"It's difficult for me to maintain my human form now. If I fight, I can only maintain it for one minute."

Tohsaka Rin, Luvia: "..."

I believe you, you are such a bad old man!

Although his class is Rider, he can arbitrarily modify the class card, something that the entire Magic Association cannot study. He can even use blank class cards to easily connect to other heroic spirits in other halls of Valor.

In other words, Grandpa Mo Yi can connect to himself on the Heroic Soul Seat at will if he needs to.

Not to mention this, just the magic ability shown is unfathomable. Now we are about to fight, are you telling us that your strength is not the same?

You think you are nameless!

He is a man with only one-tenth of his strength at all times.

"It's so serious, Baymax!"

Of course, Illya believed Grandpa Mo Yi's deception, and anxiously took out the rider class card, wanting to give it back to Grandpa Mo Yi, and said:

"Will things get better if I get my class card back?"

"It's useless, Illya——"

Grandpa Mo Yi looked up at the sky and said sadly:

"I have cut off the link between this class card and my body. It is no longer possible to connect."

"And Illya, you also need the power of Rider. How could I let you lose this necessary power because of me?"

Grandpa Mo Yi returned the rider class card to Ilia and said in a serious tone:

"Illya, please accept the last of my power!"


Sorry, I was wrong!

Illya felt extremely ashamed at this moment. She had actually thought that Dabai was favored, and secretly blamed the other party, but the other party had secretly paid so much for them.

He is indeed a bad boy!

Illya held the rider in her hand and said firmly:

"I will work hard!"

"Just leave it to me, Kiyohime!"

After that, Illya took out the class card representing the Archer Emiya Hero from the card box on her thigh.

Illya, who has already tried Dream Summoning this afternoon and transformed into a nuclear bomb sword fairy, probably remembers that this card contains a super long-range and high-intensity attack. As long as you are careful, you should be able to penetrate Qingji's defense.

Does anyone know the name of the bear in Shidune (Xiong Lia)? funny laugh

Chapter 391: Qing Ji: It’s better to burn those liars!

Looking at Ilia who was inexplicably ignited, Grandpa Mo Yi wanted to laugh, but in order to protect the only good child who believed in him, he had to hold back Xiaoyi, and even held back a tear from the corner of his eye, as if he was touched by Ilia's declaration. Seemingly moved.

Illya, don't blame me, this should be the last time.

I'm not just trying to catch a fight because I want to watch a horse-shabu-monkey-wine fight. It's all for training you and summoning the real Illya (Xiao Hei), who is your destined true love (Lily)!

Grandpa Mo Yi flattened his paws and asked Illya to calm down first, otherwise Illya, who was in a bloodthirsty rage, might rush out and have a good time.

After all, as long as children who have just emerged from society are encouraged by someone to talk about life and ideals, they will be given a boost of blood and can work until dawn without overtime pay.

Obviously, Illya is in this state.

"Calm down first—"

Grandpa Mo Yi continued:

"After talking about Kiyohime, now let's talk about the information about the pink fox witch beside her."

"The opponent is Tamamo Mae, one of the three famous monsters in District 11. His rank should be caster."

"I know this--"

Living in District 11, if you have never heard of Tamamo Mae's great destiny, you are almost as ignorant as a Chinese person who has not heard of the name of Monkey Brother Sun Wukong. This can be said to be the most basic common sense.

Ilia, who was burning, shrank up immediately, looked at Grandpa Mo Yi with some fear and asked:

"Can we still fight?"

In the eyes of the people in District 11, the three monsters are invincible monsters. In addition, they appear in District 11 and have the blessing of popularity, so they can exert more than 100% combat effectiveness.

"It doesn't matter--"

Grandpa Mo Yi complained:

"The opponent's true form is a white-faced golden-haired nine-tailed fox. Look at the tail on her back. There is only one tail now."

"That's because the other party is a Heroic Spirit who was born with the wish of 'becoming a good wife'. She only has one tail, so she can only exert less than one ten thousandth of the power of Tamamo-mae's complete body. Plus, she is not a Heroic Spirit. The main body on the body is once again reduced by one-tenth of its power."

"So, even with the blessing of local popularity, the other party's ability value is considered to be third-rate among many heroic spirits, slightly better than Qingji. The only highlight is that it possesses a huge amount of magic power."

"The moves he is good at are spells in the Eastern mystical system that are very different from the Western magic system. The principle is to use one's own body as the material to combine programs to create physical phenomena with various effects."

"So to directly remove the need for chanting and various ritual preparations for Western magic, any level of mysterious phenomena can be instantaneous. In terms of practicality, the opponent's spell is not a system that can be compared to the magic used by modern magicians. .”

Grandpa Mo Yi glanced at the energetic Tohsaka Rin and Luvia. When they heard that Tamamo Mae was a third-rate servant, they wanted to go out and have a good fight. He quickly persuaded them not to commit suicide and explained. :

"Moreover, in addition to possessing the ability of smooth magic, the opponent also possesses a unique set of physical skills. Although it is a physical skill for men's special attack, it is not at a level that your entry-level physical skills can defeat."

"As for the Noble Phantasm, it is the opposite realm Noble Phantasm called Suikou Amaterasu Hano Zhenshi. The principle is a barrier that shields the laws of the ordinary world through curses. All costs for using the curse in this barrier will be eliminated. becomes zero.”

"The prototype of this Noble Phantasm is the eight-foot mirror that represents the divine body of Amaterasu among the three noble sons of Shintoism in District 11. Its original specifications are enough to cover the entire country. Under the cover of the mirror, it can theoretically do various things, even The 'resurrection from the dead' that can only be achieved in the magic field is also possible, but since the opponent is only in one-tailed state, the power of the Noble Phantasm is also greatly reduced."

"In addition to being able to consume one's own magic power at zero, there may be other positional abilities, so be careful." "The opponent's body is not only the three major monsters in Japan, but can be traced back to five thousand years ago. During the reign of Emperor Xuanyuan and the Yellow Emperor, it is certain that her body was not in the Hall of Heroes, but as a tombkeeper in Xuanyuan's tomb. Therefore, she can be found in the nine-tailed demon foxes that appeared in various ancient countries in history. According to mythology , there is a secret that the opponent was killed only after being severely injured by arrows, so the opponent's weakness is long-range arrow attacks."

"The information about Tamamo-mae is probably like this, what else don't you understand?"

Everyone was a little confused for a while after hearing Grandpa Mo Yi's popular science.

"Mo Yi, why are you so skilled?"

At this time, Luvia and Tohsaka Rin, who were paranoid again, looked at Mo Yi suspiciously and complained:

"First, you can modify the ability of the class card at will, and then you know the summoned servant's information very well. Are you the mastermind behind it? Even if you are not the mastermind behind it, what should you know?"

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