Everyone present is a female creature, and they naturally like cute things, and Mo Yi's Kyubey look at the moment is obviously very lovable, cute and cute.

And Illya also accepted it. Although she knew that the other party was a big brother not long ago, she took off Grandpa Mo Yi from her head and looked at it for a few seconds, and naturally accepted this setting in her heart. It was the best way now.

It's better than just waiting for the other person to go home.

Kyubey's cute appearance easily conquered the horses and monkeys present, and even Miyu, the Sanmu girl, was attracted to Kyubey.

Of course, her attention was a little skewed, and after a few seconds she asked curiously:

"What kind of animal is this? Canine or feline? Why haven't I seen it in the animal encyclopedia?"

Illya was shocked. Looking at Miyu who was full of curiosity, she didn't know how to complain.

Girl, what kind of books do you usually read?

As a primary school student, can we read books that are suitable for our age, such as Horse Shao Monkey Wine and Fairy Tales?

When you say this, it will make me feel that I have been wasting time and have the illusion of losing at the starting line.

Grandpa Mo Yi is quite cute as a three-no girl. After all, the female friends around him are most likely to be tsundere, followed by the vicious and sinister attribute. Yukinoshita Yukinia and Teacher Zhen Shizi are just here. There is a big difference between being aloof in front of strangers and being aloof.

Thinking about it this way, there really is a girl with three nothings next to her.

"The creature I am transforming into is called Kyubey. It is not clear whether it is a cat or a canine. After all, Kyubey is an alien creature."

"Alien creatures?"

When Meiyou heard about alien creatures, her curiosity greatly increased. She looked at Grandpa Mo Yi and asked:

"Can I touch you?"

"It doesn't matter--"

Then a somewhat cold hand was placed on Grandpa Mo Yi's head, touched it a few times, and finally landed on the big, fluffy pink ears.

"How amazing."

Luvia and Tohsaka Rin initially wanted to stop Miyu from committing suicide, but seeing that Grandpa Mo Yi didn't care about it, and with the confusion skills inherent in Kyubey's appearance, they also joined the ranks of stroking Kyubey.


After several minutes, everyone was satisfied. At this time, Tohsaka Rin also let down his guard against Mo Yi Qiubi because of the previous interaction, and asked curiously:

"Are you really a rider? Why can you survive without a class card? Don't all servants rely on this class card to appear in this world?"

"Rider or whatever, it sounds too weird. Rin, you should just call me Mo Yi."

Grandpa Mo Yi, who placed his family on Ilia's shoulders, answered casually:

"There are many ways to summon a Servant. Summoning with a class card seems to me to be a very crude magic. It forcefully pulls the heroic spirit from the Heroic Soul Seat through replacement magic."

"Although part of the power of the heroic spirit can be stolen, it is still too small compared to the heroic spirit itself, which is only about one percent of the power."

Unlike Illya and Miyu, Luvia and Tohsaka Rin are top students in the Clock Tower, so they naturally understand the meaning of Grandpa Mo Yi's words. Being able to steal one percent of the power of a heroic spirit is already very powerful. .

"Although my class is Rider, I also had the adaptability of the Caster class not long ago. To be precise, Caster is the class that is most suitable for me. Third-rate magic like class cards can be used just by looking at it. Crack it out.”

What can Luvia and Tohsaka Rin say at this time, they can only shout "big boss".

Suddenly, Tohsaka Rin had a bold idea and asked:

"I would like to ask Mr. Mo Yi if you can directly create other class cards."

If the opponent can create it, wouldn't he just collect a set of class cards and go back to the worse place, and directly become the disciple of the great teacher (Gem Master)?

To explain here, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia are the chief students of this year's Clock Tower students. They are favored by the gem man and want to accept them as disciples.

However, as the boss of the Clock Tower, it is naturally impossible to accept disciples casually. There are still due tests. This is a question of qualifications.

The test for Luvia and Tohsaka Rin is to work together to solve the class card problem that suddenly appears in this world.

Luvia: "..."

Luvia, who knew Tohsaka Rin's temperament best, immediately guessed Tohsaka Rin's bold idea, and cursed in her heart, this guy is so cunning, he actually wants to cheat and complete the task first?

Luvia definitely couldn't let the other party succeed, so she directly exposed Tohsaka Rin's little thoughts and said:

"Even if you collect all the class cards, as long as new class cards continue to appear later, the mission will not be considered completed, Rin."

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Miss Tohsaka Rin: The golden twin drills found out.

Magic and the like are too far away from Ilia in this world. She is more interested in why Mo Yi is so proficient with them.

As soon as they met, they called her and Tohsaka Rin by their first names.

Confused, she naturally expressed her doubts.

"Because in other parallel worlds, I know Illya, Rin and Luvia."

There was nothing that couldn't be said, so Mo Yi told them the whole story directly.

After Ruby's popular science, Illya finally understood what parallel world meant and asked strangely:

"In your world, what is my relationship with you?"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at Ilia with a wicked look and said:

"In my world, Illya, you are my sister, the kind of sister who will become my bride in the future."

"This, bride or something, is impossible?"

When Ilia heard this, she was so ashamed that her brain was about to be burned by the sharp increase in body temperature, and she said at a loss:

"I'm just a primary school student, how is that possible, or something."

Hearing this, other people also looked at Illya and Moyi Chubi in Illya's arms with strange eyes.

"In my world, Illya is nineteen years old."

Moyi Qiubi rubbed his hands against the confused Ilia and smiled:

"Just like you in this world want to be the bride of your adopted brother Emiya Shirou."

"how do you know--"

Illya, who had her biggest secret revealed, felt like she was about to die from shame, and shouted:

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