At this time, the soy sauced ruby ​​appeared and said with a evil smile:

"Illya, I think Boss Mo Yi is right. If you waste your energy at the beginning, you will be in trouble later if you don't have enough strength in special training."

Illya: "..."

"If you had said this before I ran over, I would probably have thanked you, Baga!"

"This is not okay-"

Grandpa Mo Yi jumped out of his backpack, landed on the ground, showed a very cute smile to Ilia, and said:

"Looking at Illya, you are so defiant and cute, but that is one of the few pleasures I have."


Illya held her head in her hands, broke down and roared cutely:

"You also said that Illya from another world is your future wife. Is this how you treat your wife?"

"It's because Illya in the other world is my wife and I don't want to tease and tease her——"

Mo Yi Qiubi's mouth showed a big bright smile and said with a smile:

"We must seize the opportunity to make fun of Illya in this world."

Illya: "..."

What the other party said made sense, but why did I want to kick this cute-looking guy away from me?

Chapter 390: Looks like you, Qingji!

Today is Sunday. Illya and Miyu finally got through the hellish training yesterday. Unfortunately, they still have to work hard today.

Grandpa Mo Yi, who joined the protagonist team, was naturally lying in a shady place under the big tree. While happily watching the girls sweating, he chatted with Shatiao Aige who was with the main body through magic. It was a very comfortable stay.

Then another pleasant morning passed quickly. Everyone sat on the tablecloth and wanted to have lunch.

For more than a day, Luvia and Tohsaka Rin tried their best to teach Illya the basic skills of using wands.

For example, how to fire the magic cannon well, the normal magic cannon, the scattering magic cannon, the serious magic cannon, the lightsaber mode, the charged magic cannon, and various escape postures.

There are also defensive techniques such as controlling magic power to create defensive walls.

The training goal this morning was flying.

For Illya, who grew up watching Ma Shao Monkey Wine, the fact that Ma Shao Monkey Wine can fly is like the basic law of gravity. She accepted this in her heart and learned to fly in no time.

On the other hand, because Meiyou has learned university-level natural science knowledge from a young age, the religion of science has entered his brain, and he cannot accept the fact that humans can fly, so he has never been able to learn to fly.

Frustrated, she squatted aside to rest, and she happened to be next to Grandpa Mo Yi. Grandpa Mo Yi naturally reminded him that since he couldn't fly like a magical girl, he could also use magic power to create a small magic barrier in the air. If you step on the magic barrier with your feet, wouldn't you be able to move freely in the air?

Although it consumes a lot of magic power, once you get used to it, this method of movement will be more suitable for human combat needs in the air than free flight.

Free flying, although convenient, does not have a foothold to draw strength from, and often lacks explosive power unless a large amount of magic power is wasted to explode and accelerate.

After accepting Grandpa Mo Yi's advice, Meiyou quickly mastered her flying skill in the original work - "Flying in the Air".

Luvia, who was enjoying a luxurious lunch, glanced at Tohsaka Rin who was eating the food she made, but she didn't mock him as usual. After all, she was still training and serious business was more important.

"Rin, what do you think they need to learn more about?"

Miss Tohsaka Rin naturally felt the contemptuous and mocking gaze from Luvia, but she was already used to it and would not take the initiative to stir up trouble in such a serious matter unless necessary.

"I have basically mastered the use of the Kaleidoscope Staff (Ruby and Sapphire). I can face powerful opponents, but I still lack a decisive move."

Speaking of this, Tohsaka Rin glanced at Illya who was very embarrassed and said:

"The three class cards we got can only be used by Lancer. The other archer and rider have no effect."

In addition to allowing the contractor to transform into a horse-shaking monkey wine, red and sapphire can also borrow part of the power of class cards. This is a new ability obtained by the gem man himself by modifying them.

Therefore, as the number of class cards they receive increases, their power will theoretically become stronger.

However, in the previous attempts, only the Lancer held by Miyu could summon a spear that pierced the death thorns, and the Archer held by Illya summoned a bow, but there was no way to use it. There was only a bow without arrows. Illya also doesn't know the legendary bow fighting skills, so she is completely useless.

And the rider card Grandpa Mo Yi gave them was even more extreme. It couldn't even summon a wheel.

They also knew about Grandpa Mo Yi's advice to Miyu before, but because they were not familiar with Grandpa Mo Yi, the other party inexplicably turned over the dark side. In addition, they didn't know if the rider class card was a forgery. Tohsaka Rin and Lu The two of them in Weiya became more and more suspicious of Grandpa Mo Yi.

They wanted to know why, but they didn't dare to ask Grandpa Mo Yi, fearing that he would break up and turn into a big boss who could easily defeat them.

Grandpa Mo Yi naturally knows about this kind of thing, but if he knows it, why should he take the initiative to tell them the reason?

As a qualified whitewashing villain, this is very out of character.

As the saying goes, if you lick the dog until you have nothing left, even if you take the initiative to explain, the other party will think that you have ulterior motives.

This is not a question of trust or distrust, but a question of birth team. Who made Grandpa Mo Yi the villain from the beginning?

You will naturally understand this kind of thing after you have been together for a long time, and you can't rush it now.

Of course, just because two scheming girls, Luvia and Tohsaka Rin, don't seek help from Grandpa Mo Yi, doesn't mean that others won't.

"Illya, go."

Ruby reminded in Illya's ear:

"Boss Mo Yi must know why."

After getting along with each other these days, Ruby has completely bowed down to Grandpa Mo Yi's unpredictable book, and is willing to become Grandpa Mo Yi's number one younger brother at this time.


After hearing this, Ilia, who was depressed, realized that the rider class card was given to her by Grandpa Mo Yi, and the other party must know something.

As for suspicion, there was no such thing. First of all, she was still a primary school student and had no such small thoughts. In addition, the interactions these days made her subconsciously regard Mo Yi as a new friend.

I had no doubts about what Grandpa Mo Yi said.

In other words, Illya, who has a simple mind and is surrounded by good people, will not doubt others at all.

After receiving the prompt, Illya took the initiative to pick up Grandpa Mo Yi and asked:

"Babai, do you know why those two class cards cannot be used?"

Although Grandpa Mo Yi's new nickname has been adopted by other people, except for those in Illya and Emiya's family who were kept in the dark, no one dared to call Mo Yi with a pet dog-like nickname like 'Dabai'.

Even though Grandpa Mo Yi is now a pet, he is still the mysterious heroic spirit who killed them not long ago.

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