After saying that, Tohsaka Rin secretly observed from a distance and asked:

"If we go by the rumors, the other person is indeed a berserker, but she looks no different from an ordinary girl. She talks and laughs with other girls, and there is no trace of her being a berserker."

"And isn't Berserker the kind of lunatic who keeps 'yelling' and attacks anyone he sees?"

Illya: "Burn the one you like to death?"

After listening to Tohsaka Rin's popular science, Illya suddenly felt that the green-haired girl in the distance was scary. The simple-minded Illya couldn't understand the other person's thoughts. She was a madman, how could she look so cute.

"You are still too naive. Haven't you ever heard of what a yandere is?"

Grandpa Mo Yi complained:

"It's the kind of cute thing where if you don't like me, I will use a knife to turn you into a cake at night, and then eat it in one bite, so that we can be together forever."

"Stop talking—"

Illya was frightened by Mo Yi's gloomy words, and quickly stopped him from continuing to drive, saying:

"How cute is this!"

Ruby took the opportunity to take out her camera and took a photo of the trembling Illya, and said with a smile:

"Illya shouldn't be scared anymore, right?"

Illya: "No!"

"Ahem, in fact, in my opinion, Qing Ji's yandere level is still too naive. The real yandere should always take care of the loved one tenderly and considerately, and then secretly use various methods to destroy other connections with the loved one. , making the other party lose the whole world, leaving only oneself to rely on."

Grandpa Mo Yi looked at the trembling Ilia with a wicked smile and said with a smile:

"This is the correct way to open a yandere."

Illya: "..."

Dabai obviously didn't say anything about ghosts, but Illya felt that the other party's words were a bit scarier than the famous ghost Qing Ji. Just imagining it made the pores on her body stand up.

Illya was still naive, so naturally she didn't understand what was more terrifying than ghosts and gods - the human heart.

"Don't be afraid, Illya——"

Although Miyu, the Sanwu girl, still had an expressionless look on her face, Grandpa Mo Yi knew from her eyes that the glare had disappeared. He was also frightened by the adult world.

It's just that she was strong, and she didn't hold her head in her arms and tremble like Ilya did. Instead, she hugged Illya, comforted her, and trembled together.

"I am here."

"Don't go off on such a tangent."

Tohsaka Rin rubbed her arms that were covered with goosebumps with her hands, then changed the subject and said:

"Why do you know so clearly, Mo Yi?"

"Then do you know her specific abilities and precious phantom information."

"Green hair, golden eyes, dragon horns, a petite body because he was only twelve years old when he died, a blue kimono, and white stockings."

Grandpa Mo Yi accurately stated Qing Ji’s characteristics and said:

"There is only Qing Ji in the entire Hall of Heroes."

Everyone: "..."

"As expected of a boss——"

Ruby said with emotion:

"You can sum up the cuteness of the other person and deduce the identity of the other person from a distance. This skill is impossible to achieve without the accumulation of more than ten years."


Grandpa Mo Yi accepted Ruby's praise without any shame, because what the other person said was just basic operations.

"After talking about Qingji's appearance, I will briefly talk about her abilities."

"Qing Ji's abilities in all aspects are very low. Among the many heroic spirits, she is almost at the bottom."

Luvia breathed a sigh of relief and said to herself:

"Finally some good news."


Grandpa Mo Yi hadn't finished speaking yet. As soon as everyone heard the word 'but', they knew something was wrong and they had to focus again.

"Qing Ji's Noble Phantasm is called 'Turn Around Fire Samadhi', and it is an EX level Noble Phantasm."

"The specific attack method is to spit out a big snake made of fire from its mouth. It is a Noble Phantasm that has both offense and defense. As long as you get close to the opponent, you will be caught by the flames spent by the opponent's obsession."

"It can be said that all of Qingji's strength is reflected in the flame snake. As long as this move is resolved, the opponent can be easily defeated."

Everyone: "..."

Well, at first I thought I had met a weakling, but I was naive.

Listening to Grandpa Mo Yi's description, you know that the opponent is standing still and outputting, and you can defeat the old enemy with one move.

If you attack from a distance, you will be chased by the opponent's flame snake, but if you get close, you may be burned by the opponent's flames before you attack the opponent.

Luvia analyzed:

"It seems that the best way to deal with the opponent is to use long-distance powerful attacks. As long as you can break through the opponent's defense, you can easily defeat Qingji, who has a low level of ability."

Everyone had to fall silent. Although the theory was this, they had never fought before. Who knew how far Qing Ji’s Flame Serpent attacked and how strong the Flame Serpent’s defense was. What if the strongest attack could not break the opponent’s defense? Aren't you just going to be chased and burned by the opponent's flaming snake?

This is no laughing matter, so before taking action, you must ensure that you defeat and kill the opponent, otherwise it will become more difficult after the opponent is on guard.

Magicians like Tohsaka Rin and Luvia obviously cannot take on such a role, because their most powerful long-range skill is the gem skill, the distance is not very large, and the power of the round cannot be compared to the highest level. Noble Phantasm attack.

Therefore, Luvia and Tohsaka Rin had to set their sights on Mo Yi Qiubey.


Facing everyone's gaze, Grandpa Mo Yi showed a weak, pitiful and helpless look, and said cutely:

"You know, being black is ten times stronger, being white is nine times weaker -"

"After taking refuge with you and losing my class card, my strength has been reduced to almost nothing. I'm afraid I haven't been able to help you too much in the battle."

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