, but Illya was not happy at all at this time, and was almost crying.

"Well done, Illya."

Tohsaka Rin, who thought the mission had failed from the beginning and was going back to the Clock Tower in despair, happily patted Illya on the shoulder and said:

"Although the process was a bit tortuous, the result is still good."

"That's right——"

Although the class card did not fall into her and Miyu's hands, in terms of the result, Tohsaka Rin benefited.

But the mysterious servant who defeated them all with just one summoned beast, and it was the best thing to be able to deal with it in such a simple way.

Moreover, this servant who calls himself Mo Yi has no ill intentions towards them. He doesn't want the servants he met before to fight to death when they meet. At most, he only summons huskies to play with them.

In a world of magicians who kill people if they disagree, this is the most gentle style.

What's more important is that the other party lives in Illya's house and will inevitably act with them in the future. As long as they are used well, they can become their powerful foreign aid.

With the help of such a famous and powerful servant, the subsequent collecting journey will be much easier.

"Then it's up to you, Illya."

Facing the suddenly rebellious friendly forces, the isolated and helpless Illya looked tearfully at her friend Miyu, who was very close to her, and prayed for support from him.

Sensing Illya's eyes asking for help, Miyu, who seldom got along with others, obviously couldn't understand the meaning of help in Illya's eyes. After looking at Illya for a while, he answered seriously:

"Next time, I won't lose to you, Illya."

Illya: "..."

Girl, you obviously misunderstood me!

"But why should I bring an adult brother home in the middle of the night!?"

"Even if I can sneak back later without telling my family, the other party will always be discovered."

"I will die socially!"

Everyone: "..."

That makes perfect sense.

Everyone couldn't think of any good solution for a while, so they had to glance at Mo Yi quietly, but there was no emotion on the other person's face, it looked like it must be Ilia.

"It doesn't matter, I have a solution."

After all, Grandpa Mo Yi is not a devil. Naturally, it will be difficult to get Ilia. If his family finds an adult man like him in the room tomorrow morning, they will definitely call the police and have the three divisions interrogate him.

After absorbing almost all of Illya's energy, he took the initiative and said:

"I know a little bit about magic. I turned into a pet. Even if you take it back, Illya, you can use it as an excuse to pick it up on the roadside."

After saying that, Grandpa Mo Yi's whole body glowed with white light, and in two seconds he turned into a mysterious and cute creature that looked like a dog, a cat, a rabbit, and a fox.

Of course, if you are a loyal fan of magical girls, you will definitely recognize that the mysterious and cute creature Mo Yi transformed into is the legendary cute beast Kewpie that exists on every magical girl set.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who had transformed into Kyubey, jumped on top of Illya's head and said with a smile:

"That way there will be no problem."

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