"I didn't expect you to be so open-minded, Illya, and actually sleep naked!"

"Sorry, I just accepted your photo."

"If you sell it to Mr. Mo Yi, you can definitely get a brand new customized notebook!"

"Delete it quickly, you pervert!"

Illya finally couldn't care less about staying in bed. After shivering in bed for a while, she lifted it off and jumped up, about to grab Ruby.

"It's useless, Illya!"

Ruby deftly avoided Illya's capture and said with a proud smile:

"I have uploaded the final authority area. Even I can only view it but not delete it!"

Suddenly, Illya knelt down on the bed like an OZR and muttered:

"how so?"

"Don't worry about such small things——"

Ruby's tone changed back to seriousness, and she tried to get away with it by being cute:

"If you don't hurry up and get ready, those two violent women Rin and Luvia are going to get angry."

"You are not qualified to say this!"

Illya roared loudly.

No matter how angry she was, she still went to wash up in despair and prepared to have breakfast and go out.

Looking at herself in the mirror with messy hair, Illya picked up some tap water and poured it directly on her face. The cold feeling on her skin made her wake up instantly, waking up from her sleepy state.

"To this day, it's still hard to believe—"

My name is Illyasviel von Einzbern, a very Western name, but I am a typical person from District 11. I have lived in Fuyuki City in District 11 since I can remember. I was originally just a wealthy person. Brother Youlu is an ordinary fifth-grade elementary school girl with busy parents.

Until a few days ago, when I was taking a shower, I suddenly broke into a wand claiming to be a ruby. Then, under various coercion and inducements from the other party, I became a glorious horse-shohouju and fought to save Fuyuki City from crisis. Work hard silently.

Then, he met Miyu, another horse-shochu wine girl, but the encounter was the first time he faced an enemy.

And our enemies are also heroic servants summoned by unknown class cards. The so-called heroic spirits are heroes who have left myths and legends in human history.

Can an ordinary primary school student like myself really be able to deal with the legendary hero?

Then they were defeated by the first servant who appeared, a servant named Mo Yi.

Fortunately, the other party didn't have any ill intentions. In the end, he handed over his class card at the cost of staying in his own home.

This is not the most amazing thing. According to Mo Yi, the other party is Onii-chan from her parallel world, and will become the husband of Ilia in another world in the future.

The topic of marriage is still too early for a child like me.

Although I got along with Mo Yi for a few days, I found that he was unexpectedly a good person, but he was full of bad taste and always liked to tease me.

I don't mean that because my favorite is Onii-chan in this world.

Illya quickly finished cleaning up and walked out of the room with all kinds of strange thoughts.

Illya walked out of the room and subconsciously looked for Mo Yi, who had transformed into a pet.


As soon as she walked into the living room, Illya discovered the location of Grandpa Mo Yi.

"Good morning, Illya."

My parents are on business trips all year round. The reason why the plot of "The Sky of Fate" does not happen at home is because there are two maids in the house. Sera, who takes care of Illya as tenderly and carefully as a mother, spends all day lounging on the sofa watching cartoons. Sister Lijie Lit.

At this moment, the one who greeted Illya was Rigelit who had gotten up early and was lying on the sofa watching magical girl animation.

What was different from usual was that she was half-lying on the sofa, holding snacks in one hand and holding a cute white animal in her arms. This was none other than Grandpa Mo Yi.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who finally enjoyed the brain pad waves, half-closed his eyes and rested on Li JieLi's belly, watching some boring magical girl cartoons from the old era, while enjoying the food Li JieLi handed over to him. snack.

I haven’t enjoyed this kind of comfortable life for an unknown amount of time. The lady from Sesshōin was so sad that she didn’t even want to run away. It turned out that being a pet was really easier than being a human being.

"Dabai, what are you doing!"

Dabai was the name decided by Grandpa Mo Yi after a collective vote at a family meeting after everyone discovered him.

"It's so shameful!"

Seeing Grandpa Mo Yi shamelessly enjoying the brain pad wave service, Illya subconsciously looked at her own body, and then looked at Li Jie Lite's Oppai who was almost blocking Mo Yi's entire white body. She felt that she could no longer A daily critical hit.

I kept comforting myself in my heart——

It doesn't matter, I am still a child. Looking at my mother's look, I know that I will not be inferior to sister Li Jieli in the future.

What's more, there is Sera's mother at home. She is obviously an adult, but she is no different from me. She still survives with a strong smile.

Therefore, there is nothing in this world that cannot be overcome, as long as you close your eyes and don’t look at it!

However, seeing Grandpa Mo Yi's eyes half-closed, like a cat that was being petted very comfortably, Illya couldn't help but wonder, do all boys like bigger ones?

Seeing Emiya Shirou being woken up by Sera's violent shout again, Illya secretly made a decision in her heart, that is, to insist on a glass of papaya milk juice every day.

These are all funeral affairs. The most important thing now is to take Grandpa Mo Yi, who appears to be a foreign breed pet dog but is actually a young man, out from under Li Jie Lit's headband.

Let me, Illya, defend the purity of the Emiya family!

Just as she said, Illya stepped forward, hugged Grandpa Mo Yi and placed him directly on top of her head, declaring her sovereignty.

"My Dabai——"

Ligarit looked at Illya who was suddenly full of energy and complained:

"Illya, I won't be used to it without Dabai as my pillow."

"would not--"

Illya stretched out her hand to suppress Grandpa Mo Yi who was about to jump away, and complained loudly:

"Compared with you lying there alone for more than ten years, Dabai has only been here for a few days. How could he have such a habit!"

"(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~"

Seeing Illya like this, Ligarit had no choice but to give up, grabbed a handful of potato chips, continued to eat, and muttered:

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