In particular, after everyone returned, they really couldn't find any information about Grandpa Mo Yi, whether it was a historical and mythological figure named Mo Yi or a heroic spirit related to Huskies.

He is full of mysteries, making people vigilant and fearful.

Of course, except for Illya who has no scheming intentions.

The reason why she calls Mo Yi by her pet's name is not only out of habit, but also partly to protect Mo Yi's grandpa who is about to surpass her in the family, causing her to fall out of favor.


Grandpa Mo Yi asked Illya to let go of him, and he would continue to enjoy Meiyou's repayment-style feeding service.

"Because the power you can borrow now is too little, and the power of the class card cannot be used at all."

Ignoring Illya's bulging face, Grandpa Mo Yi returned to Meiyou, enjoyed her feeding service, and explained:

"Especially the Archer card. The Noble Phantasm of the Heroic Spirit it and it is an inherent result of the name 'Infinite Sword System'. If you want to summon the opponent's Noble Phantasm through limited summoning, it is naturally impossible."

"Inherent barrier?"

Luvia was immediately attracted by Grandpa Mo Yi's explanation.

For a magician, inherent enchantment is already considered the most profound magic for magicians. She has only heard of this kind of thing and has never seen anyone actually use it.

Tohsaka Rin was equally curious and asked:

"Isn't this an Archer class card? Why is the Noble Phantasm he holds not a shooting Noble Phantasm such as a bow and arrow, but a great magic that should only be possessed by a Caster?"

"You are still too naive."

Grandpa Mo Yi, who ate the luxurious lunch sushi brought to him by Mo Yi in one bite, swallowed it in two gulps and continued to popularize science:

"The so-called archer does not refer to a shooter, but to a heroic spirit who possesses a powerful shooting Noble Phantasm. The so-called powerful shooting Noble Phantasm does not necessarily refer to a bow and arrow, but to thunder and lightning in the sky, attacks from unidentified flying objects, and throwing Stones out and all that.”

"And the heroic spirit connected to Archer is good at projection magic. He can project the Noble Phantasm he recognizes and then throw it at the enemy. In addition to the attack power of the Noble Phantasm itself, he can also detonate the Noble Phantasm to make him famous. A secondary attack for 'Fantasy Collapse'."

After listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's explanation, everyone suddenly became more excited. It turned out that the so-called Archer was such a heroic spirit, and from what the other party said, the heroic spirit represented by the archer they got seemed to be very strong.

Others only have one or two Noble Phantasms, but he theoretically has countless Noble Phantasms. As long as he has magic power, he can make them at will. If he can't defeat them, he can also use them as bombs. I really don't know how he defeated the people who used to collect class cards in a complicated way. Such a monster.

The problem of Illya not being able to use this card is also easy to understand. Just like a low-level player, there is no way to equip a high-level divine outfit. Even if it is used forcefully, the power of the divine outfit cannot be triggered.

"As for that rider class card——"

Grandpa Mo Yi complained:

"I haven't been defeated yet, how can you borrow my power?"

Everyone: "..."

After listening, Luvia and Tohsaka Rin became more confused. Is the other party really a heroic spirit who knows them in a parallel world?

However, why does the other party know so much about the class card, and even the information about the heroic spirit connected to the class card?

"What should I do?"

After hearing that it was not her fault, Illya felt less guilty and asked Grandpa Mo Yi, the omnipotent person in her eyes.

"Give me those two class cards——"

After hearing this, Illya directly handed the class card to Mo Yi without any hesitation, unlike Tohsaka Rin and Luvia, two women in the late stage of suspicion who looked at her with bad eyes all day long.

"There are two ways to solve these two problems. The first is to improve your own abilities and increase your adaptability to red and sapphire. Naturally, you can bring out the true power of the class cards."

"At that time, you can use the real way of using the class card, 'Dream Summoning', to bring the power of the heroic spirit connected to the class card to yourself, thus transforming into a Servant. However, this method cannot be done urgently, and I can only rely on you. Slowly explore and enhance your own strength."

"The second way is-"

Grandpa Mo Yi held the Archer card, and then a burst of white light shrouded it. After a few seconds, the pattern on it changed, and a man in red clothes and white hair appeared.

"I said before that these class cards are just a very crude method of summoning. Now I will modify them to perfect and solidify the spells they contain, making it easier to summon the power of the heroic spirits they represent."

"Is this Archer? Shirou Emiya?"

After Grandpa Mo Yi's transformation, the card was originally a card with the image of the Archer class, and the class was changed to the card surface of the FGO Heroic Spirit Palace.

Not only does it have the appearance and rank of Red A, but it even has stars (4 stars). To make it easier to understand the Illya Gate, the following is also added about the skills held by Shirou Emiya, 'Confrontation of Magic Power' and 'Clear Vision'. , Mind's Eye (True), Projection Magic, and the name of the Noble Phantasm 'Unlimited Sword System'.

What surprised Illya was not the design of the card, but the name of the archer.

"Isn't that Onii-chan?"

Of course, she wasn't the only one surprised.

Tohsaka Rin:

"Is this Emiya-san? Besides the figure, white hair, and face shape, they still look similar."


"As expected of Sulang, Sulang who can become a heroic spirit will definitely be able to combine with me to give birth to a child who can recreate the glory of Edfeldt."

American tour:


Miyu's voice was relatively quiet, and everyone present was attracted by the class card in Illya's hand, so naturally they didn't notice this scene.

"Golden Double Diamond, what are you daydreaming about again? Emiya-san won't like a violent woman like you!"

Tohsaka Rin pushed away Luvia who wanted to get closer and said warily:

"This is my class card, don't come near it!"

"Rin, what are you talking about again?"

Luvia definitely couldn't bear it, but in order to get Archer's class card, she kept smiling and said:

"Collecting class cards is a common task assigned to us by the great teacher. Since it is a common task, how can it be divided between you and me? This is clearly a common property."

"Besides, I don't want to rob it, I just want to study it carefully."

Tohsaka Rin: "No, it's mine!"

Then, the two useless adults started fighting every day.

Facing Ilia's confused gaze, Grandpa Mo Yi explained carefully:

"He is not your brother, but Shirou Emiya in the parallel world, but through countless choices, he finally became a heroic spirit."

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