Illya: "Oh."

Even though Grandpa Mo Yi said this, Illya's expression on holding the class card was obviously much more careful and cherished than before, just like treating a piggy bank full of change, fearing that it would be broken accidentally. bad.

As for Tohsaka Rin and Luvia who wanted to snatch the class cards, she simply ignored them. These were her own things now, how could they be handed over to these two bad women who had evil intentions towards her brother.

What if the other party uses it to do weird things?

"The archer class card problem has been solved."

Grandpa Mo Yi held the rider's card, and then a burst of white light appeared, and a coquettish woman with long purple hair and a strange eyepatch appeared on the class card.

"With the rider class card, just reconnect with a heroic spirit that meets the rider class."

"Can you even do this kind of thing?"

After seeing Mo Yi's new operation, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia also stopped their embarrassing adult behavior, looked at Mo Yi's new rider, and complained:

"Actually, you are caster, right?"

"Is this Medusa?"

Illya took the class card, which clearly introduced Medusa's abilities and treasures, which even a primary school student could easily understand.

"But what do the stars above mean?"


Grandpa Mo Yi smiled and said:

"The stars represent the rarity of this heroic spirit being summoned. It has nothing to do with combat effectiveness or anything like that."

Indeed, there were many dungeons that five-star heroic spirits could not pass. In the end, they had to rely on the self-destruction of the one-star god of war hero Arash.

For another example, a four-star Red A may not be able to beat a three-star Wang Jiang.

After all, the only person Wang Jiang can bully is Red A, who is also Lucky E.

Now that Ilia's two class cards have been strengthened, Grandpa Mo Yi has also strengthened Meiyou's Lancer so that Meiyu can directly use Dream Summoning. In addition to using Wang Jiang's Noble Phantasm, 'Must hit the mark' In addition to the spear', he also has powerful skills such as the protection of arrow avoidance, posture, and runes.

To be honest, among many heroic spirits, Wang Jiang is already considered to be the top heroic spirit. He comes with various powerful skills. His noble phantom also has a labor-saving mode against people and a large-scale nuclear explosion attack mode against the army. He is restricted by Father Mapo. He could also forcefully drag Jin Shining for a long time, or even hurt him before taking him away.

In the Fourth Holy Grail, you can easily defeat the scumbag Gedi Lumudo, the Chef Marshal Joan of Arc and the schizophrenic Assassin. However, there are more idiots in the fifth battle than in the fourth battle. They are either demigods or idiots.

——————The dividing line at twelve o’clock in the evening——————

"Is this the magic node?"

After finally enduring two days of hellish training, Illya wanted to go back to the room and lie down to have a good sleep. Unexpectedly, she received news from Tohsaka Rin just as she was about to fall asleep.

Find another subspace and go to the other party's subspace tonight, otherwise the other party will become more and more powerful as it absorbs magic power.

So, Illya had no choice but to drag her half-open eyes and sneak out to fight monsters and save Fuyuki City while her family members were asleep in the middle of the night.

"Dabai, you want to go too!"

Illya, who was about to cross the window, suddenly remembered that she had forgotten her biggest foreign aid.

So he quietly sneaked into Sera's room, took Grandpa Mo Yi who was being held by Sera as a pillow, and whispered:

"Shh, don't make a move."

Grandpa Mo Yi: "..."

Illya, did you misunderstand something?

You righteous friends have never officially defeated me once. Strictly speaking, I am still a player in the villain boss camp.

"It came out smoothly."

After being blown by the evening breeze in the air for a while, Illya finally woke up and quickly headed to the agreed place.

After gathering, everyone quickly arrived in the subspace with the help of Ruby and Sapphire.

"Where is the blackened servant?"

Tohsaka Rin murmured in a low voice while looking around the deadly silent city, looking for the blackened servant.


Miyu was the first to discover the darkened servant they were looking for.

Then, everyone saw two beautiful girls sitting in a park pavilion not far away.

One was a green-haired girl wearing a cyan kimono, but seemed to have a pair of strange dragon horns on her head, and the other was a pink-haired woman wearing a blue miko uniform with a pair of animal ears on her head.

The two of them gathered together, holding hands and muttering, as if they were talking about something happy, and occasionally they laughed pleasantly.

If they hadn't met them in this weird subspace, people might have mistaken them for girls who like to play cosplay.

However, I really can't feel any dangerous or powerful aura from them.

"There are actually two of them. Which one is the blackened servant we are looking for?"

Tohsaka Rin muttered uneasily:

"Besides, they don't look like blackened servants who have lost their minds."

"Don't go there yet—"

Grandpa Mo Yi, who was lying on Ilia's shoulder, stopped everyone who wanted to go up to get information and said:

"Both of them are servants summoned by class cards."

Everyone: "..."

They had this idea when they first met the two people, but they didn't expect that they were so unlucky.

"Dabai, do you know what's going on?"

Everyone who hid in a hidden place looked at Grandpa Mo Yi, hoping to get more useful information.

"The green-haired girl is called Kiyohime, and her rank should be berserker. You should have heard the legend about her."

"Qing Ji?"

As a native of District 11, Tohsaka Rin has naturally heard of this household legend.

"The one who fell in love with a handsome monk and made an agreement with him, but the other party broke the promise. So he turned into a dragon and snake to look for him, and finally trapped him in a big bell and burned him alive?"

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