"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

"I don't like... Onii-chan."

Finally, he spoke softer and quieter.

Of course, even Sanmu Shoujo Miyu couldn't be fooled by Illya's appearance like a cooked shrimp.

However, what Miyu cares more about is the name Mo Yi just said, 'Emiya Shirou'?

Combined with the parallel world theory explained by the red envelope stone before, Miyu looked at Illya with a complicated expression - so is Illya the sister of Onii-chan in this world?

"The parallel worlds you mentioned are too unbelievable. This is the category of the second method."

Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, who are knowledgeable, don't believe it.

"As I said before, I know a little bit about magic. Do you think that only that bad old man, Gemstone Man, knows the second method?"

Grandpa Mo Yi let go of Illya who was in a panic state, looked at Tohsaka Rin and Luvia and said:

"By the way, is that bad old man Shi Weng still in this parallel world?"

"I happened to have something to ask him about."


"Do you know the master?"

At this moment, Luvia and Tohsaka Rin still felt that their three views were shattered. When did the legendary second method become so worthless, even a heroic spirit suddenly appeared.

It's just that the other party's very casual look further proves the authenticity of what the other party said.

"We don't know this either. After the master handed us the rubies and sapphires, he disappeared. He usually takes the initiative to contact us."

I originally wanted to ask Gemstone Weng to locate the coordinates of my original world for me, but when I heard them say it, I knew that Gemstone Weng, the bad old man, had hidden in that parallel world to cause trouble.

You know, there are so many Xingyue worlds, but there is only one Gemstone man. After learning the second method, he has merged the self of thousands of parallel worlds into one. There is only one Gemstone man in the entire Xingyue world. He wants to count them all. It is impossible to find the gem man in endless parallel worlds, so he usually takes the initiative to cause trouble and find people.

Tohsaka Rin looked at Grandpa Mo Yi curiously and said:

"So, in your parallel world, we also know each other?"


Grandpa Mo Yi smiled meaningfully:

"In my world, we were high school classmates and good friends."

"It's incredible no matter how you think about it."

However, thinking that the goal of becoming a disciple of Gemstone Weng is to learn the second method, and to meet a heroic spirit who travels through parallel worlds and time, and who happens to know me in other parallel worlds, it does not seem impossible. He said:

"My friends can actually become heroic spirits, so what's so different about me in the other world?"

Everyone has curiosity, and Tohsaka Rin naturally wants to know what he is like in other worlds.


Mo Yi drooped his long ears, thought for a moment, and said:

"Overall, there doesn't seem to be a difference."

"Poor, arrogant and shameless."

Tohsaka Rin: "..."


Luvia couldn't help laughing and complained:

"As expected of you, Rin. Even you in other parallel worlds can't escape the fate of a poor young lady."

Seeing Tohsaka Rin depressed and about to fight Luvia for three hundred rounds, Grandpa Mo Yi was in a very happy mood. It was indeed a very happy thing to see an old friend.

"Actually, it's not a big deal if the people around you become heroic spirits."

Grandpa Mo Yi continued to spoil the story:

"Just like you, Rin, you will become a heroic spirit in a parallel world because you are possessed by a goddess."

"Illya, Illya's brother Emiya Shirou, and Miyu are all heroic spirits engraved in the Hall of Valor in some parallel worlds. If you are lucky, you might encounter someone summoned by a class card in the future. of myself.”

"It's quite interesting to beat yourself."


Illya was stunned. She could actually become a heroic spirit, and so could her brother?

Of course, she is still too young, not to mention her and Hero Emiya, her mother Irisviel and Chisi Rake, the whole family is a heroic spirit, the whole family is loyal to the Emiya family, it is no joke.

Chapter 389: Illya: I am just an unloved child

"Ding ding ding ding..."

In a room filled with pink tributes, the bed was filled with teddy bears of various colors. The white hand stretched out from the sealed bed and directly pressed the alarm clock on the bedside that kept vibrating.

"I'm so sleepy. I need to sleep for ten more minutes. I'll be fine in ten minutes..."

As he spoke, the little hand retracted into the quilt, and he was about to continue falling asleep.

"Get up, Illya——"

Ruby got directly into the quilt, and then came out——

"Today is the training date scheduled with Miyu and the others!"

"If you don't get up, you'll be late!"

There seemed to be nothing wrong with this, but Ruby's voice sounded a little malicious.

"Why is it so bright!"

"my eyes--"

Illya's exclamation came from the bed.

"Hey hey hey-"

Ruby flew out triumphantly, spinning around in mid-air in the room, smiling:

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